The document describes a proposed low-voltage low-dropout (LDO) regulator using 90-nm CMOS technology. It converts an input of 1V to an output of 0.85-0.5V. Key features include a simple operational transconductance amplifier as the error amplifier with current splitting to boost gain and bandwidth. A power noise cancellation mechanism minimizes the power transistor size. A fast transient accelerator provides extra current during load transients. The proposed LDO achieves high efficiency, small output variation, and high power supply rejection while occupying a small area of only 0.0041 mm2.
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December 2015 Online Magazine 39-42
1. ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal
A low-voltage low-dropout (LDO) regulator that converts
an input of 1 V to an output of 0.850.5 V, with 90-nm
CMOS technology is proposed. A simple symmetric op-
erational transconductance amplifier is used as the error
amplifier (EA), with a current splitting technique adopt-
ed to boost the gain. This also enhances the closed-loop
bandwidth of the LDO regulator. In the rail-to-rail output
stage of the EA, a power noise cancellation mechanism is
formed, minimizing the size of the power MOS transis-
tor. Furthermore, a fast responding transient accelerator
is designed through the reuse of parts of the EA. These
advantages allow the proposed LDO regulator to operate
over a wide range of operating conditions while achieving
99.94% current efficiency, a 28-mV output variation for a
0100mA load transient, and a power supply rejection of
roughly 50 dB over 0100kHz. The area of the proposed
LDO regulator is only 0.0041 mm2, because of the com-
pact architecture.
Index Terms:
Fast transient response, high power supply rejection, low-
dropout (LDO) regulator, low-voltage, small area.
Power management unit with several integrated regula-
tors is widely used in modern battery-powered portable
devices. These power management schemes often use a
primary switching regulator and several post regulators
[1], [2]. The primary switching regulator converts the
high dc voltage level of the battery (e.g., 4.22.7 V) into
a low dc voltage level (e.g., 1 V) with a high conversion
efficiency (>90%). The post regulators also generate sev-
eral independent power sources for multiple voltage do-
mains. The switching regulator inevitably generates volt-
age ripples over the range of the switching frequency. The
switching frequency of the regulator often lies within a
low-frequency band of a few 10100 kHz to reduce
Dept of ECE,
JSS Academy of Technical
Education, Noida Affiliated
to UPTU, Noida, India.
Mr.Sampath Kumar V
Dept of ECE,
JSS Academy of Technical
Education, Noida Affiliated
to UPTU, Noida, India.
Mrs.Sangeeta Mangesh
Assistant Professor,
Dept of ECE,
JSS Academy of Technical
Education, Noida Affiliated
to UPTU, Noida, India.
switching power loss.The post-regulators should, there-
fore, be able to provide a good power supply rejection
(PSR) ability to suppress these unwanted low-frequency
noises. To further maintain high power efficiency, mini-
mize the impact on target load circuits, and reduce cost,
the post regulators must operate at low voltage and low
quiescent current (IQ), achieve a fast transient response
with a small output variation, and minimize their area.
The low-dropout (LDO) regulator has a simple architec-
ture and a fast-responding loop, which makes it the best
candidate to implement these postregulators.A number of
previous papers focused on enhancing the transient re-
sponse [3][10] or the PSR [2], [4], [5], [10], [11] or both
of LDO regulators. The designs in [3][5] and [8] use ei-
ther a large driving current or additional circuits, which-
consume a significant IQ. The design in [6] consumes a
small IQ, yet has a large output variation during the load
transient. The dynamic biasing technique is widely ad-
opted by conducting a very small IQ under a light load
condition [9], [10]. This inevitably sacrifices the transient
response during a light to heavy load current transition.
The LDO regulators proposed in [2] and [11] achieved
a high PSR over a very wide frequency range (up to 10
MHz). Using bipolar junction transistor process technol-
ogy [11] or a complex ripple cancellation circuit [2] to
achieve a PSR >10 MHz at the expense of a high IQ is,
however, unnecessary for the postregulator of a general
purpose switching regulator. Further, a complex compen-
sation circuit [6] or a high-gain cascode error amplifier
(EA) [7] complicates the LDO regulator design and is not
feasible for low-voltage systems (1 V) that are using ad-
vanced technology. All the previous regulators [2][11]
are unable to achieve sub 1-V operation.
A basic LDO regulator is mainly composed of a biasing
circuit, an EA, a power MOS transistor (MP ), and a feed-
back network, as shown in Fig. 1.
Volume No: 2 (2015), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2015 Page 39
Design of a Low-Voltage Low-Dropout Regulator
2. ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal
Now, the transient accelerator (TA) is removed. An off-
chip output capacitor (CL) is used to mitigate the output
variations during the load transient. The design challeng-
es and concepts in designing a low voltage LDO regulator
are summarized briefly in the following sections.
A. Low Supply (Input) Voltage and Low IQ:
A high loop gain is mandatory in LDO regulator design
to achieve optimum performance values such as accurate
output (line/load regulation) and PSR. A low supply volt-
age and output-resistance reduction induced by a shrink-
ing technology limit the achievable gain of the EA. Thus,
there are many auxiliary circuits that consume consid-
erable IQ that are proposed to enhance performance. A
MP with a significant size is required for a specific load
current when an LDO regulator sinks current from a low
voltage power source. Thus, the EA requires a higher cur-
rent slew rate to drive the MP. To achieve low-voltage
operation, an EA with not more than three stacked transis-
tors between the supply voltage and ground is preferred;
each of the transistors, therefore, has more voltage space
to stay in the saturation region. A possible candidate can
be as simple as an operational transconductance ampli-
fier (OTA) with a low-cost gain-boosting technique like
current splitting [12]. The EA also requires a wide output
swing to minimize the size of the MP , and hence relieve
the requirement on output current slew rate of the EA.
B. Fast Transient Response:
The transient response includes the voltage variation
(spike) and recovery (settling) time during the load cur-
rent transient. The voltage variation is more important
than the recovery time, as even a small output-voltage
variation (e.g., 50 mV) can cause severe performance
degradation to the load circuit operating at an ultralow
supply voltage (e.g., 0.5 V). To reduce the output-voltage
variation, both a large closed-loop bandwidth of the LDO
regulator and a large output current slew rate of the EA
are required [13]. Increasing the closed-loop bandwidth
may, however, affect the pole/zero locations and the cir-
cuitry may become too complex, consuming more IQ [4],
[8]. The concept of the TA, shown in Fig. 1, is, therefore,
adopted to conditionally provide extra charging/discharg-
ing current paths (slew current), depending on the status
of the output variation detector.
C. Power Supply Rejection:
To provide a clean and accurate output voltage with a low
voltage level (1 V), noise suppression is paramount. An
n-type power MOS transistor or a cascoded power MOS
transistor structure can achieve a high PSR; however,
they are unfeasible for sub 1-V operations. As an LDO
regulator adopts a p-type power MOS transistor, either a
high loop gain or good noise cancellation at node VG can
achieve a high PSR. It is, however, difficult to achieve
a high loop gain with a low supply voltage. In addition,
the circuit for the power noise cancellation mechanism in-
creases the design complexity and consumes extra IQ [2].
The concept of resources sharing power noise cancella-
tion mechanism as shown in Fig. 1 is thus proposed. The
first stage (stage 1_EATA) of the EA attenuates the power
noise, whereas the second stage (stage 2_EA) of the EA
rejects the common mode noise (vicm) at its inputs, and
creates a replica of the supply noise at the output. The
stage 1_EATA is shared by the EA and TA, saving the
cost and IQ.
D. Small Area:
In a low-voltage LDO regulator design, several perfor-
mance enhancing auxiliary circuits and a large MP oc-
cupy considerable space. A wide output swing EA can
reduce the size of the MP. To support a wide load current
range (e.g., 0100 mA) and a wide output-voltage range
(e.g., 0.50.85 V), the MP may enter the triode region
when under a heavy load condition (large VSG) with a
low-dropout voltage (small VSD). The MP should, there-
fore, be large enough to make the intrinsic gain of the MP
close to one at the triode region and maintain a high loop
gain in the LDO regulator. Similarly, the LDO regulator
can respond to the load current transient in time for such
a wide range of operating conditions.
Volume No: 2 (2015), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2015 Page 40
3. ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal
Fig.1: Conventional two-stage miller op-amp
Fig.2: Schematic of the LDO core circuit
E. Stability:
The dominant pole for an off-chip capacitor (e.g., CL =
1亮F) compensated LDO regulator, exists at the output
node (pO in Fig. 1). As a large MP contributes the first
non-dominant pole (pg) at a relative low frequency, a large
equivalent series resistance of CL (Resr) is required to
generate a low frequency zero (zesr) to cancel pg. There-
fore, large output variations during the load transient are
induced by the large Resr.
Awide output swing EAcan reduce the size of the MP im-
plying that such pole-zero cancellation is taking place at
a higher frequency with a related small Resr . Therefore,
a smaller output variation during the load transient can be
achieved.The second non-dominant pole (px) should be
placed at a high frequency further, which implies a low
resistance or low capacitance path at node VX.
Fig.3: Class-AB two stage op-amp with current repli-
cation branch and adoptive biasing.
Fig.4: Schematic of the proposed LDO with the AP-
POS circuit
The simulations of the above all designs are carried out by
using H-SPICE tool in CMOS technology. The simulated
waveforms for all above circuits are shown below.
Fig.5: Simulation results for Conventional two-stage
miller op-amp
Volume No: 2 (2015), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2015 Page 41
4. ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal
Fig.6: Simulation results of the LDO core circuit
Fig.7: Simulation results of Class-AB two stage op-
amp with current replication branch and adoptive bi-
Fig.8: Simulation results of the proposed LDO with
the APPOS circuit.
This paper presented an LDO regulator using a simple
OTA-type EA plus an adaptive transient accelerator,
which can achieve operation below 1 V, fast transient
response, low IQ, and high PSR under a wide range of
operating conditions. The proposed LDO regulator was
designed and fabricated using a 90-nm CMOS process to
convert an input of 1 V to an output of 0.850.5 V, while
achieving a PSR of ~50 dB with a 0100-kHz frequency
In addition, a 28-mV maximum output variation for a
0100-mA load transient, and a 99.94% current efficiency
was achieved. The experimental results verified the feasi-
bility of the proposed LDO regulator.
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