The document outlines the rules for a game involving predicting offers from a banker over multiple rounds. Players will be assigned a letter and seat, fill out a game card with their name and letter, and make predictions over the course of 7 rounds where they will select a decreasing number of cases. The goal is to most accurately predict the banker's offers by the end of the game.
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2. Heres the rules:
1. Choose a letter out of the hat. You need to sit in this order (snake-like) in the desks (check
labeled desks)
2. Write your name and letter at the top of your game card
3. As we go along, you will need to fill out the game card and make your predictions.
4. Each round, you pick a certain # of cases.
Round 1 5 cases
Round 2 5 cases
Round 3 4 cases
Round 4 2 cases
Round 5 2 cases
Round 6 1 case
Round 7 1 case
5. Once we get to the end, you will need to come up with a way to most accurately predict the
bankers offers.