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Debbie Skrapka McKaughan
108 Brookside Drive, Moore, OK 73160
Gaps in my employment represent time spent working on my higher education as well as raising
a child. I have good instincts in person to person relationships as well as in dynamic group situations
and my organizational skills can be counted on whenever they may be needed.
May 2005-July 2006
Estes Advertising Specialties, Office Manager
 Using my organizational skills I made small changes in the work area so ideas, information and
work could flow smoothly.
 I implemented a system of entering AR/AP transactions to keep all billing issues current.
 I built relationships with vendors in order to communicate successfully about deliveries and
September 2004-May 2005
Oklahoma City Public Schools, Teachers Assistant
 I was able to give individual attention to students to help them succeed academically and in
social situations at school.
 In the special education lab setting I was called on to help students of varying abilities learn
the basics of self-care, including all aspects of hygiene.
July 1998-October 2001
Eckerds Drug/Express Photo Lab, Express Lab Manager
 Initial experience on the front end, including inventory control and cash balancing.
 Promoted to Lab Manager based on my willingness to learn lab activities such as Kodak chemical
standards and color theory.
 Attended a week long course on the aesthetics of a good photo print and brought the
information back to my subordinates to apply to our work.
June 1984-October 1995
7 Eleven Convenience Stores, Store Manager
 Scheduled up to six clerks to operate the registers and balance their cash.
 Maintained good relationships with vendors for timely deliveries and accurate inventory
 Trained new clerks in all aspects of the store operation and shadowed them to check on their
accuracy and knowledge.
Mid-America Christian University Bachelors of Science in Psychology and Ethics Dec 2014

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Debbie resume

  • 1. Debbie Skrapka McKaughan 108 Brookside Drive, Moore, OK 73160 Gaps in my employment represent time spent working on my higher education as well as raising a child. I have good instincts in person to person relationships as well as in dynamic group situations and my organizational skills can be counted on whenever they may be needed. May 2005-July 2006 Estes Advertising Specialties, Office Manager Using my organizational skills I made small changes in the work area so ideas, information and work could flow smoothly. I implemented a system of entering AR/AP transactions to keep all billing issues current. I built relationships with vendors in order to communicate successfully about deliveries and returns. September 2004-May 2005 Oklahoma City Public Schools, Teachers Assistant I was able to give individual attention to students to help them succeed academically and in social situations at school. In the special education lab setting I was called on to help students of varying abilities learn the basics of self-care, including all aspects of hygiene. July 1998-October 2001 Eckerds Drug/Express Photo Lab, Express Lab Manager Initial experience on the front end, including inventory control and cash balancing. Promoted to Lab Manager based on my willingness to learn lab activities such as Kodak chemical standards and color theory. Attended a week long course on the aesthetics of a good photo print and brought the information back to my subordinates to apply to our work. June 1984-October 1995 7 Eleven Convenience Stores, Store Manager Scheduled up to six clerks to operate the registers and balance their cash. Maintained good relationships with vendors for timely deliveries and accurate inventory invoices. Trained new clerks in all aspects of the store operation and shadowed them to check on their accuracy and knowledge.
  • 2. Education Mid-America Christian University Bachelors of Science in Psychology and Ethics Dec 2014