Workshop at TYPO3 Developer Days 2018. Goal is to have a working ddev setup with a simple TYPO3 installation. A quick look in the extensive possibilities is also part of the presentation.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang pengukuran dan proses pengukuran. Terdapat beberapa jenis kesalahan pengukuran seperti kesalahan mutlak, kasar, sistematik, rawak, dan pengehad. Dokumen ini juga membahas tentang ketepatan, presisi, resolusi, dan angka signifikan dalam pengukuran. Terdapat berbagai tingkat standar pengukuran seperti standar internasional, primer, sekunder, dan kerja.
This document discusses the life and works of Jose Rizal and the importance of studying him. It outlines the Rizal Law (RA 1425) which mandates the study of Rizal's life and works in schools. The law was passed in 1956 and aims to instill heroism and promote understanding of the ideals Rizal fought for, which included reforms and independence for the Philippines through non-violent means. Studying Rizal helps recognize the values the country is founded on and encourages applying his ideals to modern issues.
Public Information Officer Roles & ResponsibilitiesJessica Sexton
-Defining "public information officer"
-Common misconceptions of the PIO role
-Roles and responsibilities
-Importance of training PIOs
-Joint information
-Social media: stay digital
-How do I get started or keep going?
1980's political situation, showbisness, and significant eventDaisy Librea
Ferdinand Marcos was the President of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986. While he implemented some economic reforms and infrastructure projects, his authoritarian rule was marked by corruption, human rights abuses, and the assassination of his main political opponent, Benigno Aquino Sr. in 1983. Mass protests over the assassination contributed to the People Power Revolution in 1986, which saw Marcos removed from power and exiled in Hawaii as it was discovered he had embezzled billions of public dollars.
Comparison of the three branches of the governmentJonathan Rivera
The document compares the three branches of the Philippine government: the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches. It outlines the functions, compositions, qualifications, manners of election, and terms of office for each branch. The legislative branch enacts laws and is composed of the Senate and House of Representatives. The executive branch implements and enforces laws and is headed by the President. The judiciary branch interprets laws and is led by the Chief Justice and includes lower courts.
This document provides an overview of Docker, including:
1. Docker allows containers to reuse operating system resources more efficiently than virtual machines, making them lighter and faster.
2. Docker containers can help avoid version conflicts when programs have multiple versions and allow easy transfer of analysis environments between computers.
3. The workflow involves pulling images, running containers from images, starting/stopping containers, attaching to containers, and committing container changes to new images.
Hands on Docker - Launch your own LEMP or LAMP stack - SunshinePHPDana Luther
In this tutorial we will go over setting up a standard LEMP stack for development use and learn how to modify it to mimic your production/pre-production environments as closely as possible. We will go over how to switch from Nginx to Apache, upgrade PHP versions and introduce additional storage engines such as Redis to the equation. We'll also step through how to run both unit and acceptance suites using headless Selenium images in the stack. Leave here fully confident in knowing that whatever environment you get thrown into, you can replicate it and work in it comfortably.
Docman - The swiss army knife for Drupal multisite docroot management and dep...Aleksey Tkachenko
Docman is a tool for managing multisite Drupal installations across repositories and environments. It uses a configuration system and Git-based workflows to build and deploy Drupal sites. Docman addresses issues with multisite development like code separation, standards enforcement, and deployment automation. It is focused on cloud hosting and supports continuous integration/delivery. Docman provides commands to initialize projects, build environments, and bump versions across repositories.
This document summarizes Docker concepts and provides steps for a local Docker development setup. It introduces Docker images, containers, and registries. It then outlines requirements for development and production configurations and provides examples of setting up a Node.js/Angular frontend and Django backend using Docker images. The document concludes with notes on continuous integration and architecture options.
Lean Drupal Repositories with Composer and DrushPantheon
Composer is the industry-standard PHP dependency manager that is now in use in Drupal 8 core. This session will show the current best practices for using Composer, drupal-composer, drupal-scaffold, Drush, Drupal Console and Drush site-local aliases to streamline your Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 site repositories for optimal use on teams.
Hands on Docker - Launch your own LEMP or LAMP stackDana Luther
In this tutorial we will go over setting up a standard LEMP stack for development use and learn how to modify it to mimic your production/pre-production environments as closely as possible. We will go over how to switch from Nginx to Apache, upgrade PHP versions and introduce additional storage engines such as Redis to the equation. Well also step through how to run both unit and acceptance suites using headless Selenium images in the stack. Leave here fully confident in knowing that whatever environment you get thrown into, you can replicate it and work in it comfortably.
Recipe to build open splice dds Hello World example over Qt 5.2 Adil Khan
This document provides steps to build an OpenSplice DDS Ver 6.3 Hello World example GUI application over Qt 5.2. It outlines prerequisites, downloading and configuring OpenSplice, setting environment variables, creating Qt projects for a publisher and subscriber, adding OpenSplice files, registering data types, creating DDS entities, and publishing/subscribing sample data between the two applications. Appendices provide code snippets for integrating the OpenSplice functionality into the Qt GUI projects. The goal is to help developers deploy OpenSplice DDS applications over Qt.
Docker Essentials Workshop Innovation Labs July 2020CloudHero
This presentation was the foundation of our Docker Essentials workshop hosted by CloudHero CEO & founder Andrei Manea for the Innovation Labs team on the 23rd of July 2020.
This presentation covers the following topics:
-Getting started with containers
-A bit of history about orchestration
-Introduction to services (what they are, how to create and scale them).
To find out more about this topic, check
This document provides an overview of containerization and Docker. It covers prerequisites, traditional application deployment challenges, container components like namespaces and cgroups, major Docker concepts like images and containers, common Docker commands, building Dockerfiles, and Docker workflows and best practices. Hands-on exercises are included to build and run containers.
This document summarizes a presentation about using Docker for development. It discusses installing Docker, running a "Hello World" Docker image, building a custom Python Docker image, and composing a more complex Docker application with PHP, MySQL, and Apache. The benefits of Docker like lightweight containers, easy environment setup, and scalability are highlighted. Some challenges with scaling and orchestration are also mentioned, along with solutions like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.
Peter Kraume presented on DDEV, a container-based local development environment for TYPO3 and other CMSs. DDEV uses Docker to create containers for the web server and database without requiring in-depth Docker knowledge. It supports multiple projects simultaneously and includes tools like Git, Composer, and phpMyAdmin. To set up a TYPO3 site with DDEV, users create a directory, configure it for PHP, install TYPO3, start DDEV, and complete the TYPO3 installation. DDEV provides commands for managing projects and containers.
Wouldn't it be great for a new developer on your team to have their dev environment totally set up on their first day? What about having your CI tests running in the background while you work on new features? What about having the confidence that your dev environment mirrors testing and prod? Containers enable this to become reality, along with other great benefits like keeping dependencies nice and tidy and making packaged code easier to share. Come learn about the ways containers can help you build and ship software easily.
The document provides instructions for building Hadoop on Windows, including prerequisites, requirements, and steps to correctly set up the environment and build Hadoop distributions with native code. Key requirements include Java, Maven, specific versions of other libraries like Protocol Buffers and CMake, Microsoft Windows SDK, Visual Studio, and Unix command line tools. Environment variables like JAVA_HOME, Platform, and PATH need to be set correctly. The build may fail with errors related to missing components like CMake, Protocol Buffers, or due to incorrect environment variables, but following the listed solutions should resolve the issues.
Pharo GitLab Example: This is a simple Pharo Smalltalk pipeline exampleESUG
ݺߣs from ShowUs #esug2024: "Pharo GitLab Example: This is a simple Pharo Smalltalk pipeline example"
About 94% of AI Adopters are planning to use containers in the next 1 year. Whats driving this exponential growth? Faster time to deployment and Faster AI workload processing are the two major reasons. You can use GPUs in big data applications such as machine learning, data analytics, and genome sequencing. Docker containerization makes it easier for you to package and distribute applications. You can enable GPU support when using YARN on Docker containers. In this talk, I will demonstrate how Docker accelerates the AI workload development and deployment over the IoT Edge devices in efficient manner
This document provides an overview of the Xdebug PHP debugging tool. It discusses installing Xdebug, enabling error handling and displaying variables, using Xdebug for remote debugging and profiling PHP scripts, and generating function traces. The document also lists Xdebug features and configuration options for profiling, remote debugging, and function traces.
DCEU 18: Developing with Docker ContainersDocker, Inc.
Laura Frank Tacho - Director of Engineering, CloudBees
Wouldn't it be great for a new developer on your team to have their dev environment totally set up on their first day? What about having the confidence that your dev environment mirrors testing and prod? Containers enable this to become reality, along with other great benefits like keeping dependencies nice and tidy and making packaged code easier to share. Come learn about the ways containers can help you build and ship software easily, and walk away with two actionable steps you can take to start using Docker containers for development.
Adopt DevOps philosophy on your Symfony projects (Symfony Live 2011)Fabrice Bernhard
This is the presentation given at the Symfony Live 2011 conference. It is an introduction to the new agile movement spreading in the technical operations community called DevOps and how to adopt it on web development projects, in particular Symfony projects.
Plan of the slides :
- Configuration Management
- Development VM
- Scripted deployment
- Continuous deployment
Tools presented in the slides:
- Puppet
- Vagrant
- Fabric
- Jenkins / Hudson
Managing your Drupal project with ComposerMatt Glaman
Drupal 8 is all about getting off the island and leveraging things invented elsewhere. With that, we must use a package manager tool. PHP's de facto package manager is now Composer. However, adopting Composer has been a rough spot with the Drupal community.
In this presentation, Matt Glaman will explore Composer and how using it will streamline your workflow.
Docker allows developers to package applications with all of their dependencies into standardized units called containers that can run on any infrastructure regardless of the underlying operating system. It provides isolation and security so that many containers can run simultaneously on a single host. The document discusses how to set up both new and existing Magento projects using Docker, including downloading necessary files, importing databases, and using important Docker commands.
ݺߣs from the presentation at the TYPO3 Developer Days 2024 with the (smaller) features and changes in TYPO3 v13.
The upcoming version of the content management system TYPO3 already contains a lot of new functionality. It's not the final release yet, so new functionality may be added in the next months.
Version 12 of TYPO3 included some big features which are mentioned most of the time. In this talk we take a look at some of the smaller features which may be very useful for your projects.
This document provides an overview of Docker, including:
1. Docker allows containers to reuse operating system resources more efficiently than virtual machines, making them lighter and faster.
2. Docker containers can help avoid version conflicts when programs have multiple versions and allow easy transfer of analysis environments between computers.
3. The workflow involves pulling images, running containers from images, starting/stopping containers, attaching to containers, and committing container changes to new images.
Hands on Docker - Launch your own LEMP or LAMP stack - SunshinePHPDana Luther
In this tutorial we will go over setting up a standard LEMP stack for development use and learn how to modify it to mimic your production/pre-production environments as closely as possible. We will go over how to switch from Nginx to Apache, upgrade PHP versions and introduce additional storage engines such as Redis to the equation. We'll also step through how to run both unit and acceptance suites using headless Selenium images in the stack. Leave here fully confident in knowing that whatever environment you get thrown into, you can replicate it and work in it comfortably.
Docman - The swiss army knife for Drupal multisite docroot management and dep...Aleksey Tkachenko
Docman is a tool for managing multisite Drupal installations across repositories and environments. It uses a configuration system and Git-based workflows to build and deploy Drupal sites. Docman addresses issues with multisite development like code separation, standards enforcement, and deployment automation. It is focused on cloud hosting and supports continuous integration/delivery. Docman provides commands to initialize projects, build environments, and bump versions across repositories.
This document summarizes Docker concepts and provides steps for a local Docker development setup. It introduces Docker images, containers, and registries. It then outlines requirements for development and production configurations and provides examples of setting up a Node.js/Angular frontend and Django backend using Docker images. The document concludes with notes on continuous integration and architecture options.
Lean Drupal Repositories with Composer and DrushPantheon
Composer is the industry-standard PHP dependency manager that is now in use in Drupal 8 core. This session will show the current best practices for using Composer, drupal-composer, drupal-scaffold, Drush, Drupal Console and Drush site-local aliases to streamline your Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 site repositories for optimal use on teams.
Hands on Docker - Launch your own LEMP or LAMP stackDana Luther
In this tutorial we will go over setting up a standard LEMP stack for development use and learn how to modify it to mimic your production/pre-production environments as closely as possible. We will go over how to switch from Nginx to Apache, upgrade PHP versions and introduce additional storage engines such as Redis to the equation. Well also step through how to run both unit and acceptance suites using headless Selenium images in the stack. Leave here fully confident in knowing that whatever environment you get thrown into, you can replicate it and work in it comfortably.
Recipe to build open splice dds Hello World example over Qt 5.2 Adil Khan
This document provides steps to build an OpenSplice DDS Ver 6.3 Hello World example GUI application over Qt 5.2. It outlines prerequisites, downloading and configuring OpenSplice, setting environment variables, creating Qt projects for a publisher and subscriber, adding OpenSplice files, registering data types, creating DDS entities, and publishing/subscribing sample data between the two applications. Appendices provide code snippets for integrating the OpenSplice functionality into the Qt GUI projects. The goal is to help developers deploy OpenSplice DDS applications over Qt.
Docker Essentials Workshop Innovation Labs July 2020CloudHero
This presentation was the foundation of our Docker Essentials workshop hosted by CloudHero CEO & founder Andrei Manea for the Innovation Labs team on the 23rd of July 2020.
This presentation covers the following topics:
-Getting started with containers
-A bit of history about orchestration
-Introduction to services (what they are, how to create and scale them).
To find out more about this topic, check
This document provides an overview of containerization and Docker. It covers prerequisites, traditional application deployment challenges, container components like namespaces and cgroups, major Docker concepts like images and containers, common Docker commands, building Dockerfiles, and Docker workflows and best practices. Hands-on exercises are included to build and run containers.
This document summarizes a presentation about using Docker for development. It discusses installing Docker, running a "Hello World" Docker image, building a custom Python Docker image, and composing a more complex Docker application with PHP, MySQL, and Apache. The benefits of Docker like lightweight containers, easy environment setup, and scalability are highlighted. Some challenges with scaling and orchestration are also mentioned, along with solutions like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.
Peter Kraume presented on DDEV, a container-based local development environment for TYPO3 and other CMSs. DDEV uses Docker to create containers for the web server and database without requiring in-depth Docker knowledge. It supports multiple projects simultaneously and includes tools like Git, Composer, and phpMyAdmin. To set up a TYPO3 site with DDEV, users create a directory, configure it for PHP, install TYPO3, start DDEV, and complete the TYPO3 installation. DDEV provides commands for managing projects and containers.
Wouldn't it be great for a new developer on your team to have their dev environment totally set up on their first day? What about having your CI tests running in the background while you work on new features? What about having the confidence that your dev environment mirrors testing and prod? Containers enable this to become reality, along with other great benefits like keeping dependencies nice and tidy and making packaged code easier to share. Come learn about the ways containers can help you build and ship software easily.
The document provides instructions for building Hadoop on Windows, including prerequisites, requirements, and steps to correctly set up the environment and build Hadoop distributions with native code. Key requirements include Java, Maven, specific versions of other libraries like Protocol Buffers and CMake, Microsoft Windows SDK, Visual Studio, and Unix command line tools. Environment variables like JAVA_HOME, Platform, and PATH need to be set correctly. The build may fail with errors related to missing components like CMake, Protocol Buffers, or due to incorrect environment variables, but following the listed solutions should resolve the issues.
Pharo GitLab Example: This is a simple Pharo Smalltalk pipeline exampleESUG
ݺߣs from ShowUs #esug2024: "Pharo GitLab Example: This is a simple Pharo Smalltalk pipeline example"
About 94% of AI Adopters are planning to use containers in the next 1 year. Whats driving this exponential growth? Faster time to deployment and Faster AI workload processing are the two major reasons. You can use GPUs in big data applications such as machine learning, data analytics, and genome sequencing. Docker containerization makes it easier for you to package and distribute applications. You can enable GPU support when using YARN on Docker containers. In this talk, I will demonstrate how Docker accelerates the AI workload development and deployment over the IoT Edge devices in efficient manner
This document provides an overview of the Xdebug PHP debugging tool. It discusses installing Xdebug, enabling error handling and displaying variables, using Xdebug for remote debugging and profiling PHP scripts, and generating function traces. The document also lists Xdebug features and configuration options for profiling, remote debugging, and function traces.
DCEU 18: Developing with Docker ContainersDocker, Inc.
Laura Frank Tacho - Director of Engineering, CloudBees
Wouldn't it be great for a new developer on your team to have their dev environment totally set up on their first day? What about having the confidence that your dev environment mirrors testing and prod? Containers enable this to become reality, along with other great benefits like keeping dependencies nice and tidy and making packaged code easier to share. Come learn about the ways containers can help you build and ship software easily, and walk away with two actionable steps you can take to start using Docker containers for development.
Adopt DevOps philosophy on your Symfony projects (Symfony Live 2011)Fabrice Bernhard
This is the presentation given at the Symfony Live 2011 conference. It is an introduction to the new agile movement spreading in the technical operations community called DevOps and how to adopt it on web development projects, in particular Symfony projects.
Plan of the slides :
- Configuration Management
- Development VM
- Scripted deployment
- Continuous deployment
Tools presented in the slides:
- Puppet
- Vagrant
- Fabric
- Jenkins / Hudson
Managing your Drupal project with ComposerMatt Glaman
Drupal 8 is all about getting off the island and leveraging things invented elsewhere. With that, we must use a package manager tool. PHP's de facto package manager is now Composer. However, adopting Composer has been a rough spot with the Drupal community.
In this presentation, Matt Glaman will explore Composer and how using it will streamline your workflow.
Docker allows developers to package applications with all of their dependencies into standardized units called containers that can run on any infrastructure regardless of the underlying operating system. It provides isolation and security so that many containers can run simultaneously on a single host. The document discusses how to set up both new and existing Magento projects using Docker, including downloading necessary files, importing databases, and using important Docker commands.
ݺߣs from the presentation at the TYPO3 Developer Days 2024 with the (smaller) features and changes in TYPO3 v13.
The upcoming version of the content management system TYPO3 already contains a lot of new functionality. It's not the final release yet, so new functionality may be added in the next months.
Version 12 of TYPO3 included some big features which are mentioned most of the time. In this talk we take a look at some of the smaller features which may be very useful for your projects.
This document discusses the Fluid templating engine. It provides examples of common Fluid tasks like conditional rendering, recursion, and caching. Fluid is an XML-based templating system used in TYPO3 projects to dynamically generate HTML. It allows separating design and logic through partials, view helpers, and conditions. The document encourages attendees to share their own Fluid solutions and challenges.
In the Install Tool you can find Upgrade Wizards that help with the migration of data between TYPO3 versions. Extensions can add custom wizards. In this session we will build such an Upgrade Wizard.
Every release has some big features which get all the attention they deserve. Just like the previous years we're going to take a look at some of the smaller features. One of them might be the thing that you really need for a certain website or it may be the feature that your editors have missed for so long.
This document discusses Fluid, an XML-based templating engine used in TYPO3 projects. It covers topics like inline and block rendering, optional rendering, checking options, recursion, calculations, and caching. Examples are provided for conditional logic, looping, and passing arguments to partials. Further reading resources are included to learn more about Fluid and templating solutions. Attendees are invited to share their own examples or challenges with Fluid.
A look at the challenges encountered while making a website from an existing template with TYPO3 v8. Some useful new features are also mentioned and a quick look into custom code to make things easy for the editor.
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Mastering Software Test Automation: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and E...Shubham Joshi
Software test automation is transforming the way teams ensure product quality, making testing faster, more efficient, and highly reliable. This guide covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts, helping both beginners and experts optimize their testing processes. Youll explore various automation tools, frameworks, and best practices to improve test accuracy and speed up development cycles. With software test automation, organizations can minimize manual effort while enhancing test coverage. Whether you're just starting out or refining your existing automation strategies, this guide provides actionable insights and real-world examples to help you achieve success in automated testing.
Chapter 1 of Computer Organization and Architecture by Patterson and Hennessy, often referred to as the "Computer Organization and Design" (COD) book, serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems. It lays the groundwork for understanding how computers are designed and how they operate at both the hardware and software levels. The chapter begins by explaining the importance of abstraction in computer design, highlighting how layers of abstraction simplify the complexity of modern computing systems. Abstraction allows designers and programmers to focus on specific levels of a system without needing to understand every detail of the underlying layers, making it easier to build, optimize, and maintain complex systems.
The authors introduce the concept of the stored-program computer, a revolutionary idea where instructions and data are stored in memory, and the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes these instructions. This forms the basis of the von Neumann architecture, a cornerstone of modern computing. The von Neumann model is characterized by its sequential execution of instructions and its unified memory space for both data and programs. The chapter explains how this architecture enables the flexibility and programmability that define modern computers.
The chapter also discusses the roles of key components in a computer system, such as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, and I/O (Input/Output) devices, and how they interact to execute programs. The CPU is described as the brain of the computer, responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, while memory stores data and instructions temporarily or permanently. I/O devices facilitate communication between the computer and the external world, enabling input from users and output to displays or other peripherals.
A significant portion of the chapter is dedicated to the concept of performance in computer systems. The authors introduce metrics like response time (the time it takes to complete a task) and throughput (the number of tasks completed per unit of time). They explain how these metrics are influenced by hardware and software optimizations, such as faster processors, larger memory, and efficient algorithms. The chapter also touches on the trade-offs involved in improving performance, such as the cost, power consumption, and complexity of hardware components.
The chapter emphasizes the importance of instruction set architecture (ISA), which serves as the interface between hardware and software. The ISA defines the set of instructions that a CPU can execute, as well as the registers, memory addressing modes, and data types it supports. Understanding the ISA is crucial for both hardware designers, who implement it, and software developers, who write programs that run on it.
To illustrate these concepts, the chapter often uses real-world examples and analogies, making the material accessible to readers with varying levels of prior knowledge.
Metaverse Meetup: Explore Mulesoft MAC ProjectGiulioPicchi
Ever heard of AI? We have! Espacially Andrea Canale, an Integration Architect ready to shed light on The MAC Project: an open-source initiative for integrating AI with MuleSoft. He'll show its key features and learn how to leverage AI capabilities to drive automation and enhance decision-making.
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Enscape Latest 2025 Crack is a real-time 3D rendering and virtual reality (VR) software that integrates seamlessly with architectural design software like Autodesk Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, ArchiCAD, and Vectorworks. It is widely used by architects, designers, and visualization professionals to create photorealistic visualizations, immersive virtual walkthroughs, and high-quality renderings directly from their 3D models.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | How Uber Optimizes LLM Training and FinetuneAlluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events:
- Chongxiao Cao (Senior SWE @ Uber)
Chongxiao Cao from Uber's Michelangelo training team shared valuable insights into Uber's approach to optimizing LLM training and fine-tuning workflows.
How John started to like TDD (instead of hating it) - TED talkNacho Cougil
John, a typical developer, used to dread writing tests, finding them boring and unnecessary. Test Driven Development (TDD)? Even worsehe couldnt see how it worked outside of basic exercises. But something clicked. Through his journey, John discovered the magic of writing tests before the production code: fewer bugs, quicker feedback, and cleaner code. Now, hes hooked and wont code any other way. This is the story of how TDD turned a skeptic into a believer. ?
PS: Think of John as a random person, as if he was even the speaker of this talk ?!
Presentation shared at Talent Arena '25
Feedback form:
copy and past on google ? ??
SketchUp Pro Crack provides professionals with the tools to create detailed and accurate 3D models, visualize concepts, and communicate ideas effectively.SketchUp Pro, free and safe download. SketchUp Pro latest version: Explore boundless design possibilities with SketchUp Pro. Dive into the world of Sk.SketchUp Pro Crack With License Key 2025. SketchUp is a popular 3D modeling software used for a wide range of applications,
ChatGPT and DeepSeek: Which AI Tool Delivers Better User Experience?Ava Isley
This PPT on "ChatGPT and DeepSeek: Which AI Tool Delivers Better User Experience?" provides a comparative analysis of the two AI tools, focusing on usability, interface design, customization, and overall user satisfaction.
It evaluates their strengths and weaknesses to determine which offers a superior experience.
For businesses seeking custom software development services in USA, choosing the right AI tool is essential for enhancing automation, customer interaction, and workflow efficiency.
Consequences and Principles of Software Quality v1.0Yann-Ga?l Guhneuc
Examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality and some solutions. This presentation presents some examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality, in particular how poor software quality led to the direct deaths of 89 people. It then provides some background on software quality, especially the concept of Quality Without a Name. It then discusses many principles, their usefulness, and their positive consequences on software quality. Some of these principles are well-known in object-oriented programming while many others are taken from the book 97 Programmers. They include: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, types, polymorphism, SOLID, GRASP, YAGNI, KISS, DRY, Do Not Reinvent the Wheel, Law of Demeter, Beware of Assumptions, Deletable Code, coding with reason, and functional programming. They pertain to dependencies, domains, and tools. Concrete application on a real-world software systems, with examples and discussions.
(In details: Beautify is Simplicity, The Boy Scout Rule, You Gotta Care About the Code, The Longevity of Interim Solutions, Beware the Share, Encapsulate Behaviour not Just State, Single Responsibility Principle, WET Dilutes Performance Bottlenecks, Convenience Is Not an -ility, Code in the Language of the Domain, Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say, Distinguish Business Exception from Technical, Prefer Domain-specific Types to Primitive Types, Automate Your Coding Standards, Code Layout Matters, Before You Refactor, Improve Code by Removing It, Put the Mouse Down and Step Away from the Keyboard)
Why Hire Python Developers? Key Benefits for Your BusinessMypcot Infotech
Python developers bring expertise in building scalable, secure, and high-performance applications. They enhance productivity with clean, efficient code, ensuring faster development and seamless integration. With strong community support and versatility across industries, they drive innovation and cost-effective solutions. Boost your business growthhire Python developers today!
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AI/ML Infra Meetup | Optimizing ML Data Access with Alluxio: Preprocessing, ...Alluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events:
- Bin Fan (VP of Technology @ Alluxio)
In this talk, Bin Fan shares his insights on data access challenges in ML applications, with particular emphasis on how Alluxio's distributed caching helps bridge the gap between storage and compute in preprocessing, pretraining and inference.
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Free download Adobe InDesign CC Pre-activated offline installer for Windows PC. It has everything you need to make posters, books, digital magazines, eBooks, interactive PDFs, etc.
Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon: Java is the New Python v0.9Yann-Ga?l Guhneuc
Java has had a tremendous success and, in the last few years, has evolved quite significantly. However, it was still difficult to interface with libraries written in other programming language because of some complexity with JNI and some syntactic and semantic barriers. New projects to improve Java could help alleviate, even nullify, these barriers. Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon exist to make it easier to use different programming and memory models in Java and to interface with foreign programming languages. This presentation describes the problem with the Java isthmus and the three projects in details, with real code examples. It shows how, combined, these three projects could make of Java the new Python.
EASEUS Partition Master Crack with License Code [Latest]bhagasufyan
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EASEUS Partition Master Crack is a professional hard disk partition management tool and system partition optimization software. It is an all-in-one PC and server disk management toolkit for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians, and consultants to provide technical services to customers with unlimited use.
EASEUS Partition Master 18.0 Technician Edition Crack interface is clean and tidy, so all options are at your fingertips. Whether you want to resize, move, copy, merge, browse, check, convert partitions, or change their labels, you can do everything with a few clicks. The defragmentation tool is also designed to merge fragmented files and folders and store them in contiguous locations on the hard drive.
? Docker version 17.05 or higher
? Docker compose 1.10.0 or higher
? macOS Sierra and higher
? Windows 10 Pro (Home recently supported)
? Linux (Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian Jessie+, Fedora 25+, ...)
23-06-2018 ddev: docker made easy 8
Linux and macOS C install script
23-06-2018 ddev: docker made easy 11
drud/ddev/master/ | bash
23-06-2018 ddev: docker made easy 24
Creating a new ddev project config in the current directory (D:t3dd18ddevproject)
Once completed, your configuration will be written to D:t3dd18ddevproject.ddev
Project name (ddevproject):
The docroot is the directory from which your site is served. This is a relative path
from your project root (D:t3dd18ddevproject)
You may leave this value blank if your site files are in the project root
Docroot Location (current directory):
Found a php codebase at D:t3dd18ddevproject.
Project Type [php, drupal6, drupal7, drupal8, wordpress, typo3, backdrop] (php):
TYPO3 does not seem to have been set up yet, missing LocalConfiguration.php (D:
Generating LocalConfiguration.php file for database connection.
Unable to create settings file: Failed to write TYPO3 AdditionalConfiguration.php
file: chmod D:t3dd18ddevprojecttypo3conf: The system cannot find the file
Configuration complete. You may now run 'ddev start'.
23-06-2018 ddev: docker made easy 26
Starting environment for ddevproject...
Warning: containers will run as root. This is fine on Docker
for Windows or Docker for Mac, but could be a security risk on
Starting ddev-ddevproject-db ... done
Starting ddev-ddevproject-dba ... done
Starting ddev-ddevproject-web ... done
Network ddev_default is external, skipping
Creating ddev-router ... done
Successfully started ddevproject
Your project can be reached at http://ddevproject.ddev.local,
23-06-2018 ddev: docker made easy 29
Warning: containers will run as root. This
is fine on Docker for Windows or
Docker for Mac, but could be a security
risk on Linux.
Warning: containers will run as root. This
is fine on Docker for Windows or
Docker for Mac, but could be a security
risk on Linux.
23-06-2018 ddev: docker made easy 35
You are reconfiguring the project at D:t3dd18ddevproject.
The existing configuration will be updated and replaced.
Project name (ddevproject):
The docroot is the directory from which your site is served. This is a
relative path from your project root (D:t3dd18ddevproject)
You may leave this value blank if your site files are in the project root
Docroot Location (web):
Found a typo3 codebase at D:t3dd18ddevprojectweb.
Project Type [wordpress, typo3, backdrop, php, drupal6, drupal7, drupal8]
TYPO3 does not seem to have been set up yet, missing
LocalConfiguration.php (D:t3dd18ddevprojectwebtypo3conf
Generating LocalConfiguration.php file for database connection.
Configuration complete. You may now run 'ddev start'.
23-06-2018 ddev: docker made easy 38
Welcome to the TYPO3 Console installer!
? Prepare installation
? Check environment and create folders
? Skipped Set up database connection
? Skipped Select database
? Set up database
Username of to be created administrative user account (required): jigal
Password of to be created administrative user account (required):
Name of the TYPO3 site (default: "New TYPO3 Console site"): ddevt3dd18
? Ok
? Set up configuration
Specify the site setup type (default: "no"):
[no ] Do nothing
[site] Create root page
> site
? Ok
? Set up extensions
Successfully installed TYPO3 CMS!
23-06-2018 ddev: docker made easy 43
ddevproject typo3 D:/t3dd18/ddevproject http://ddevproject.ddev.local running
Project Information
PHP version: 7.1
URLs: http://ddevproject.ddev.local, https://ddevproject.ddev.local
MySQL Credentials
Username: db
Password: db
Database name: db
Host: db
Port: 3306
To connect to mysql from your host machine, use port 32768 on
For example: mysql --host= --port=32768 --user=db --password=db --database=db
Other Services
MailHog: http://ddevproject.ddev.local:8025
phpMyAdmin: http://ddevproject.ddev.local:8036