Mobile strategy should focus on the user and providing content and ads tailored to the user's specific mobile context, not focus on individual devices or platforms. The mobile context includes variables like screen size, connection speed, location, and time of day. A successful mobile strategy for a media brand provides the most relevant news content and ads to the user on every mobile screen in their context. It recognizes that mobile usage has surpassed desktop in many markets, just as the laptop did to the desktop 20 years ago, so the strategy should be "mobile first".
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4. Mobile context mayhem
Mobile site / App
Different app versions.
Android, iOS, Windows7.8,
Windows8, BB7, BB10,
Bada, Symbian, etc.
Different software versions.
From expensive to cheap.
Users have multiple
connected devices.
Screen sizes
Smartphone - phablet -
tablet and all in between.
Connection speed
Wifi, 2G, 3G, 4G.
Morning, during the day,
Bedroom, couch, public
transport, at work, toilet, etc.