Quiz day 2013 - end of year revision in a fun wayRuth Lemon
At first, the 5, 6 and 7 year olds forgot to 'buzz in' and put their hands up... Then, there was repeated/continuous buzzing. But it didn't take long for everyone to get used to the quiz show format, work together in their teams and have a lot of fun!
Quiz day 2013 - end of year revision in a fun wayRuth Lemon
At first, the 5, 6 and 7 year olds forgot to 'buzz in' and put their hands up... Then, there was repeated/continuous buzzing. But it didn't take long for everyone to get used to the quiz show format, work together in their teams and have a lot of fun!
Ik ben Saskia Vugts (1963) Al jaren schilder ik portretten in opdracht met olieverf. Na mijn opleiding aan de academie ben ik professioneel portretschilder. Mijn grootste inspiratiebron is de unieke mens. Met liefde probeer ik in ieder portret een hart en ziel te leggen.Op een geheel eigenwijze schilder ik mijn portretten op de authentieke manier met een knipoog naar modern design. Voorheen tekende ik portretten met pastel, ik maak ook dierportretten in opdracht. Aan een Portretopdracht gaat een fotoshoot vooraf. Waar veel energie ingestoken wordt, het is belangrijk om een goed beeld van de te portretteren persoon te krijgen. Na een aantal maanden is het te vervaardigen portret klaar. In opdracht van de gemeente Vught schilderde ik een levensgroot staatsieportret van Koning Willem Alexander(150/210). Voor meer informatie kijk op mijn persoonlijke website: http://saskiavugts.nl/portret-in-opdracht/
This document describes a new tool called 3D Focal Mechanisms (3DFM) for visualizing earthquake focal mechanism symbols in three dimensions using ArcScene software. The tool takes as input a GIS point dataset containing location, focal plane orientation, and other data for earthquakes. It displays oriented spheres or "beach balls" at the earthquake locations to represent the focal mechanisms. Users can customize symbol appearance and filter the data. The tool is intended to help analyze spatial patterns in earthquake focal mechanisms.
The document discusses challenges facing least developed countries (LDCs) in accessing climate-friendly technologies. It notes that while some progress has been made in establishing mechanisms for technology transfer, LDCs face significant barriers. These include weak technological capabilities, reliance on external financing, and complex issues around the role of intellectual property in promoting technology diffusion. The document advocates for an enhanced framework on technology transfer that fully integrates the needs and circumstances of LDCs.
How to Win Friends and Influence Google: A B2B Guide on Search & SocialAstek Consulting
Learn how to optimize social media for not only your B2B business, but also for Google. Presented by Rachel Yeomans of Astek and Sean McGinnis of 312 Digital.
This is the story of how a small college with a department of 4 and a zero-based budget, developed a mobile solution that is affordable and provides vital information to future and current students, faculty, and staff.
The document describes a Mobifeed Aggregator project which aims to build a RSS/XML feed aggregator for mobile devices. It discusses RSS and feed aggregators, provides an overview of the system architecture including caching and SDLC model. It also covers user requirements, features, advantages, limitations and the future scope. UML diagrams are presented to depict the design. The project will allow users to access web feeds on their mobile phones through SMS or GPRS.
Class participation is important for grades and career preparation. While some students fear public speaking, preparing for class and contributing meaningfully can help build confidence. It's important to come to class prepared by doing readings, listening to others, keeping comments concise and relevant, and not dominating discussions. Practicing participation gets easier with time.
This document provides tips for making a home safer for children who are blind. It recommends using cord cleats and P clips to tidy up dangling cords from blinds and shades. It also suggests using breakaway connectors on blinds and shades and opting for wand-operated or gear-operated blinds to avoid exposed cords that could pose a risk. Pleated tensioned blinds and Venetian blinds with breakaway tassels are also safer options.
The document discusses the BRICS group, which is an association of 5 major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The BRICS group represents around 3 billion people, or about 40 percent of the world's population. Together, the BRICS countries make up over 25% of the world's land area and account for over 20% of global GDP. The formation of the BRICS group was intended to promote cooperation between the five countries in financial and economic areas.