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DDD (Debugger Driven Development)
Debugger Driven Development
Hello world!
Carlos Granados
I have been a software developer for more than 30 years. In the development space I have
done everything: I have done games, e-commerce, APIs, backend, frontend, Android, SRE,
DevOps... And I have worked with multiple languages and technologies: C++, PHP
, Java,
JavaScript, SQL, MongoDB, Docker
PHP 100%
Symfony 100%
Debugging 100%
Looking for beta users!
Debugger Driven Development
- What is Xdebug and some reasons why people dont use it
- How to enable and configure it in a Symfony project
- Use cases, going beyond just debugging
- Other alternatives
What is Xdebug ?
The most widely used step-by-
step debugger for the PHP
An open source PHP
extension created by
Derick Rethans and
launched in 2002
Provides all the expected
tools: breakpoints, step-by-
step, stack traces, variables,
expression evaluation
It is more than a debugger:
profiling, code coverage,
tracing, improved error
2 0 1 9 . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d
2 0 1 9 . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d
Xdebug is slow
- It can make your code between 60% and 300% slower
- It has improved a lot in version 3
- Make sure you use the right configuration
- You can always give FastDebug a go!
Xdebug is hard to set up
- It can really be difficult to configure and get it running
- You only need to do it once
- Derick has produced some really good helper videos
- I am working on a wizard that will greatly simplify the process
I dont need a debugger
- My code is fully tested so I dont have any bugs
- Dont believe this can be the case in a real world scenario
- The system is not complex enough
- Symfony has 279 open bugs at the time of writing
What do people use
instead of a Xdebug?
D & D
Dump & Die
Whats wrong with dump & die?
It only provides a very narrow
and limited view into your code.
It usually requires
several iterations to get
to the heart of the
Many times it can be difficult to
record the output.
Requires modification of your
code, with the possibility of
leaving debugging code behind.
Its like using alert()!
Debugging is like using a
security camera
Using Dump & die is like using a
camera that only takes photos of a
limited part of the scene.
Using a Debugger is like using a
camera that records video and which
you can pan around.
1. # Dockerfile
2. ...
3. FROM app_php AS app_php_dev
6. ...
7. RUN set -eux; 
8. install-php-extensions xdebug
Using Xdebug with Symfony
Its loaded by default if using symfony-docker
1. > docker-compose exec php php -v
3. PHP 8.1.19 (cli) (built: May 13 2023 01:08:01) (NTS)
4. Copyright (c) The PHP Group
5. Zend Engine v4.1.19, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
6. with Zend OPcache v8.1.19, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
7. with Xdebug v3.2.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2023, by Derick Rethans
Using Xdebug with Symfony
Check that it is correctly loaded
Using Xdebug with Symfony
Check it using the profiler
1. ;docker/php/conf.d/app.dev.ini
2. ...
3. xdebug.client_host = 'host.docker.internal
4. xdebug.start_with_request = yes
Using Xdebug with Symfony
Enabling the debugger
1. > docker-compose build
1. # Dockerfile
2. ...
Using Xdebug with Symfony
Enabling the debugger
1. > XDEBUG_MODE=debug docker-compose up -d
Use the debugger to explore code
Learn about the internals of the
framework (recommended in the
Symfony docs).
Learn about the inner
working of your
Learn about the interface to
APIs, investigate requests and
Understand legacy code or
functionality which is not well
Use the debugger to test code
Step through code to understand
how it works and what needs to
be tested.
Experiment with your
code to understand how
it behaves under different
Look under the hod when
doing black box testing.
Remember that Xdebug can
also provide code coverage,
which is really important for
Use the debugger to review code
Specially useful if you are
reviewing code that you are not
very familiar with.
Check out the previous
version of the code and
check how it works.
Check out the new version of
the code and check out how
the functionality has changed.
Experiment with new inputs to
confirm that the new code is
behaving as expected.
Use the debugger for concurrency
Concurrency issues can be
specially difficult to debug or test.
Setup a breakpoint in
one of the processes and
let it run until it is hit.
Set another breakpoint in
another process and again let
it run until it is hit.
Now use step debugging
alternating in both processes to
test what happens when they
run concurrently.
- Based on the Stackdriver Debugger by Google (deprecated)
- Open source tool developed by Google
- Allows you to debug code running in production
- Works using a daemon that communicates with a Firebase RTDB
- Requires adding a PHP extension to enable the breakpoints
- When a breakpoint is hit it just records info without stopping
- When the request finishes this info is sent to Firebase or logged
- It is throttled so that it does not use too much CPU or memory
- It is like Dump & Die on steroids
- Adds a new Ray() function that allows you to record any data
- This information is collected by a desktop application
- It is a paid tool and it requires modifications to your code
Thank you!

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DDD (Debugger Driven Development)

  • 3. <3/> Hello world! Carlos Granados I have been a software developer for more than 30 years. In the development space I have done everything: I have done games, e-commerce, APIs, backend, frontend, Android, SRE, DevOps... And I have worked with multiple languages and technologies: C++, PHP , Java, JavaScript, SQL, MongoDB, Docker PHP 100% Symfony 100% Debugging 100%
  • 5. <5/> DDD Debugger Driven Development <5/> - What is Xdebug and some reasons why people dont use it - How to enable and configure it in a Symfony project - Use cases, going beyond just debugging - Other alternatives
  • 6. <6/> What is Xdebug ? The most widely used step-by- step debugger for the PHP language. An open source PHP extension created by Derick Rethans and launched in 2002 Provides all the expected tools: breakpoints, step-by- step, stack traces, variables, expression evaluation It is more than a debugger: profiling, code coverage, tracing, improved error handling https://xdebug.org/
  • 7. 2 0 1 9 . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d <7/>
  • 8. 2 0 1 9 . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d <8/>
  • 9. <9/> Xdebug is slow <9/> - It can make your code between 60% and 300% slower - It has improved a lot in version 3 - Make sure you use the right configuration - You can always give FastDebug a go!
  • 10. <10/> Xdebug is hard to set up <10/> - It can really be difficult to configure and get it running - You only need to do it once - Derick has produced some really good helper videos - I am working on a wizard that will greatly simplify the process
  • 11. <11/> I dont need a debugger <11/> - My code is fully tested so I dont have any bugs - Dont believe this can be the case in a real world scenario - The system is not complex enough - Symfony has 279 open bugs at the time of writing
  • 12. <12/> What do people use instead of a Xdebug? D & D Dump & Die
  • 13. <13/> Whats wrong with dump & die? It only provides a very narrow and limited view into your code. It usually requires several iterations to get to the heart of the problem Many times it can be difficult to record the output. Requires modification of your code, with the possibility of leaving debugging code behind. Its like using alert()!
  • 14. <14/> Debugging is like using a security camera Using Dump & die is like using a camera that only takes photos of a limited part of the scene. Using a Debugger is like using a camera that records video and which you can pan around.
  • 15. <15/> 1. # Dockerfile 2. ... 3. FROM app_php AS app_php_dev 4. 5. ENV APP_ENV=dev XDEBUG_MODE=off 6. ... 7. RUN set -eux; 8. install-php-extensions xdebug Using Xdebug with Symfony Its loaded by default if using symfony-docker
  • 16. <16/> 1. > docker-compose exec php php -v 2. 3. PHP 8.1.19 (cli) (built: May 13 2023 01:08:01) (NTS) 4. Copyright (c) The PHP Group 5. Zend Engine v4.1.19, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies 6. with Zend OPcache v8.1.19, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies 7. with Xdebug v3.2.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2023, by Derick Rethans Using Xdebug with Symfony Check that it is correctly loaded
  • 17. <17/> Using Xdebug with Symfony Check it using the profiler
  • 18. <18/> 1. ;docker/php/conf.d/app.dev.ini 2. ... 3. xdebug.client_host = 'host.docker.internal 4. xdebug.start_with_request = yes Using Xdebug with Symfony Enabling the debugger 1. > docker-compose build
  • 19. <19/> 1. # Dockerfile 2. ... 3. ENV APP_ENV=dev XDEBUG_MODE=debug Using Xdebug with Symfony Enabling the debugger 1. > XDEBUG_MODE=debug docker-compose up -d
  • 20. <20/> Use the debugger to explore code Learn about the internals of the framework (recommended in the Symfony docs). Learn about the inner working of your dependencies. Learn about the interface to APIs, investigate requests and responses. Understand legacy code or functionality which is not well documented.
  • 21. <21/> Use the debugger to test code Step through code to understand how it works and what needs to be tested. Experiment with your code to understand how it behaves under different inputs. Look under the hod when doing black box testing. Remember that Xdebug can also provide code coverage, which is really important for testing.
  • 22. <22/> Use the debugger to review code Specially useful if you are reviewing code that you are not very familiar with. Check out the previous version of the code and check how it works. Check out the new version of the code and check out how the functionality has changed. Experiment with new inputs to confirm that the new code is behaving as expected.
  • 23. <23/> Use the debugger for concurrency Concurrency issues can be specially difficult to debug or test. Setup a breakpoint in one of the processes and let it run until it is hit. Set another breakpoint in another process and again let it run until it is hit. Now use step debugging alternating in both processes to test what happens when they run concurrently.
  • 24. <24/> Alternatives: SnapshotDebugger <24/> - Based on the Stackdriver Debugger by Google (deprecated) - Open source tool developed by Google - Allows you to debug code running in production - Works using a daemon that communicates with a Firebase RTDB
  • 25. <25/> Alternatives: SnapshotDebugger <25/> - Requires adding a PHP extension to enable the breakpoints - When a breakpoint is hit it just records info without stopping - When the request finishes this info is sent to Firebase or logged - It is throttled so that it does not use too much CPU or memory
  • 27. <27/> Alternatives: Ray <27/> - It is like Dump & Die on steroids - Adds a new Ray() function that allows you to record any data - This information is collected by a desktop application - It is a paid tool and it requires modifications to your code https://myray.app/