This document discusses the need for medical device companies to conduct deep due diligence when assessing new products given the evolving U.S. healthcare system's new focus on comparative and economic effectiveness. It outlines key clinical and economic questions that must be answered through compelling data to demonstrate improved outcomes and reduced societal costs. It differentiates between "me too" products that need prove parity and "innovative" products that could see exceptional opportunity but require rigorous studies. It recommends connecting with clinical and administrative communities and developing cost models to realistically assess new products under emerging public policies. External support from consultants is also advised.
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More Related Content
1. Addressing the New Realities of
Tomorrows Healthcare Environment
Deep Due Diligence for
New-Product Assessment
2. Contents
A New Focus 3
The Rationale 4
Answering the Clinical Questions 5
Answering the Economics Questions 6
Case #1: Me Too Product 7
Case #2: Innovative Product 8
Steps and Resources Required 9
Need Help? 10
Trilogy Associates 2
3. A New Focus
Accurately assessing the opportunity presented by a
prospective new product has always been important
Now, as the U.S. healthcare system evolves, a new
focus will become critically important to suppliers:
Comparative Effectiveness
This means your new product must be at least as clinically
effective as the prevailing method(s), preferably more so
But this also means your new product must be at least as
economically effective, preferably more so
If you fail either of these future tests, your new product
wont be cleared to market or wont be paid for
Trilogy Associates 3
4. The Rationale
This new focus is being driven by a pending new
emphasis on procedural value:
Clinical Performance + Societal Cost
As a supplier you will be required to demonstrate
Improved clinical outcomes, and
Reduced societal costs
by means of compelling quantitative data,
perhaps including the findings of clinical trials
Details are just now being formulated, but you ignore
this pending U.S. government initiative at your peril
Trilogy Associates 4
5. Answering the Clinical Questions
Who will use the product, and for precisely what
purpose? Can you access and convince the user?
Will it improve clinical outcomes? Can you prove it?
Who will benefit? Patient? Practitioner?
Institution? Society?
Is the procedural transition manageable? Can you
overcome medical momentum?
Can you reduce medical error and/or reduce
incorrect diagnoses? What evidence do you have?
Trilogy Associates 5
6. Answering the Economics Questions
What are the real net costs to the institution,
practitioner, insurer, patient, and society? Are any of
these costs (especially societal costs) less than the
prevailing accepted alternative(s)?
Are your cost models credible and defensible? Can
your projection of societal costs survive scrutiny?
What changes in insurer reimbursement policies are
in store? Can your new product actually influence
these changes?
Trilogy Associates 6
7. Case #1: Me Too Product
Questions can be answered rather easily, as parity
with prevailing method(s) is likely
Commercial opportunity and supplier impact likely to
be marginal (but perhaps tactically important)
Significant risk of reduced coverage or
reimbursement amounts if an innovative
alternative product becomes available
Trilogy Associates 7
8. Case #2: Innovative Product
Definition: An innovative product yields better
clinical and economic outcomes for society
Questions will be difficult to answer authoritatively,
as rigorous studies may be required
Commercial opportunity and supplier impact likely to
be exceptional and strategically important
Little risk of reduced coverage or reimbursement
More generous reimbursements may be achievable
Trilogy Associates 8
9. Steps and Resources Required
1. Awareness and accurate interpretation of the
moving target that is U.S. healthcare public policy
2. Familiarity and experience with a wide variety of
medtech markets and product classes
3. Connections to relevant clinical communities to
initiate in-depth dialogs with physicians for
assessment of a products clinical benefits
4. Awareness of healthcare cost structures and
connections to administrative communities for the
development of rigorous societal cost models
Trilogy Associates 9
10. Need Help?
Trilogy Associates can support your deep due
diligence work in realistically assessing the promise
of a planned new product
We can efficiently address all these and other
requirements consistent with the new realities of
tomorrows healthcare environment
Joe Kalinowski
Trilogy Associates 10