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SSppeeaakkeerrss aarree 
nnoott bboorrnn,, tthheeyy 
aarree mmaaddee.. 
Speech & Interpersonal 
Communication Enhancement 
Unit, IIUM
 Cultivates qquuiicckk aanndd mmuullttii-- 
ddiimmeennssiioonnaall,, llooggiiccaall tthhiinnkkiinngg.. 
 EEnnhhaanncceess tthhee aabbiilliittyy ttoo ddeevveelloopp 
rreeaassoonneedd ooppiinniioonnss.. 
 GGiivveess aa bbeetttteerr uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ooff tthhee 
ccuurrrreenntt eevveennttss aanndd tthhee wwoorrlldd aarroouunndd 
 IImmpprroovveess sseellff--ccoonnffiiddeennccee,, ssppeeaakkiinngg 
ssttyyllee aanndd ccoommmmaanndd ooff llaanngguuaaggee.. 
 EEnnrriicchheess yyoouurr oovveerraallll lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 Good knowledge ooff ccuurrrreenntt iissssuueess.. 
 AAbbiilliittyy ttoo ggeenneerraattee iiddeeaass.. 
 AAbbiilliittyy ttoo tthhiinnkk ccrriittiiccaallllyy aanndd llooggiiccaallllyy.. 
 AAbbiilliittyy ttoo pprreesseenntt tthhee iiddeeaass 
 AAbbiilliittyy ttoo hhaannddllee ccuullttuurraallllyy ddiivveerrssee 
aanndd cchhaalllleennggiinngg ssiittuuaattiioonnss wwiitthh ggrreeaatt 
eeaassee aanndd ttoo oonneess tthheeiirr ((oowwnn)) 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 PPaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy && NNoonn--ppaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy 
 Parliamentary debates allow Points of Information 
(POI) while Non-Parliamentary debates do not. 
 MMaallaayyssiiaann CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall 
 3 members to a team 
 Topics given in advance 
 POIs not allowed 
 AAmmeerriiccaann PPaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy 
 2 members to a team 
 POIs are allowed 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 RRooyyaall MMaallaayyssiiaann// AAssiiaann 
 3 members to a team 
 POIS are allowed. 
 BBrriittiisshh PPaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy ((WWoorrlldd DDeebbaatteess)) 
 2 member to team and 4 teams in a debate 
 POIs are allowed Opening Gov. 
Closing Opp. Opening Opp. 
Set up in a 
Format of 
Closing Gov. 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
1. Matter: 
What you present (i.e. the 
2. Manner: 
How you present (i.e. the style) 
3. Method: 
Organisation/ structure of your 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
1. Definitions: 
4. Rebuttals: 
- Set up of the debate 
2. Arguments: 
- Must be logical 
- Must be relevant 
3. Evidences: 
- Must be logical 
- Must be relevant 
- Must be prompt 
- Must be relevant 
- Evidential value (strength) 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 Explain the kkeeyy--wwoorrddss iinn tthhee 
 IIddeennttiiffyy wwhhaatt yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo 
pprroovvee aanndd wwhhaatt iiss yyoouurr ssttaanndd.. 
TThhiiss iiss ccaalllleedd tthhee tthheemmee ooff 
yyoouurr tteeaamm.. 
 IIff tthheerree iiss aa mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt 
iinnvvoollvveedd,, sseett uupp tthhee yyaarrddssttiicckk 
oorr ccrriitteerriiaa ffoorr ssuucchh 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
Characteristics of a Proper Definition: 
 It must bear a close relation to the motion. 
 It must not be truistic. 
 It must not employ time or place setting. 
 It must not be based on overly specific knowledge 
Kinds of Definitions: 
 Literal with key-words definition. 
 Metaphorical definition. 
 Issue based &/or specified definition (different 
from time-place setting). 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
Grounds for Challenge: 
 You can only challenge a definition if it 
violates any of the criteria stated earlier. 
Frequently used terms in challenging 
definitions are: wholly unreasonable, 
squirrel, time-place set, truistic. 
 You cannot challenge a definition simply 
because you have a more reasonable or 
better definition. 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 Challenge must come from the leader of the opposition, not 
 Leader of the opposition must provide an alternative 
 In most of the cases, the teams must introduce an 'even if 
 An `Even if' argument is not possible in some cases. (e.g. 
truistic definition & definition running counter to the 
resolution i.e. where govt. has taken the oppositions case). 
 In a definition debate, all the speakers except the PM argue 
the following: 
 Why challenge? 
 Validity/ invalidity of the two definitions. 
 Even if we are to accept the other side's definition, these are the 
weaknesses of their case. 
 Positive case under their own definition. 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 First, identify what you have to prove under the topic. 
 Then, identify what helps you to prove it. Put them in 
the format of an argument or a set of arguments. 
 Not everything that you know on the subject is relevant. 
 Anticipate the questions that may be raised against 
your arguments and see if you have good answers to 
 Block the opportunity for those questions to be raised 
by addressing them briefly as you explain the 
 Present the arguments in order of their strength. 
 Avoid empty rhetoric and emotionalism - be rational. 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
Basic statement 
Logical explanations of why and how 
the basic statement stands 
Proofs/ evidences/ examples that factually 
establish your basic statement 
Conclusion/ how it proves 
your teams theme 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
A t t a c k s 
R e b u t t a l s 
( R e b u t t h e A r g u m e n t s ) 
D e f e n c e 
( R e b u t t h e R e b u t t a l s ) 
 Do not rebut the example, attack the very premise of 
the argument of the other side. Only then contrary 
examples can be supplemented. 
 It is advisable to provide multiple rebuttals to each 
argument of the other side. 
 Rebuttals should also be in conformity with your 
 Rebut the rebuttals of your case by the other side in 
order to defend your case. 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 Respectable attitude towards the judges 
and the other team. 
 Vocal style: volume, clarity, pace, 
intonation etc. 
 Use of notes: not to read a written text. 
 Eye contact. 
 Body language: hand gestures, pacing, 
standing etc. 
 Impression of sincerity. 
 Humour, wit, appropriate and healthy 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
- TTeeaamm ssttrruuccttuurree 
- Continuity of teams theme in all the speeches. 
- Consistency among all the speakers (no 
- Reinforcement of team members' arguments 
- Clear & logical separation between arguments. 
- IInnddiivviidduuaall SSttrruuccttuurree 
- Attractive opening/ outline of the speech. 
- Proper organisation & priority of the arguments. 
- Organisation of rebuttals. 
- Appropriate timing of the speech 
- Summary of the speech. 
- RReessppoonnsseess ttoo tthhee ddyynnaammiiccss ooff tthhee ddeebbaattee 
- Right thing at the right time. 
- Ability to follow the progression of and changes in the 
Spedeechb a&te I,n taenrpde rtsoo nreal- aCcotm amccuonircdaitniognly E. nhancement Unit, IIUM
Definitions/ theme of the 
Rebuttals (attacks and defence) 
Reiteration and defence of your own teams case 
Presentation of your own arguments 
Conclusion (why your teams case 
stands and other teams case does not) 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
TToo ssuuppppoorrtt tthhee mmoottiioonn 
wwhhiicchh iinnvvoollvveess:: 
 Defining the motion, 
 Constructing a 
positive case in 
favour of the motion, 
 Providing substantive 
materials and 
arguments in support 
of the case, 
 Responding to any 
challenges made to 
that case by the 
TToo nneeggaattee tthhee mmoottiioonn wwhhiicchh 
Responding to the 
Government's definition, 
Constructing a case in 
opposition to the motion, 
Providing substantive 
material and arguments in 
support of the (opposition) 
Responding to the arguments 
delivered by the 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
- Defines 
- Builds a positive case to 
support the motion 
- Responds to the Opp.s case. 
- Responds to the 
governments case 
- Builds a case to oppose the 
- Supports the Opening Gov.s 
- Adds new dimensions, 
arguments to further 
substantiate the 
governments case. 
- Responds to the Opp.s case 
- Supports the Opening Opp.s 
- Adds new dimension, 
arguments in Opp.s case 
- Responds to governments 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 1st SSppeeaakkeerr //PPrriimmee MMiinniisstteerr 
 Defines the topic. 
 Gives the case structure and theme. 
 Presents own arguments. 
 Provides a summary of his speech. (What I've given u so far..). 
 22nndd SSppeeaakkeerr 
 Reiterates and defends his first speakers arguments. 
 Presents own argument. 
 Provides a summary of his speech. 
 33rrdd SSppeeaakkeerr 
 Rebuts substantially. 
 Reiterates and defends his own team's case. 
 Provides a summary of his speech. 
 RReeppllyy SSppeeaakkeerr 
 PPrreesseennttss aa ccoommppaarraattiivvee oovveerrvviieeww ooff tthhee ccllaasshh ppooiinnttss iinn tthhee ddeebbaattee 
pprroovviinngg wwhhyy hhiiss tteeaammss ccaassee ssttaannddss 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 1st Speaker //OOppppoossiittiioonn LLeeaaddeerr 
 RReessppoonnddss ttoo tthhee ddeeffiinniittiioonn ((ii..ee.. AAcccceeppttss,, RReejjeeccttss oorr 
 RReebbuuttss tthhee PPrriimmee MMiinniisstteerrss aarrgguummeennttss.. 
 GGiivveess tthhee ccaassee ssttrruuccttuurree aanndd tthheemmee ooff hhiiss tteeaamm.. 
 PPrreesseennttss oowwnn aarrgguummeennttss.. 
 PPrroovviiddeess aa ssuummmmaarryy ooff hhiiss ssppeeeecchh.. 
 22nndd SSppeeaakkeerr 
 SSaammee aass tthhee pprrooppoossiittiioonn 22nndd ssppeeaakkeerr 
 33rrdd SSppeeaakkeerr 
 SSaammee aass tthhee pprrooppoossiittiioonn 33rrdd ssppeeaakkeerr 
 RReeppllyy SSppeeaakkeerr 
 SSaammee aass tthhee pprrooppoossiittiioonn rreeppllyy ssppeeaakkeerr 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
 A POI can be in a question oorr ssttaatteemmeenntt ffoorrmm aanndd 
sshhoouulldd nnoott ttaakkee mmoorree tthhaann 1155 sseeccoonnddss.. 
 EEaacchh ssppeeaakkeerr sshhoouulldd aacccceepptt aatt lleeaasstt ttwwoo PPOOIIss.. 
 AAllll tthhrreeee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee tteeaamm sshhoouulldd ttrryy ttoo ggiivvee PPOOIIss,, 
bbuutt tthheeyy mmuusstt nnoott bbee ddiissrruuppttiivvee.. 
 PPOOIIss aarree jjuuddggeedd oonn tthhee bbaassiiss ooff:: 
- tthhee tthhrreeaatt tthheeyy ppoossee ttoo tthhee ssttrreennggtthh ooff tthhee aarrgguummeenntt ooff tthhee 
- vvaalluuee ooff iittss wwiitt aanndd hhuummoouurr.. 
 RReessppoonnsseess ttoo tthhee PPOOIIss aarree jjuuddggeedd oonn tthhee bbaassiiss ooff:: 
 pprroommppttnneessss aanndd ccoonnffiiddeennccee iinn aannsswweerriinngg.. 
 ssttrreennggtthh ooff tthhee rreessppoonnssee.. 
 vvaalluuee ooff wwiitt aanndd hhuummoouurr iinn tthhee rreessppoonnssee.. 
Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM

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Debate guide

  • 1. AAAALLLLWWWWAAAAYYYYSSSS RRRREEEEMMMMEEEEMMMMBBBBEEEERRRR SSppeeaakkeerrss aarree nnoott bboorrnn,, tthheeyy aarree mmaaddee.. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 2. BENEFITS OF DEBATING Cultivates qquuiicckk aanndd mmuullttii-- ddiimmeennssiioonnaall,, llooggiiccaall tthhiinnkkiinngg.. EEnnhhaanncceess tthhee aabbiilliittyy ttoo ddeevveelloopp rreeaassoonneedd ooppiinniioonnss.. GGiivveess aa bbeetttteerr uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ooff tthhee ccuurrrreenntt eevveennttss aanndd tthhee wwoorrlldd aarroouunndd uuss.. IImmpprroovveess sseellff--ccoonnffiiddeennccee,, ssppeeaakkiinngg ssttyyllee aanndd ccoommmmaanndd ooff llaanngguuaaggee.. EEnnrriicchheess yyoouurr oovveerraallll lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp qquuaalliittiieess.. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 3. GOOD DEBATERS POSSESS Good knowledge ooff ccuurrrreenntt iissssuueess.. AAbbiilliittyy ttoo ggeenneerraattee iiddeeaass.. AAbbiilliittyy ttoo tthhiinnkk ccrriittiiccaallllyy aanndd llooggiiccaallllyy.. AAbbiilliittyy ttoo pprreesseenntt tthhee iiddeeaass ssyysstteemmaattiiccaallllyy.. AAbbiilliittyy ttoo hhaannddllee ccuullttuurraallllyy ddiivveerrssee aanndd cchhaalllleennggiinngg ssiittuuaattiioonnss wwiitthh ggrreeaatt eeaassee aanndd ttoo oonneess tthheeiirr ((oowwnn)) eennjjooyymmeenntt.. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 4. DIFFERENT FORMATS OF DEBATES PPaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy && NNoonn--ppaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy Parliamentary debates allow Points of Information (POI) while Non-Parliamentary debates do not. MMaallaayyssiiaann CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall 3 members to a team Topics given in advance POIs not allowed AAmmeerriiccaann PPaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy 2 members to a team POIs are allowed Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 5. DIFFERENT FORMATS OF DEBATES RRooyyaall MMaallaayyssiiaann// AAssiiaann 3 members to a team POIS are allowed. BBrriittiisshh PPaarrlliiaammeennttaarryy ((WWoorrlldd DDeebbaatteess)) 2 member to team and 4 teams in a debate POIs are allowed Opening Gov. Closing Opp. Opening Opp. Speaker/ Chairperson Audience Set up in a British Parliamentary Format of Debate Closing Gov. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 6. A DEBATE IS JUDGED ON THE BASIS OF: 1. Matter: What you present (i.e. the content) 2. Manner: How you present (i.e. the style) 3. Method: Organisation/ structure of your presentation Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 7. ELEMENTS OF MATTER 1. Definitions: 4. Rebuttals: - Set up of the debate 2. Arguments: - Must be logical - Must be relevant 3. Evidences: - Must be logical - Must be relevant - Must be prompt - Must be relevant - Evidential value (strength) Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 8. DEFINING A TOPIC Explain the kkeeyy--wwoorrddss iinn tthhee ttooppiicc.. IIddeennttiiffyy wwhhaatt yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo pprroovvee aanndd wwhhaatt iiss yyoouurr ssttaanndd.. TThhiiss iiss ccaalllleedd tthhee tthheemmee ooff yyoouurr tteeaamm.. IIff tthheerree iiss aa mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt iinnvvoollvveedd,, sseett uupp tthhee yyaarrddssttiicckk oorr ccrriitteerriiaa ffoorr ssuucchh mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt.. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 9. RULES OF DEFINITION Characteristics of a Proper Definition: It must bear a close relation to the motion. It must not be truistic. It must not employ time or place setting. It must not be based on overly specific knowledge Kinds of Definitions: Literal with key-words definition. Metaphorical definition. Issue based &/or specified definition (different from time-place setting). Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 10. CHALLENGE OF DEFINITION Grounds for Challenge: You can only challenge a definition if it violates any of the criteria stated earlier. Frequently used terms in challenging definitions are: wholly unreasonable, squirrel, time-place set, truistic. You cannot challenge a definition simply because you have a more reasonable or better definition. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 11. CHALLENGE OF DEFINITION Challenge must come from the leader of the opposition, not later. Leader of the opposition must provide an alternative definition. In most of the cases, the teams must introduce an 'even if argument. An `Even if' argument is not possible in some cases. (e.g. truistic definition & definition running counter to the resolution i.e. where govt. has taken the oppositions case). In a definition debate, all the speakers except the PM argue the following: Why challenge? Validity/ invalidity of the two definitions. Even if we are to accept the other side's definition, these are the weaknesses of their case. Positive case under their own definition. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 12. GETTING THE RIGHT ARGUMENTS First, identify what you have to prove under the topic. Then, identify what helps you to prove it. Put them in the format of an argument or a set of arguments. Not everything that you know on the subject is relevant. Anticipate the questions that may be raised against your arguments and see if you have good answers to them. Block the opportunity for those questions to be raised by addressing them briefly as you explain the argument. Present the arguments in order of their strength. Avoid empty rhetoric and emotionalism - be rational. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 13. ESTABLISHING AN ARGUMENT Basic statement Logical explanations of why and how the basic statement stands Proofs/ evidences/ examples that factually establish your basic statement Conclusion/ how it proves your teams theme Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 14. EFFECTIVE REBUTTALS A t t a c k s R e b u t t a l s ( R e b u t t h e A r g u m e n t s ) D e f e n c e ( R e b u t t h e R e b u t t a l s ) Do not rebut the example, attack the very premise of the argument of the other side. Only then contrary examples can be supplemented. It is advisable to provide multiple rebuttals to each argument of the other side. Rebuttals should also be in conformity with your case. Rebut the rebuttals of your case by the other side in order to defend your case. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 15. ELEMENTS OF MANNER/STYLE Respectable attitude towards the judges and the other team. Vocal style: volume, clarity, pace, intonation etc. Use of notes: not to read a written text. Eye contact. Body language: hand gestures, pacing, standing etc. Impression of sincerity. Humour, wit, appropriate and healthy sarcasm. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 16. ELEMENTS OF METHOD - TTeeaamm ssttrruuccttuurree - Continuity of teams theme in all the speeches. - Consistency among all the speakers (no contradictions) - Reinforcement of team members' arguments - Clear & logical separation between arguments. - IInnddiivviidduuaall SSttrruuccttuurree - Attractive opening/ outline of the speech. - Proper organisation & priority of the arguments. - Organisation of rebuttals. - Appropriate timing of the speech - Summary of the speech. - RReessppoonnsseess ttoo tthhee ddyynnaammiiccss ooff tthhee ddeebbaattee - Right thing at the right time. - Ability to follow the progression of and changes in the Spedeechb a&te I,n taenrpde rtsoo nreal- aCcotm amccuonircdaitniognly E. nhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 17. MODEL INDIVIDUAL SPEECH Definitions/ theme of the team Rebuttals (attacks and defence) Reiteration and defence of your own teams case Presentation of your own arguments Conclusion (why your teams case stands and other teams case does not) Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 18. TEAMS ROLES: ASIAN/ AUSTRALS PPRROOPPOOSSIITTIIOONN// GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT:: TToo ssuuppppoorrtt tthhee mmoottiioonn wwhhiicchh iinnvvoollvveess:: Defining the motion, Constructing a positive case in favour of the motion, Providing substantive materials and arguments in support of the case, Responding to any challenges made to that case by the Opposition. OOPPPPOOSSIITTIIOONN:: TToo nneeggaattee tthhee mmoottiioonn wwhhiicchh iinnvvoollvveess:: Responding to the Government's definition, Constructing a case in opposition to the motion, Providing substantive material and arguments in support of the (opposition) case, Responding to the arguments delivered by the Government. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 19. TEAM ROLES: BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY - Defines - Builds a positive case to support the motion - Responds to the Opp.s case. OPENING OPP. - Responds to the governments case - Builds a case to oppose the motion - Supports the Opening Gov.s case, - Adds new dimensions, arguments to further substantiate the governments case. - Responds to the Opp.s case - Supports the Opening Opp.s case - Adds new dimension, arguments in Opp.s case - Responds to governments case OPENING GOV. CLOSING GOV. CLOSING OPP. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 20. SPEAKERS' ROLES: ASIAN/ AUSTRALS 1st SSppeeaakkeerr //PPrriimmee MMiinniisstteerr PPRROOPPOOSSIITTIIOONN// GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT:: Defines the topic. Gives the case structure and theme. Presents own arguments. Provides a summary of his speech. (What I've given u so far..). 22nndd SSppeeaakkeerr Rebuts. Reiterates and defends his first speakers arguments. Presents own argument. Provides a summary of his speech. 33rrdd SSppeeaakkeerr Rebuts substantially. Reiterates and defends his own team's case. Provides a summary of his speech. RReeppllyy SSppeeaakkeerr PPrreesseennttss aa ccoommppaarraattiivvee oovveerrvviieeww ooff tthhee ccllaasshh ppooiinnttss iinn tthhee ddeebbaattee pprroovviinngg wwhhyy hhiiss tteeaammss ccaassee ssttaannddss Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 21. SPEAKERS' ROLES: ASIAN/ AUSTRALS OOPPPPOOSSIITTIIOONN:: 1st Speaker //OOppppoossiittiioonn LLeeaaddeerr RReessppoonnddss ttoo tthhee ddeeffiinniittiioonn ((ii..ee.. AAcccceeppttss,, RReejjeeccttss oorr CCllaarriiffiieess)).. RReebbuuttss tthhee PPrriimmee MMiinniisstteerrss aarrgguummeennttss.. GGiivveess tthhee ccaassee ssttrruuccttuurree aanndd tthheemmee ooff hhiiss tteeaamm.. PPrreesseennttss oowwnn aarrgguummeennttss.. PPrroovviiddeess aa ssuummmmaarryy ooff hhiiss ssppeeeecchh.. 22nndd SSppeeaakkeerr SSaammee aass tthhee pprrooppoossiittiioonn 22nndd ssppeeaakkeerr 33rrdd SSppeeaakkeerr SSaammee aass tthhee pprrooppoossiittiioonn 33rrdd ssppeeaakkeerr RReeppllyy SSppeeaakkeerr SSaammee aass tthhee pprrooppoossiittiioonn rreeppllyy ssppeeaakkeerr Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM
  • 22. POINTS OF INFORMATION (POIs) A POI can be in a question oorr ssttaatteemmeenntt ffoorrmm aanndd sshhoouulldd nnoott ttaakkee mmoorree tthhaann 1155 sseeccoonnddss.. EEaacchh ssppeeaakkeerr sshhoouulldd aacccceepptt aatt lleeaasstt ttwwoo PPOOIIss.. AAllll tthhrreeee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee tteeaamm sshhoouulldd ttrryy ttoo ggiivvee PPOOIIss,, bbuutt tthheeyy mmuusstt nnoott bbee ddiissrruuppttiivvee.. PPOOIIss aarree jjuuddggeedd oonn tthhee bbaassiiss ooff:: - tthhee tthhrreeaatt tthheeyy ppoossee ttoo tthhee ssttrreennggtthh ooff tthhee aarrgguummeenntt ooff tthhee ddeebbaatteerr.. - vvaalluuee ooff iittss wwiitt aanndd hhuummoouurr.. RReessppoonnsseess ttoo tthhee PPOOIIss aarree jjuuddggeedd oonn tthhee bbaassiiss ooff:: pprroommppttnneessss aanndd ccoonnffiiddeennccee iinn aannsswweerriinngg.. ssttrreennggtthh ooff tthhee rreessppoonnssee.. vvaalluuee ooff wwiitt aanndd hhuummoouurr iinn tthhee rreessppoonnssee.. Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Unit, IIUM