This document contains a series of trivia questions related to places and things at BITS as well as topics like history, art, science, and pop culture. The questions are posed without context and require making logical connections to arrive at the answers.
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December 15th quiz for BITSAA event
2. All answers have a BITS connect. So even
though the question may be vague think about
places and things at BITS and you will know
the answer
I am sorry if its a little low on fundaes from
Goa, Hyd and Dubai. Would have loved it if
someone from there had collaborated.
3. This was a classification of ships by Lloyds
Register of London for insurance purposes.
Ships were designated a code based on their
age and quality of the materials it was made of.
What was the code for a ship of the highest
quality ?
4. A quiz By
2000 A1 PS 560
5. A fragment of what recovered from the Indian
Ocean in 1979 ?
7. Complete this rhyme from 1939 work
Finnegans Wake by James Joyce
Three ________ for Muster Mark!
Sure he hasn't got much of a bark
And sure any he has it's all beside the mark
Physicist Murray Gell-Man named a group of (then
three) particles after this ditty.
8. Quarks
9. In the Disney Classic Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs only one of the dwarfs did not
have a beard. Name him ?
10. DOP(e)Y
11. What feature derives its current name from
ancient Demotic Egyptian wahe or 旦uahe
which means dwelling place.
12. Oasis
13. Connect this province in western Ireland to
Rajiv Chowk in Delhi
14. Connaught
Rajiv Chowk is the Official name for
Connaught place in Delhi
15. On 18 November 2010, Airtel rebranded itself in India in the first
phase of a global rebranding strategy. The company unveiled a
new logo with 'airtel' written in lower case. The company had
decided to crowd source the name for its new brand symbol. What
was the winning entry ?
16. Wave
17. If Boreas is for the cold Northern
Notus is for the Hot Southern
Eurus is for the unlucky and rainy eastern
Who is it for the fructifying western ?
18. Zephyr(us) ( the Goan equivalent of Bhavans
19. The last such event occurred on
2012: September 1, September 30
And the next is scheduled for
2015: July 2, July 31 (Note two dates should
give you a hint)
20. Blue moon ( second full moon in a month is
termed as a blue moon )
21. What is being depicted
in this Ravi Verma Painting
22. Descent of Ganga , more specifically Shiva
steadying Gangas flow onto the earth
23. Identify the Organisation
25. The key material in the manufacture of this
product can be any one listed below.
Aluminium Oxide
Silicon Carbide
Alminium - Zirconia
Chromium (III) Oxide
Incidentely I did my PS-1 in CUMI which is a
manufacturer of this
34. Gyaan Param Balam
Francis Bacon is cretided (wrongly) with the
quote knowledge is power and thats the
param in BITS) ..i know sorry I was running
out of questions
35. Never one to give up too easily this
diminutive Trinidadian was perhaps the first
cricketer to be awarded the Man of the Match
for his fielding performance. Name him ?