The document discusses Death Cafe, a grassroots movement that holds discussions about death to help people make the most of their lives, outlines their basic website and social media presence, and identifies opportunities to make the platform more interactive, extend their reach through social media, and potentially partner with similar organizations.
2. About Death Cafe
Goal: "To increase awareness of death with a
view to helping people make the most of their
(finite) lives".
History: based on caf辿 mortels
Audience (Reach): 231 Likes on FB, 554 Twitter
Followers, 2,000+ page views a month
Back-end technology:
-Simple, Blogger (Blog website)
3. Caf辿 Mortels "I am never so in tune with
the truth as during one of
these soir辿es. And I have
the impression that the
assembled company, for a
moment, and thanks to
death, is born into
authenticity," he writes in
his new book, Caf辿s
Mortels: Sortir la Mort du
Silence, or "bringing death
out of silence".
Bernard Crettaz
5. Recipe Guide
Contains basic guide on how
to set up, advertise, space
guidelines, evaluation
forms, menu, conversation
prompts, schedule
Confidential space
Two exercise prompts for
talking about Death-
他 death 村 life formula
Entry point: on letting go
6. Engagement Strategy
US Death Cafes
UK Death Cafes
Major Arts Venue/
Death Festival
3 More Death Cafes
Coverage in The Standard
Three More
Death Cafes
Press Release and
People write some coverage
First Death Caf辿
7. What Works Whats Missing
Blog presents artifacts Besides the invites as artifacts,
of invites no structured collecting of
stories or document of cafes
Blog stays current and widens
its focus by sharing videos, Produces no rich media or app
reviews, guests columnists,
Its just a blog Limitations
(No archive, stuff gets
Calendar of Death Cafes buried (pardon the
pun!)), not as fun to interact
Recipe Guide with
Does not extend itself
to social media
platforms as much as
homegrown, grassroots
it can
8. DeathCafe 3.0
We can incorporate areas of their engagement
strategy, recipe guide structure, and calendar.
Make more interactive site and widen
campaign to social media realms. Gamifying
Its about building a movement!
Partner with them or collaborate in some