1. A database management system (DBMS) enables users to create and maintain a database through features like data storage, retrieval, and update; user-accessible catalogs; shared update support; and backup/recovery services.
2. DBMS provides mechanisms for ensuring data integrity and security when multiple users access and update shared data simultaneously through features like locking and two-phase locking to prevent data overrides and deadlocks.
3. Other DBMS features include data independence from application programs, replication of data across locations, and utility services for general database maintenance.
2. Database Management
Database: A collection of related data. It should support
– Definition
– Construction
– Manipulation
Database Management System: A collection of programs
that enable the users to create and maintain a database.
3. Features of DBMS
1. Data storage, retrieval, and update: The ability to store,
retrieve, and update the data that are in the database.
2. User-accessible catalog: where descriptions of database
components are stored and are accessible to the users
3. Shared update support: A mechanism to ensure accuracy when
several users are updating the database at the same time
4. Backup and Recovery Services: Mechanisms for recovering
the database in the event that a database is damaged somehow.
5. Security Services: Mechanisms to ensure that certain rules are
followed with regard to data in the database and any changes
that are made in the data
4. Features of DBMS
5. Integrity services: Mechanisms to ensure that certain rules are
followed with regard to data in the database and any changes
that are made in the data.
6. Data Independence: Facilities to support the independence of
programs from the structure of the database.
7. Replication support: A facility to manage copies of the same
data at multiple locations.
8. Utility Services: DBMS provided services that assist in the
general maintenance of the database.
5. Shared Updates
• Multiple users are making updates to the database at
the same time.
– Multiple people updating the database simultaneously can override
each other
– Agents T1 & T2 simultaneously read the seats reserved on Flight 890
i.e. 80
– T1 cancels 5 seats updating the seats reserved on Flight 890 to 75
– T2 reserves 4 additional seats on the flight and updates the seats
reserved on Flight 890 to 84.
– If T1 updates the database before T2. T2 will override T1’s change
and make reservations to 84 rather than getting the correct value of
– Similarly if T2 updates before T1 the seats reserved will be 75
6. Shared Updates: Solution
• Batch Processing
– Allow multiple users to retrieve data simultaneously
– Updates are added to a batch file which does the
appropriate processing
– Does not work for real time situations
• Locking
– Restrict access to the record being updated by a user till
the transaction is complete.
7. Two Phase Lock
• Required when multiple records are updated as a
result of a user action (e.g. filling form etc.)
• All the records accessed are locked progressively till
the required updates are completed
– Growing Phase: More and more locks are added without
releasing locks
– After all locks are placed the database is updated
– Shrinking Phase: All locks are removed and no new ones
are added
8. Deadlock
• When two transactions require a common set
of records.
• Both of them are in growing phase and each
locks some of the records
• None of the records are released and they wait
for each other to release the locked records
They will wait forever!!!
9. Breaking Deadlock
• Programs can lock entire tables or an individual row
• Programs can release any or all of the locks they currently
• Programs can inquire whether a given row or table is locked
• If more than one row is required then the entire table must be
• Limit the amount of wait for a lock to be released beyond
which a transaction is aborted
• A well designed transaction should lock all the rows and
tables before starting the transaction
• Users should release locks as soon as possible to improve the
efficiency of the database
10. Security
• Protection against unauthorized access: either
intentional or accidental.
• Three main features for protection
– Passwords: Allows only authorized users to
access the database. Access privileges can be
provided based on access needs
– Encryption: Encodes data to non-decipherable.
Data decoded on demand to prevent hackers from
accessing data
– Views: Different snapshot of the data ensures that
users only get access to data they need
11. Integrity
• Integrity Constraints are the conditions that data
must satisfy during initial input & updates.
• There are four categories of constraints
– Data Type
– Legal Values
– Format
– Key Constraints
• Entity Integrity Constraints (Primary Key)
– Enforces the uniqueness of the primary key
• Referential Integrity Constraints (Foreign Key)
– Value of foreign key must match the value of primary key for
some row in another table
12. Integrity: Solutions
• Ignore constraint
– Undesirable as it can lead to inconsistent data
• Let user enforce the constraint
– Undesirable since user mistakes can be disastrous
• Let programmer build the logic of constraints in
the programs
– Makes programs complex: harder to write, harder to
maintain, and expensive
• Place burden on the DBMS.
– Preferred way: Cost of DBMS development
amortized over large user base, hence economical
13. Replication
• Duplication of data at multiple physical
• Each replica of the data can be changed
• Periodically the replicas update their data to
the master database – this process is called
14. Disaster Planning: Backup & Recovery
• Database can be damaged in a number of ways
– Power outage, disk crashes, floods, user errors
• Periodic backups limit the loss due to sudden
• Data can be recovered from the latest backup
and the changes since the backup need to be
done in either of two ways
– Manually
– From a catalog (if exists) recording all updates to
the database since the last backup.
15. Catalog/Data Dictionary
• Contains information describing the database
– Schema for the database
– Characteristic for each field
– Possible values for each field
– Description of the data
– Relationships
– Description of the programs
• Data Dictionary is same as catalog but may
contain wider set of information than catalog