SmartTouch速 Geo is a breakthrough geofencing technology built specifically for residential home builders and developers. It combines location-based targeting, tracking, and mobile advertising all in one.
23. *$1,000 Minimum Budget
*$500 Management Fee
Provide address/GPS coordinates to SmartTouch速 Team
Step 1 | Select Targets & Budget
24. Your Model or Sales Office
Step 2 | Specify Conversion Zones
25. Choose Your Target Zone & Budget
Ads designed for geofencing drive intent and convert more.
Example: Visit Us at 101 Red Rose, Georgetown TX 78628
*Or we can create them for you ($600 a set).
Step 3 | Provide Geo Banner Ads
26. Choose Your Target Zone & Budget
Alert your Sales team of target zones and launch date.
Shoppers are
Step 4 | Alert Sales
27. Step 5 | More Tours for as Low as $10 per Tour
29. What our clients are saying
The SmartTouch速 Geo fencing solution is one of the most compelling
pieces of technology we have available in our homebuilder marketing
tool kit. Weve launched a few geofencing campaigns for our Houston
communities and are seeing significant results with homebuyer visits
to our model homes and an overall lower cost for tour.
Jack Bombach, Houston Division President
Saratoga Homes
30. What our clients are saying
SmartTouch速 Geo puts data to tours. Theyve taken the guesswork
out of how well a digital ad campaign performs by taking location-
based targeting to the next level and making ads trackable and not just
Nick Rhodes, President of Esperanza Homes
Rhodes Enterprises Inc.