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Water and Energy Efficient Programs

    for Data Centers
Experience and Differentiation
N alco has established a Data Center team to focus entirely on issues arising during data center
development, construction, start-up and throughout on-going operation. We use our technical
expertise and Nalco programs to assist you in accomplishing your water and energy related
needs. Our programs and services help you to lower your Power Usage Effectiveness and reach
your sustainability goals.

New Construction Phase                                 Start up of any system requires proper taps, cleaning
(Start-Up and Commissioning)                           and passivation to ensure longevity. Nalco sets the
                                                       standard for best practices based on your system
A new data center requires advanced planning along     design. We will be there from project start to finish
with Best-In-Class start-up procedures. This ensures   to ensure the job is done right the first time saving
system longevity and zero downtime.                    you time and money.

                                                        Proper cleaning and flushing

                                                        On-site expertise managing commissioning process

                                                        In-house analytical services

                                                        PORTA-FEED速 drumless delivery system

                                                        Cooling tower cleanings

Local Expertise:
 Data Center industry specifications
  (CD-ROM version)

 Guidance on local discharge

 Proper system design to
  reduce chemical usage and
  increase water-use

 Zero discharge/advanced recycle
  project management

Data Center Operations                                 In addition to standard
                                                       applications in cooling
Nalco employs more than 200 people with PhD
                                                       towers, 3D TRASAR tech-
degrees, who focus their efforts on improving
                                                       nology has been used in
water use efficiency in your day-to-day operations.
                                                       large chilled water systems,
This team of experts developed 3D TRASAR速
                                                       including thermal storage. Benefits include leak
technology, which has been accepted as the
                                                       detection and system volume, ensuring the right
premier chemical and control technology for
                                                       chemical at the right time and the right amount are
cooling water since its deployment in more than
                                                       maintained in all operating conditions.
5,000 customer locations.
Reliability for Critical Systems
Reliable, efficient and accurate are common words used by customers operating
3D TRASAR technologies, which recently won a Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge
Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its cooling water application.
The controller and chemistry combine multiple monitoring points, alarm notification
and cutting-edge feed and control methods. This approach ensures that your critical
cooling systems are protected while optimizing the reuse of water and saving you energy.

3D TRASAR Technology Consists of:                    3D TRASAR Technology Provides:
 Nalco 360 24/7/365 expert monitoring/control
                                                      Automated tower cycle control managing
  services                                             all-system stress
 pH, ORP, conductivity                               Real-time feed and control logic
 Active polymer monitoring                           Real-time corrosion monitoring
 Web-enabled technology                              Immediate alarm notification
 Active bacteria monitoring and control

Best In Class Service and Training                    Nalco also offers two distinct training courses to
                                                      enhance your operators knowledge.
Nalco uses its Six Service
Standards (6SS) to ensure all of                       Nalco Customer University:
your locations receive the same                         These on-line courses take you
high-quality service and atten-                         from Water Treatment 101 to
tion. Program administration                            more technical discussions on
manuals, one key element to the                         chemistry and equipment.
6SS, ensures consistency for all
                                                       Classroom Training:
your data centers.
                                                        Periodically your local representative will provide
                                                        specific training tailored to your needs. This is set
                                                        in a classroom and training materials are provided.

Sustainable Accreditation
 Gain LEED Green Building Rating
  System certification points
 Achieve Energy Star rating
 Reduced carbon footprint                                                               ENERGY STAR, the U.S. Environmental Protection
                                                                                         Agencys (EPA) national program for superior energy
                                                                                         management, designates Nalco Company as an
                                                                                         ENERGY STAR service and product provider (SPPs).
Nalco Company and                      offerings that make
LEED Certification                     sense environmen-
The Leadership in Energy and           tally, socially and
Environmental Design (LEED速)           financially.
Green Building Rating System is
                                       Internally, specific
the nationally accepted benchmark
for the design, construction and       initiatives are in
operation of high-performance          place to minimize
                                       the amount of
buildings. LEED gives building
owners and operators the tools         waste we (Nalco)
they need to have an immediate         create; the materi-
                                       als we introduce
and measurable impact on their
buildings performance.                into the environ-
                                       ment through
Nalco programs create significant      emissions, and in
value and help building owners         particular, the
achieve this LEED certification.       amounts of
The result is reduced energy           greenhouse gases
requirements, increased water          we release.
reuse or avoidance, asset con-                                                                  Greenhouse gas emissions
                                       Waste Minimization: Over the past                        (GHG): Nalco has committed to
servation, reductions in solid waste
disposal and improved utilization      seven years, the total amount of waste                   reduce GHG emissions from its
of other natural resources and raw     generated by Nalcos manufacturing                       plants by 18% (as a ratio of gas
                                       operations worldwide has been cut by                     emissions to production) by 2012.
materials. Contact your local Nalco
                                       29.4%, despite a 16.9% increase in                       Over the last eight years, our total
sales engineer for more information
on how Nalco can help you achieve      production volume.                                       emissions have decreased by 1.3%
your LEED certification.               The Global Waste Index (GWI)                             despite a production increase of 17%.

Since our founding, Nalco has          shows that a 14.2% reduction was                         Energy consumption: During the
expanded its offerings to further      achieved three years ago, despite a 5.2%                 past five years we have reduced our
                                       increase in production volume.                           energy consumption per unit of
reduce emissions of water, gases
and solid waste to the environment.    Toxics Release Inventory (USEPA                          production by just over 3%, despite
Today we support more than             TRI): TRI reports chemical releases for                  a 17% increase in production volume.
70,000 customer locations in                                                                    As part of our commitment to
                                       nearly 650 chemicals in the United
130 countries with a full range of     States and shows that Nalco has                          improving our environmental
                                       reduced emissions to water by more                       performance, our manufacturing
                                                                                                plants around the world are under-
                                       than 60% over the last eight years,
                                       including a 10.7% reduction a few                        going a comprehensive program of
                                       years back.                                              accreditation to the environmental
                                                                                                management standard ISO14001.

                                       NALCO COMPANY OPERATIONS
                                       North America: Headquarters 1601 West Diehl Road  Naperville, Illinois 60563  USA
                                                          Energy Services Division  7705 Highway 90-A  Sugar Land, Texas 77487  USA
                                       Europe: Ir.G.Tjalmaweg 1  2342 BV Oegstgeest  The Netherlands
                                       Asia Pacific: 2 International Business Park  #02-20 The Strategy Tower 2  Singapore 609930
                                       Latin America: Av. das Na巽探es Unidas 17.891  6属 Andar 04795-100  S達o Paulo  SP  Brazil

                                       PORTA-FEED, 3D TRASAR, VANTAGE, NALCO, the logo and tagline are Trademarks of Nalco Company
                                       LEED is a Registered Trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council
                                       息2008 Nalco Company All Rights Reserved 9-08                      Bulletin B-949

                                       Nalco Holding Company is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index.

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Dcb 949

  • 1. Water and Energy Efficient Programs for Data Centers
  • 2. Experience and Differentiation N alco has established a Data Center team to focus entirely on issues arising during data center development, construction, start-up and throughout on-going operation. We use our technical expertise and Nalco programs to assist you in accomplishing your water and energy related needs. Our programs and services help you to lower your Power Usage Effectiveness and reach your sustainability goals. New Construction Phase Start up of any system requires proper taps, cleaning (Start-Up and Commissioning) and passivation to ensure longevity. Nalco sets the standard for best practices based on your system A new data center requires advanced planning along design. We will be there from project start to finish with Best-In-Class start-up procedures. This ensures to ensure the job is done right the first time saving system longevity and zero downtime. you time and money. Proper cleaning and flushing procedures On-site expertise managing commissioning process In-house analytical services PORTA-FEED速 drumless delivery system Cooling tower cleanings Local Expertise: Data Center industry specifications (CD-ROM version) Guidance on local discharge requirements Proper system design to reduce chemical usage and increase water-use efficiency Zero discharge/advanced recycle project management Data Center Operations In addition to standard applications in cooling Nalco employs more than 200 people with PhD towers, 3D TRASAR tech- degrees, who focus their efforts on improving nology has been used in water use efficiency in your day-to-day operations. large chilled water systems, This team of experts developed 3D TRASAR速 including thermal storage. Benefits include leak technology, which has been accepted as the detection and system volume, ensuring the right premier chemical and control technology for chemical at the right time and the right amount are cooling water since its deployment in more than maintained in all operating conditions. 5,000 customer locations.
  • 3. Reliability for Critical Systems Reliable, efficient and accurate are common words used by customers operating 3D TRASAR technologies, which recently won a Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its cooling water application. The controller and chemistry combine multiple monitoring points, alarm notification and cutting-edge feed and control methods. This approach ensures that your critical cooling systems are protected while optimizing the reuse of water and saving you energy. 3D TRASAR Technology Consists of: 3D TRASAR Technology Provides: Nalco 360 24/7/365 expert monitoring/control Automated tower cycle control managing services all-system stress pH, ORP, conductivity Real-time feed and control logic Active polymer monitoring Real-time corrosion monitoring Web-enabled technology Immediate alarm notification Active bacteria monitoring and control Best In Class Service and Training Nalco also offers two distinct training courses to enhance your operators knowledge. Nalco uses its Six Service Standards (6SS) to ensure all of Nalco Customer University: your locations receive the same These on-line courses take you high-quality service and atten- from Water Treatment 101 to tion. Program administration more technical discussions on manuals, one key element to the chemistry and equipment. 6SS, ensures consistency for all Classroom Training: your data centers. Periodically your local representative will provide specific training tailored to your needs. This is set in a classroom and training materials are provided. Sustainable Accreditation Gain LEED Green Building Rating System certification points Achieve Energy Star rating Reduced carbon footprint ENERGY STAR, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) national program for superior energy management, designates Nalco Company as an ENERGY STAR service and product provider (SPPs).
  • 4. Nalco Company and offerings that make LEED Certification sense environmen- The Leadership in Energy and tally, socially and Environmental Design (LEED速) financially. Green Building Rating System is Internally, specific the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and initiatives are in operation of high-performance place to minimize the amount of buildings. LEED gives building owners and operators the tools waste we (Nalco) they need to have an immediate create; the materi- als we introduce and measurable impact on their buildings performance. into the environ- ment through Nalco programs create significant emissions, and in value and help building owners particular, the achieve this LEED certification. amounts of The result is reduced energy greenhouse gases requirements, increased water we release. reuse or avoidance, asset con- Greenhouse gas emissions Waste Minimization: Over the past (GHG): Nalco has committed to servation, reductions in solid waste disposal and improved utilization seven years, the total amount of waste reduce GHG emissions from its of other natural resources and raw generated by Nalcos manufacturing plants by 18% (as a ratio of gas operations worldwide has been cut by emissions to production) by 2012. materials. Contact your local Nalco 29.4%, despite a 16.9% increase in Over the last eight years, our total sales engineer for more information on how Nalco can help you achieve production volume. emissions have decreased by 1.3% your LEED certification. The Global Waste Index (GWI) despite a production increase of 17%. Since our founding, Nalco has shows that a 14.2% reduction was Energy consumption: During the expanded its offerings to further achieved three years ago, despite a 5.2% past five years we have reduced our increase in production volume. energy consumption per unit of reduce emissions of water, gases and solid waste to the environment. Toxics Release Inventory (USEPA production by just over 3%, despite Today we support more than TRI): TRI reports chemical releases for a 17% increase in production volume. 70,000 customer locations in As part of our commitment to nearly 650 chemicals in the United 130 countries with a full range of States and shows that Nalco has improving our environmental reduced emissions to water by more performance, our manufacturing plants around the world are under- than 60% over the last eight years, including a 10.7% reduction a few going a comprehensive program of years back. accreditation to the environmental management standard ISO14001. NALCO COMPANY OPERATIONS North America: Headquarters 1601 West Diehl Road Naperville, Illinois 60563 USA Energy Services Division 7705 Highway 90-A Sugar Land, Texas 77487 USA Europe: Ir.G.Tjalmaweg 1 2342 BV Oegstgeest The Netherlands Asia Pacific: 2 International Business Park #02-20 The Strategy Tower 2 Singapore 609930 Latin America: Av. das Na巽探es Unidas 17.891 6属 Andar 04795-100 S達o Paulo SP Brazil www.nalco.com PORTA-FEED, 3D TRASAR, VANTAGE, NALCO, the logo and tagline are Trademarks of Nalco Company LEED is a Registered Trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council 息2008 Nalco Company All Rights Reserved 9-08 Bulletin B-949 Nalco Holding Company is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index.