The document is a letter from an ITT Technical Institute employee expressing pride in their work helping students through education. It summarizes that each employee plays a role in helping students through financial aid, registration, academics, and career services to obtain higher education and employment. It thanks the employees for their commitment to improving student success rates through quality, compliance and customer satisfaction principles.
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Dear itt
1. Dear ITT/ESITeam:
It issimplynotcommunicatedoftenenoughthatwhatwe do eachday helpstomake a positive
difference inthe livesof ourstudentsandtheirfamilies!Iamconfidentthatyoufeel the same waythatI
do inthat I am extremelyproudof the workwe do here everydayat ITT Technical Institute. While each
memberof the ITT Tech familyservesindifferentfunctions,itisthroughourcollaboration,hardwork,
dedicationandfocusonour studentsthatITT Tech isable to successfullyachieveoursingulargoal of
As youknow,the StudentSuccessCycle beginswhenaprospective studentacceptsouroffertohelp
improve theirlifethroughthe pursuitof ahigh-qualitycareer-basededucationwithITTTech. The cycle
continuesthroughthe variousdepartmentsincludingfinancial aid,registrationandacademicaffairsand
progresses all the waytothe pointwhere we assistgraduatesinobtainingemployment,intheirfieldof
study,at an income level thatpresentsthemwiththe opportunityforasolidreturnontheireducational
investment. These combinedeffortshelpstudentspursue apositive lifechange throughhigher
educationandwe all have seenfirst-handwhatthe value of anITT Tech educationforourgraduatescan
I wantto thank eachof youfor the work thatyou do everyday. Your commitmentandpassionfor
helpingothersimprovetheirlivesistrulyinspiring. The core principlesof ourorganizationare Quality,
Complianceand CustomerSatisfaction andthese principlesremainatthe forefrontof everythingwe do
inour effortstoincrease studentsuccessrates!
Once again thankyoufor all that youdo and keepupthe great work!
I am proud to be an employeeat ITT Technical Institute.