Presentation from UXLibsII, at thestudio in Manchester, 23-24 June 2016.
The presentation is about the diary study I ran during LSE's Welcome Week in September 2015. I talk about some of my findings and the lessons I learned running such a study as a UX team of one.
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Dear Diary - Researching the LSE Welcome Week Experience
8. The homesickness really hit me and
coupled with the poor eating and lack
of sleep, it left me very upset
9. I was worried about what options to
take because I didnt want to take the
wrong ones and they be really hard
and throw my chances of a 1st out of
the window.
- Undergrad
10. I am putting myself in debt to attend
this school and I want to make sure I
am getting the best education I can.
11. It was very exciting to get my LSE ID
- a confirmation that I was truly an
LSE student.
12. One thing that I still havent got
used to is the sheer amount that I
have to walk in London! I have never
done so much walking before in my
14. I need to get a first!
But everyone here is
smarter than me...
What if I don't
find any friends? do I
select my courses?
I want to get the
most out of this
week! But there's so
much going on.
25. Leah Buley: The User Experience Team of One: A Research and Design
Survival Guide, Rosenfeld Media, Brooklyn, New York 2013. All
of the book's diagrams and illustrations are available under CC
licence on Flickr:
Steve Portigal: Interviewing Users: How to Uncover Compelling
Insights, Rosenfeld Media, Brooklyn, New York 2013.
Christena Nippert-Eng: Watching Closely: A Guide to Ethnographic
Observation, Oxford University Press, New York 2015.
Cennyd Bowles and James Box: Undercover User Experience Design:
Learn how to do great UX work with tiny budgets, no time, and limited
support, New Riders, Berkeley 2011.