The document discusses critic Errol Morris and Roger Ebert's differing views on truth and reality as portrayed in the 1950 Japanese film Rashomon. The film presents contradictory testimonies from four characters about a crime. Morris believes there is one absolute truth, while Ebert believes truth is subjective based on individual perception. Ebert's view better explains the film, as the characters' differing accounts are true based on their unique perspectives and emotions. Perception and emotion can distort facts, supporting the idea of multiple subjective truths rather than one objective reality. Overall, the document analyzes how Ebert's view of subjective truth captures the film's exploration of varying witness perspectives more so than Morris' view of absolute truth.
The document compares and contrasts two works - "My Name" by Sandra Cisneros and "How a Girl Got Her Chinese Name" by Nellie Wong. Both works discuss girls with non-English names from multicultural backgrounds struggling to find their identities. In "My Name", the narrator Esperanza dislikes her Spanish name and its negative associations. In contrast, the narrator of "How a Girl Got Her Chinese Name", Nellie Wong, is generally positive about having both an English and Chinese name that changes based on context. While the girls face different attitudes towards their names, both pieces illustrate the challenges of navigating multiple cultures.
The document provides extensive tips for preparing for and excelling in a job interview, including researching the company and position thoroughly, dressing professionally, being punctual and polite, maintaining eye contact, answering questions confidently and concisely while providing examples from your background, thanking the interviewer, and expressing continued interest in the role if asked. Key recommendations are to thoroughly prepare answers to common interview questions, understand the job responsibilities and company culture, arrive early, make a strong first impression, be attentive, and follow up professionally after the interview.
The document appears to be a portfolio presentation by Christina Harris showcasing various marketing materials and communications pieces created for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, including newsletters, web banners, brochures, flyers, postcards, invitations, advertisements, and marketing kits. The presentation includes examples of materials for B2B marketing, employers, brokers, national campaigns, emerging markets and state-specific projects in Hawaii.
Scientific and Grid Workflow Management (SGS09)Cesare Pautasso
This document provides an introduction to scientific and grid workflows. It discusses how workflow management systems coordinate multiple distributed computational jobs on grid resources. These systems feature visual programming environments that allow scientists to model workflows as networks of analytical steps involving tasks like database access, data analysis, and computationally intensive jobs submitted to clusters or grids. The document then surveys selected workflow management tools and outlines current research trends in scientific and grid workflows.
The conflict between North and South Korea has escalated due to miscommunication and disproportionate retaliation to perceived offenses. The division of Korea after World War 2 led to the development of vastly different political/economic systems in the North and South. This divide, coupled with the trauma of the Korean War, undermined trust and increased sensitivity to actions by the other side. Leadership in North Korea also seeks to maintain its power by restricting communication. Efforts at reconciliation like South Korea's Sunshine Policy had some success in reducing tensions, but minor clashes still occurred due to lack of understanding between the countries. True resolution will require open communication, respect, and addressing the deep distrust left by their shared history of conflict.
Aula 11 - Vetores unidimensionais - parte 1Pacc UAB
O documento discute vetores unidimensionais, apresentando objetivos, problemas e solu巽探es para o c叩lculo da m辿dia de notas de uma turma utilizando vetores. mostrado como vetores permitem armazenar m炭ltiplos valores de forma organizada e como facilitam problemas que envolvam grandes conjuntos de dados.
The document discusses critic Errol Morris and Roger Ebert's differing views on truth and reality as portrayed in the 1950 Japanese film Rashomon. The film presents contradictory testimonies from four characters about a crime. Morris believes there is one absolute truth, while Ebert believes truth is subjective based on individual perception. Ebert's view better explains the film, as the characters' differing accounts are true based on their unique perspectives and emotions. Perception and emotion can distort facts, supporting the idea of multiple subjective truths rather than one objective reality. Overall, the document analyzes how Ebert's view of subjective truth captures the film's exploration of varying witness perspectives more so than Morris' view of absolute truth.
The document compares and contrasts two works - "My Name" by Sandra Cisneros and "How a Girl Got Her Chinese Name" by Nellie Wong. Both works discuss girls with non-English names from multicultural backgrounds struggling to find their identities. In "My Name", the narrator Esperanza dislikes her Spanish name and its negative associations. In contrast, the narrator of "How a Girl Got Her Chinese Name", Nellie Wong, is generally positive about having both an English and Chinese name that changes based on context. While the girls face different attitudes towards their names, both pieces illustrate the challenges of navigating multiple cultures.
The document provides extensive tips for preparing for and excelling in a job interview, including researching the company and position thoroughly, dressing professionally, being punctual and polite, maintaining eye contact, answering questions confidently and concisely while providing examples from your background, thanking the interviewer, and expressing continued interest in the role if asked. Key recommendations are to thoroughly prepare answers to common interview questions, understand the job responsibilities and company culture, arrive early, make a strong first impression, be attentive, and follow up professionally after the interview.
The document appears to be a portfolio presentation by Christina Harris showcasing various marketing materials and communications pieces created for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, including newsletters, web banners, brochures, flyers, postcards, invitations, advertisements, and marketing kits. The presentation includes examples of materials for B2B marketing, employers, brokers, national campaigns, emerging markets and state-specific projects in Hawaii.
Scientific and Grid Workflow Management (SGS09)Cesare Pautasso
This document provides an introduction to scientific and grid workflows. It discusses how workflow management systems coordinate multiple distributed computational jobs on grid resources. These systems feature visual programming environments that allow scientists to model workflows as networks of analytical steps involving tasks like database access, data analysis, and computationally intensive jobs submitted to clusters or grids. The document then surveys selected workflow management tools and outlines current research trends in scientific and grid workflows.
The conflict between North and South Korea has escalated due to miscommunication and disproportionate retaliation to perceived offenses. The division of Korea after World War 2 led to the development of vastly different political/economic systems in the North and South. This divide, coupled with the trauma of the Korean War, undermined trust and increased sensitivity to actions by the other side. Leadership in North Korea also seeks to maintain its power by restricting communication. Efforts at reconciliation like South Korea's Sunshine Policy had some success in reducing tensions, but minor clashes still occurred due to lack of understanding between the countries. True resolution will require open communication, respect, and addressing the deep distrust left by their shared history of conflict.
Aula 11 - Vetores unidimensionais - parte 1Pacc UAB
O documento discute vetores unidimensionais, apresentando objetivos, problemas e solu巽探es para o c叩lculo da m辿dia de notas de uma turma utilizando vetores. mostrado como vetores permitem armazenar m炭ltiplos valores de forma organizada e como facilitam problemas que envolvam grandes conjuntos de dados.
1. De gran voldria ser
Yo de gran voldria ser un munt de coses ara os contare les coses que voldria fer. Quan acabe
lo baxierat anire a treball primer si torbo magradaria anar al zoologic sempre he volgut
treballar perque magrades molt los animals lo meu animal preferit es lo delfi perque estant
bo. I tambe magradaria actuar amb el dolfins cuan se fiquen al aigua i fan un munt de trucos
o cuan la treballadora se fica damunt del dolfi per fer tri臓ucos tambe aixo magradaria fer
pero mamare me diu que tinc que etsudiar molt i que aban de aixo tinc que fer veterenari.
Tambe magradaria fer vendedroa de roba ami de petita magradaba que me compren un
munt de coses ,tambe magradaria treballar en la peluqueria perque treballa ma tia i cuan le
e vist sempre cuan baixava avegades los dimart me quedaba en ella per veru com se feia se
te que fe un munt de coses en la pelu per exemple depen de la persona tenim que renta lo
cap ficarle xampu depues tenim que recortar lo cabell i despres ficale lo pentinat. Tambe
magradaria treballar a un hotel perque a mi sempre magradat atedre a gent per a que se
fique contenta o per a que me felicite per lo que faix. Tambe magradaria treballar de
camarera de cafeteria o tambe treballar en el dia que caixera bueno en resumen de tot un
poquet perque ami magradaria ser millonari per tindre una casa super gran i tambe ayudar
als que necessita ayuda.
2. A continuacio..
tambe magradaria tindre una filla que es diga Elena es un nom
bolt bonic . Quan sigui gran voldra comprarme una casa per a mi
les meves amigues per a divetirnos i tindre yakusi i una picina
super gran tambe tindre un munt de habitacions. Tambe a part
de aixo tindre un xalet amb mascotes ^^ algunes per exemple
una gosseta petiteta i un loro i un gos gran per a que vigili la
casa i a tothom,
3. Despres
Tambe magradaria tindre un nen que es diga
axel que tinga el ulls de color blau, que no se ni
gran ni petit que se mitja. Despres tambe
voldria tindre un avio pribath per a mi soleta o
per a la meva familia per anar a visitarla per
exemple a mi tambe magradaria viatjar per el
tot el mon buy anar a Mexico una ciutat molt
bonica,tambe a Paris precios, a Inglaterra wauai
i un mes de paisos mes .
4. Casi al final..
Ara os mostrare unes fotos de aon voldria
anar mes i anar de shoping en les amigues
i tambe voldria ser patinadora i modelo
5. Mes fotosss !!!!
Ara tambe os ficare fotos de mes coses de que
voldria treballar
6. Final..
Aixo es tot que os he contat lo que me agradaria
fer amb la meva vida i encara nhi ha un munt de