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Comfrey  Morgan  Morton  Springfield  Wabasso
Vol. 14 No. 4  December 2012


                                                            	             108 years
Purposeful Planning Delivers Successful Year
We have just completed our year-end financial audit, and    have put two primary strategies
the board has met with the auditors. The numbers confirm    in place to help us deliver on
another strong performance for Harvest Land Cooperative,    this core value.
with all divisions growing and operating profitably.
                                                            First, we are committed to deliv-
Here are a few of the financial highlights:                 ering a consistent dividend and
Sales 	                                   $263,000,000      equity payout while providing a
Local earnings 	                            $3,700,000      diversified portfolio of products,
Patronage refunds received 	                $2,700,000      services, and knowledge. We
Net margin after taxes 	$6,100,000                          are also committed to timely,
                                                            efficient market access.
Patronage Rates 2012
Cash patronage 50%	               $1,676,527                Second, we will maintain an By DENNIS SCHREIER
Equity retirements 65 and older 	  $902,970                 internal     risk-management
                                                                                              GENERAL MANAGER
Scholarships paid 	$21,700                                  strategy to protect Harvest Land Cooperative, and at the
                                                            same time provide external risk management resources
Capital Projects/Purchases 2012                             to protect our owners.
Springfield terminal crop nutrient
blending and storage 	                      $1,000,000      Purpose and focus are very important ingredients in
Agronomy operations custom                                  our success. But it is the commitment of the board of
application equipment 	                     $1,665,000      directors, management team, employees, and you, our
                                                            owners, that translates this purpose into reality. Thank
While on the subject of finances, please check your tax     you for another successful year. I look forward to seeing
ID numbers when you receive your 1099s in January. If       you at the annual meeting on January 7 in Springfield. n
we do not have your number, or it is incorrect, please
notify us as soon as possible.

Pursuing our purpose
The theme for this years annual statements is our
purpose statement, Committed to Our Owners
Success. We achieve success as an organization
because our focus is on our owners and your success.
Our decision-making is always guided by this question:
Will this benefit our owners and help build our relation-
ship with them?

As we look back at our performance at years end, this
is a natural time to emphasize one of our core values
financial strength and stability. This is particularly
important in a volatile world and ag economy, so we
Record-Setting Fall
The early harvest was a real shot in the            With the storage and blending expansion
arm for fall application. When the pace             completed during the past few years, weve
finally slows, we will have covered a record        greatly increased our blending and loadout
number of acres since the crops came out.           speed. Now weve added new tenders and
Its always a good position to be in, because       applicators to convert that capacity into
you never know what spring will look like.          faster service for our customers. Were
                                                    ready to handle whatever spring has in
We will be adding application equipment             store. n
to help us continue to meet your need for
application services. Some of that new
equipment will also enable us to offer a new
servicecustom sidedressing 32%.                                                                                   By Joel Kretsch

In General, a Good Harvest
                       Though expectations werent too high to                    expect to begin shipping corn trains to the
                       begin with, harvest in our trade territory                 west coast export market in late winter.
                       was generally better than most people
                       anticipated. Of course, some areas were                    In the meantime, the domestic market has
                       hard hit by drought and by wind, which                     seen steady demand for feed grains and
                       put some corn on the ground.                               the ethanol grind is down from last years
                                                                                  5 billion bushels, with the USDA projecting
                       We shipped several bean trains this fall for               a 4.5- billion-bushel grind this crop year.
                       export with one or two to go, but only one
                       corn train as the west coast bean program                  Finally, I want to mention that long-time grain
                       was (and still is) in high gear. After the                 driver Clem Wersal is retiring in December
                       export bean program begins to wind down                    after 15 years with Harvest Land Coopera-
                       we expect corn exports to pick up as world                 tive. We wish you all the best in retirement
By Kevin DeBerg        feed grains are fairly tight. At this time we              Clem. n
Grain Merchandiser

Page 2 2				
 Page                             息2012 Harvest Land Cooperative. All Reserved. Published in partnership with with VistaComm (www.VistaComm.com).
                              息2010 Harvest Land Cooperative. All RightsRights Reserved. Published in partnershipVistaComm (www.VistaComm.com).
                                                                                                                    速     速
Keeping Tabs on Farm Bill
The 2012 farm bill has every person in the       about the 2012 farm bill and potential
agricultural industry waiting on the edge of     changes in your biggest risk management
their seats for the House of Representative      tool, crop insurance.
to take action! The 2012 farm bill passed
the Senate in June 2012 with bipartisan          We will be hosting Producer Outlook
support but has not yet received a vote in       meetings in January. Please continue to
the House.                                       watch for more information about dates,
                                                 times, and locations on Facebook and our
AgQuest and Harvest Land are partnering to       websites: www.AgQuest.biz and www.
                                                                                                  By kathy mainer
bring you the latest news and information        harvestland.com for breaking news. n             Agquest insurance
                                                                                                  office manager

Ready to Help You Grow
By GLENN FISHER, Feed Division Manager

                           Its been a good year for the Harvest Land      management. We have plenty of capacity to
                           feed division, highlighted by the addition of   handle additional feed business, so if youre
                           swine specialist Kevin Langemo. Kevin is        looking to expandor just want to make a
                           available to help you grow your operation,      positive changeconsider Harvest Land.
                           and hes been out in the country meeting
                           some of you already. If youre in the swine     Finally, I want to mention that long-time
                           business, Kevin can be a valuable resource      feed delivery driver Ron Turbes is retiring in
                           for you.                                        December after 31 years with Harvest Land.
                                                                           Fortunately, were going to continue to see
                           We also have barns available and can offer      him on a part-time basis. We wish him all
                           several pig sourcing options and solid risk     the best in retirement. n

                             HARVEST LAND ANNUAL MEETING
     Monday, January 7th, 12:00-Lunch, 1:00 Meeting at the Springfield Community Center

ParentsYour Cooperative Can Help With College
If youre a Harvest Land patron, your equity in the coopera-   university, technical college, or business college. The
tive can help fund your students college education. College   student must be a full-time student, as defined by the
students can receive up to 25% of their parents revolving     institution they are attending. A copy of a certificate of
fund equityup to $500 maximum per year per student.           enrollment or grade transcript is required.

To qualify, the students parents must be members              The Harvest Land scholarship program is just another
in good standing with Harvest Land Cooperative. The            benefit of the cooperative way of doing business. n
student must be enrolled in an accredited, post-secondary

                                                                                                                Page 3
Increased Demand Makes Crop-Protection Planning Essential
                          Increased weed and insect             above could reach sold-out or allocated positions as
                          tolerance to certain products and     early as December 2012.
                          traits in 2012 created increased
                          demand for herbicides and insec-      Early planning for expected needs of these (as well
                          ticides to combat these issues.       as other) products will be critical as we attempt to
                          Products that became extremely        secure adequate supplies. The sooner our agronomy
                          hard to secure last year included     staff knows your intentions, the greater success we
                          the herbicides Liberty速, Status速,     will have in securing those products at the most com-
                          and Callisto速, just to name a         petitive price. Putting together accurate forecasts with
                          few. Also, insecticides like Force速   your account manager will ensure we have your needs
                          and any SmartBox速 products            covered without adding to supply issues by over-book-
                          basically sold out during the         ing.
By Tim Woelfel
                          early spring period.
Crop Protection Manager
                                                                As with any product, when demand increases, price
As the season progressed into late June and early July,         generally increases also. To secure early pricing, our
reports of weed and insect infestations became com-             agronomy department will attempt to take possession
monplace. Waterhemp resistance and corn rootworm                of as much product as possible to meet our projected
infestations were the two most reported problems.               needs. However, our warehouse space is limited. We
                                                                may ask you to take early possession of certain limited
Preparing for 2013                                              products, enabling us to secure sufficient quantities of
Looking ahead to the 2013 growing season, the herbi-            all products at competitive prices.
cides mentioned aboveand many of the pre-plant and
post-emerge soybean products such as Authority速 First           Please take the time to meet with your account manager
and Flextar速are expected to be in very high demand.            in the next few weeks to discuss your plans for next
And we expect demand to rise for all at-planting insec-         season. That will give us the best opportunity to meet
ticides. Some will see sales increase 3 to 4 times from         your needs. n
2012 levels. It is probable that some of the products

                           Day Planner
                           One of the best features of being a manager is   Minnesota West in 2007 and his A.A.S.
                           that you also get to manage yourself. I think   degree in agronomy from South Central
                           what I enjoy most about my position is that      College in 2011. He joined the Harvest Land
                           I have the ability to plan my own schedule       team in April 2011.
                           when it comes to day-to-day duties, states
                           Neil Roiger, assistant manager of Harvest        Editors note: In his free time, Neil enjoys
                           Lands Comfrey location.                         woodworking, golf, and spending time
                                                                            with family and friends. His free time may
                           Neil, a lifelong Springfield resident, grew up   be a bit more limited now, since he and his
                           on a farm eight miles southwest of town. He      wife, Alissa, just welcomed their first child,
                           earned his A.S. degree in engineering from       daughter Addilynn, in November. n

 Page 4
Strong Foundation Yields Solid Organization
By Dave Stuk, CEO

We have just completed another successful year at       and having employees that
Harvest Land.                                           are truly Committed to Our
                                                        Owners Success!
As Dennis mentioned in his lead article, Harvest
Land Cooperative turned in a strong performance,        We believe that our people
with local earnings of $3,700,000. Even better, with    are what set this coopera-
our subsidiary companies, AgQuest and Northland         tive apart. This includes your
Capital, Harvest Land had consolidated local earnings   board of directors. You have
of $8,643,629. The vision of a financially strong,      a dedicated board that take their responsibilities of
diversified company that doesnt rely on any one        leading Harvest Land very seriously. So, to help you
division for our success continues to be a reality.     to get to know each of the directors a little better,
Every division of the company, whether it was grain,    we will be doing a director spotlight in the quarterly
agronomy, feed, finance, energy, or leasing, made an    newsletters.
important contribution this year.
                                                        The first director we are featuring is our board
We will continue to build upon the strong legacy        chairman, Roger Kettner. Roger has been on the
that everyone at Harvest Land has worked so hard        Harvest Land board since 1992, and I want to per-
to achieve. This can only happen through building       sonally thank him for his many years of support and
strong relationships that stand the test of time        contribution to Harvest Lands success. n

Director Profile - Roger Kettner
With two decades of experience as a member of           Morgan. Their youngest son, Dan, recently joined
the Harvest Land Cooperative board of directors,        the farming operation. Son Alex, his wife, Kendra,
Roger Kettner has been a part of tremendous change      and their three-year-old daughter Ella live in South
and growthboth in the cooperative and in the ag        Dakota, where Alex works in the fluid power industry.
industry. A board member since 1992, Roger now
chairs the Harvest Land board.                          Equipped to lead
                                                        The cooperative provides training opportunities
The       board      of                                for directors, and Roger says those opportunities
directors of a coop-                                    become more important as the cooperative grows.
erative is unique in
that    the   members                                   These have been good times for agriculture, but
are all customers and                                   there are challenges too, he notes. For farmers
owners and active in                                    and for cooperatives, rising input costs and volatile
the industry we serve,                                 commodity markets are major concerns. Training
Roger says. We serve                                   isnt mandatory, but I believe it helps us better guide
as a voice for the                                      the cooperative into the future.
farmers we represent,
and thats important.                                   With great challenge comes great opportunity. For
We dont manage the                                     Roger, that opportunity is personal. Dan will be the
cooperative, so one of                                  fifth generation of Kettner to farm, he says. Im
our primary duties is to                                proud of what I do, and I think the U.S. is beginning
hire the best manage-                                   to understand how important ag is to the economy.
ment possible to guide                                  We have a chance to start the next generation of
the company. And we                                     farmers out on the right foot. Thats exciting to me.
provide input to that management regarding the
needs of our members and try to help deliver what       In his spare time, Roger enjoys hunting, fishing, and
our patrons are asking for.                            trail riding. I know its my job, but I also consider
                                                        my cattle an interest. I really get a lot of satisfaction
Roger and his wife, Sandy (who works for AgQuest),      from working with them. n
have a row-crop and cow/calf operation north of

                                                                                                           Page 5
Dont Wait to Renew
                          I cant think of a better way to        Here are the items well need to update or receive from
                          start this article than by officially   you for the 2013/2014 crop years:
                          introducing Melissa Robertson.          	 2012 year-end balance sheet (most important)
                          You can read more about her
                                                                  	 Personal and/or corporate tax returns
                          below. As our new administra-
                          tive assistant, she is always           	 2013 cash flow
                          availableeven       when      Mark
                                                                  	 Most recent crop years insurance coverage
                          and I are not. In many cases,
                          shell be able to answer your           	 Copy of drivers license
                          questions or track that answer
                                                                  	 Marketing contracts
                          down. She can also schedule
                          appointments with either of us.
                                                                  Also, if your marketing plans include selling a substan-
By Steve Bach             Were very excited to have her
                                                                  tial portion of your grain after January 31, 2013, and
AgQuest senior Business   on board. Melissa is located in
                                                                  you have a balance on your 2012 operating loan, youll
Relationship Manager      the Springfield office and can be
                                                                  need to come and see us as soon as possible. Well
                          reached at 507-723-7378.
                                                                  discuss some options.

Were well into the renewal process now and working
to get funding in place for 2013 and 2014. Our early              Real estate too
fall means you can get a jump on putting your final               I know many of you think of AgQuest as your best
numbers together. As soon as you get them, come in,               source for operating loans, but were also very competi-
and we can put your 2013 operating loan in place for all          tive when it comes to real estate loans. If youre looking
your purchases, whether at Harvest Land or elsewhere.             for a real estate loan, come talk to us and find out how
And, with the need for forward contracting inputs, we             we compare to other lenders. I think youll be pleasantly
can also get 2014 financing in place.                             surprised. n

The Gatekeeper
Thats not fair, really. Gatekeepers are supposed to limit access to
the people they work for. Melissa Robertson actually strives to make
it easier to get in touch with Steve Bach and Mark Kubesh, AgQuest
business relationships managers.

Since September 10, the outgoing Melissa has served as the
constant point of contact for Steve and Mark, who maintain a full
schedule and spend a fair amount of time on the road. I can do just
about anything you need, from scheduling appointments with Mark
or Steve to answering questions, Melissa says. If I dont know the
answer, Ill find it for you.

A marketing major with a degree from St. Cloud State, Melissa
worked for American Family Insurance prior to joining the AgQuest
team. This is much different, but the job is a lot of fun, she says.
The work is constantly changing, and I love that. I love working on
one thing and have something else walk in the door. And I like the
team approach and the fact that everyone is willing to help out.

Editors note: Melissa and her husband, Justin, reside in Springfield,
where Justin is a police officer. They have two children, Jazmine
and Jaxon. Both Melissa and Justin are from the area, so they spend
most of their free time with their children and extended family.
Melissas most interesting experience: Driving in the Virgin Islands.            Steve Bach, Mark
My first trip outside the U.S. was to St. Thomas. Its hilly, they drive       Kubesh, and Melissa
on the wrong side of the road, and they drive fast! n                              Robertson

  Page 6
Lessons From 2012
                        This was definitely a good year      Seed treatment earned its keep again this year. Keep in
                        to judge the agronomic char-         mind that seed treatments dont enhance yield, but offer
                        acteristics of your hybrids. We      protection that allows the seed to deliver on its full yield
                        were pleased to see how well the     potential. All SmartStax seed is treated with Poncho速/
                        hybrids we placed in your fields     VOTiVO速 and Acceleron速. We offer Apron速 fungicide and
                        stood up to the extreme growing      Acceleron seed treatment, as well as Trident liquid and
                        conditions many of you encoun-       QuickRoots granular inoculants.
                        tered this year. Characteristics
                        like standability really had an      Finally, I want to close with a plug for the Harvest Max
                        impact on final yields.              program. We added more great data to our database
                                                             this yearlocal, relevant data that is only available to
                       Though most of you did a good         Harvest Max members. Its the kind of information that
By Brett Braulick and
Doug Jeske             job managing for Gosss Wilt in       can make a real difference in your farming operation, so
                       2012, we did experience some          talk to your account manager about becoming part of
struggles with Western corn rootworm. While you              the Harvest Max program. n
should talk to your account manager about managing
rootworm in your situation, we are suggesting the use
of SmartStax速 hybrids on all corn-on-corn acres in 2013.
If youre going to plant any hybrid with a single mode
of action below-ground on corn-on-corn ground, we
recommend you use an insecticide as well.

Acres up, supplies down
Everything is indicating a lot of corn acres for 2013, and
that will make drought-tightened supplies of top hybrids
even tighter. The bottom line: Dont wait. If you havent
been in to see us, get your seed order in right away.

Theres a good program in place with NK seed for the
coming year. If you buy either 24 or 48 units of NK corn,
youll receive an attractive discount on Force 3G or Force
CS insecticide. Its a chance for you to save some money
and plant some excellent seed. Get the details from your
account manager.                                                              Western corn rootworm

Off the Road, Still Behind the Wheel
Driving has been a part of Bob Harazins   a quarry, and then for a construction
life since he was 18. Nows hes behind    firm. Now hes on the road again and
the wheel again, but staying closer to     loving it.
                                           Its close to home, and I work with
Bob joined the Harvest Land staff in       a great bunch of people, Bob states.
October 2011, working part-time for        Im never bored. This is a really good
the agronomy department. When a            deal for me.
full-time opportunity to drive for the
feed department came open last winter,     Editors note: Bob has lived in the
Bob made the switch, and has been          Morgan area for 30+ years. He and his
enjoying his time on the road.             wife, Marilyn, are empty-nesters, with
                                           sons Shane and Tory and daughter
A neighbor got me started driving over    Shannon having flown the coop. Bob
the road when I was 18, Bob recalls.      keeps busy go-cart racing with some
I was a long-haul driver for several      of their five grandchildren and stock car
years and saw a lot of country. But        racing with Shane and Tory. Im the
when you have a family, its hard to be    money boss, Bob says. It keeps me
on the road. So Bob, who grew up in       out of trouble most weekends. n
Olivia, worked at a rendering plant, in

                                                                                                               Page 7
PO Box 278
Morgan, MN 56266-0278

Licensed Agquest CROP INSURANCE agents                         AgQuest Insurance Agency   is an   Equal Opportunity Provider

Morgan	          877-626-7453	      Lynn Button, Kathy Mainer, Mark Kubesh, Cheryl Manderfeld
	                507-249-3196	      Pat Macht, Dennis Schreier, Mark Vogel, Matt Pietig	
Comfrey	         507-877-2441	      Rick Kastner
Morton	          507-697-6113	      Todd Beran, Keegan Mammen
Olivia	          800-463-3616	      Sheri Bakker, Amber Weber
Springfield	     507-723-7350	      Jim Boyle, Joel Heiling, Tim Woelfel
Wabasso	         507-342-5184	      Jon Christensen

Learning From Last Year
Now that the 2012 crop season is behind us its             Proper soil fertility, nutrient
amazing to look back at all the challenges we faced         placement, and hybrid placement
throughout the growing season and the yields we were        are just some of the consid-
able to obtain. As we enter the winter months we begin      erations that should be made
to think about the past growing season. What went           when looking ahead to the 2013
right? What went wrong? What hybrid performed the           growing season. The ability to
best? What would have I done differently? What will I       match the right genetics, on
do again next year?                                         the right soil type at the right
                                                            planting population within each
Our ability to manage risk and effectively place high-      individual yield environment,
priced inputs is now more important than ever. With         allows us to better manage
Harvest Max our account managers have the tools to          risk and reduce the effects that
help you manage and track all of these things. Growers      Mother Nature has on that crop.
                                                                                                      By matt pietig
                                                                                                      harvest max
that consistently raise more bushels than their neighbors
year in and year out are the ones that are managing         On December 10th we held our annual Harvest Max
risks and decreasing yield limiting factors.                meeting. Some of the topics we covered included yield
                                                                     by soil type, hybrid, and population, Ascend
                                                                     Trial information, and other lessons learned
                                                                     from 2012. We also introduced our 300 bushel
                                                                     corn club and century club for soybeans. If
                                                                     this is something that interests you, contact
                                                                     your account manager or me for details.

                                                                      New for this year, we dedicated the afternoon
                                                                      session to Tim Eyrich, Winfields Solutions
                                                                      Plant Nutritionist. Tim answered questions
                                                                      regarding fertility, plant nutrition, and manage-
                                                                      ment techniques that will help growers take
                                                                      yields to the next level. Look for more guest
                                                                      speakers at future meetings to help answer
                                                                      questions about achieving higher yields. n

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December newlsetter

  • 1. Comfrey Morgan Morton Springfield Wabasso Vol. 14 No. 4 December 2012 www.HarvestLand.com 108 years Strong Purposeful Planning Delivers Successful Year We have just completed our year-end financial audit, and have put two primary strategies the board has met with the auditors. The numbers confirm in place to help us deliver on another strong performance for Harvest Land Cooperative, this core value. with all divisions growing and operating profitably. First, we are committed to deliv- Here are a few of the financial highlights: ering a consistent dividend and Sales $263,000,000 equity payout while providing a Local earnings $3,700,000 diversified portfolio of products, Patronage refunds received $2,700,000 services, and knowledge. We Net margin after taxes $6,100,000 are also committed to timely, efficient market access. Patronage Rates 2012 Cash patronage 50% $1,676,527 Second, we will maintain an By DENNIS SCHREIER Equity retirements 65 and older $902,970 internal risk-management GENERAL MANAGER Scholarships paid $21,700 strategy to protect Harvest Land Cooperative, and at the same time provide external risk management resources Capital Projects/Purchases 2012 to protect our owners. Springfield terminal crop nutrient blending and storage $1,000,000 Purpose and focus are very important ingredients in Agronomy operations custom our success. But it is the commitment of the board of application equipment $1,665,000 directors, management team, employees, and you, our owners, that translates this purpose into reality. Thank While on the subject of finances, please check your tax you for another successful year. I look forward to seeing ID numbers when you receive your 1099s in January. If you at the annual meeting on January 7 in Springfield. n we do not have your number, or it is incorrect, please notify us as soon as possible. Pursuing our purpose The theme for this years annual statements is our purpose statement, Committed to Our Owners Success. We achieve success as an organization because our focus is on our owners and your success. Our decision-making is always guided by this question: Will this benefit our owners and help build our relation- ship with them? As we look back at our performance at years end, this is a natural time to emphasize one of our core values financial strength and stability. This is particularly important in a volatile world and ag economy, so we
  • 2. Record-Setting Fall The early harvest was a real shot in the With the storage and blending expansion arm for fall application. When the pace completed during the past few years, weve finally slows, we will have covered a record greatly increased our blending and loadout number of acres since the crops came out. speed. Now weve added new tenders and Its always a good position to be in, because applicators to convert that capacity into you never know what spring will look like. faster service for our customers. Were ready to handle whatever spring has in We will be adding application equipment store. n to help us continue to meet your need for application services. Some of that new equipment will also enable us to offer a new servicecustom sidedressing 32%. By Joel Kretsch Operations In General, a Good Harvest Though expectations werent too high to expect to begin shipping corn trains to the begin with, harvest in our trade territory west coast export market in late winter. was generally better than most people anticipated. Of course, some areas were In the meantime, the domestic market has hard hit by drought and by wind, which seen steady demand for feed grains and put some corn on the ground. the ethanol grind is down from last years 5 billion bushels, with the USDA projecting We shipped several bean trains this fall for a 4.5- billion-bushel grind this crop year. export with one or two to go, but only one corn train as the west coast bean program Finally, I want to mention that long-time grain was (and still is) in high gear. After the driver Clem Wersal is retiring in December export bean program begins to wind down after 15 years with Harvest Land Coopera- we expect corn exports to pick up as world tive. We wish you all the best in retirement By Kevin DeBerg feed grains are fairly tight. At this time we Clem. n Grain Merchandiser Page 2 2 Page 息2012 Harvest Land Cooperative. All Reserved. Published in partnership with with VistaComm (www.VistaComm.com). 息2010 Harvest Land Cooperative. All RightsRights Reserved. Published in partnershipVistaComm (www.VistaComm.com). 速 速
  • 3. Keeping Tabs on Farm Bill The 2012 farm bill has every person in the about the 2012 farm bill and potential agricultural industry waiting on the edge of changes in your biggest risk management their seats for the House of Representative tool, crop insurance. to take action! The 2012 farm bill passed the Senate in June 2012 with bipartisan We will be hosting Producer Outlook support but has not yet received a vote in meetings in January. Please continue to the House. watch for more information about dates, times, and locations on Facebook and our AgQuest and Harvest Land are partnering to websites: www.AgQuest.biz and www. By kathy mainer bring you the latest news and information harvestland.com for breaking news. n Agquest insurance office manager Ready to Help You Grow By GLENN FISHER, Feed Division Manager Its been a good year for the Harvest Land management. We have plenty of capacity to feed division, highlighted by the addition of handle additional feed business, so if youre swine specialist Kevin Langemo. Kevin is looking to expandor just want to make a available to help you grow your operation, positive changeconsider Harvest Land. and hes been out in the country meeting some of you already. If youre in the swine Finally, I want to mention that long-time business, Kevin can be a valuable resource feed delivery driver Ron Turbes is retiring in for you. December after 31 years with Harvest Land. Fortunately, were going to continue to see We also have barns available and can offer him on a part-time basis. We wish him all several pig sourcing options and solid risk the best in retirement. n HARVEST LAND ANNUAL MEETING Monday, January 7th, 12:00-Lunch, 1:00 Meeting at the Springfield Community Center ParentsYour Cooperative Can Help With College If youre a Harvest Land patron, your equity in the coopera- university, technical college, or business college. The tive can help fund your students college education. College student must be a full-time student, as defined by the students can receive up to 25% of their parents revolving institution they are attending. A copy of a certificate of fund equityup to $500 maximum per year per student. enrollment or grade transcript is required. To qualify, the students parents must be members The Harvest Land scholarship program is just another in good standing with Harvest Land Cooperative. The benefit of the cooperative way of doing business. n student must be enrolled in an accredited, post-secondary Page 3
  • 4. Increased Demand Makes Crop-Protection Planning Essential Increased weed and insect above could reach sold-out or allocated positions as tolerance to certain products and early as December 2012. traits in 2012 created increased demand for herbicides and insec- Early planning for expected needs of these (as well ticides to combat these issues. as other) products will be critical as we attempt to Products that became extremely secure adequate supplies. The sooner our agronomy hard to secure last year included staff knows your intentions, the greater success we the herbicides Liberty速, Status速, will have in securing those products at the most com- and Callisto速, just to name a petitive price. Putting together accurate forecasts with few. Also, insecticides like Force速 your account manager will ensure we have your needs and any SmartBox速 products covered without adding to supply issues by over-book- basically sold out during the ing. By Tim Woelfel early spring period. Crop Protection Manager As with any product, when demand increases, price As the season progressed into late June and early July, generally increases also. To secure early pricing, our reports of weed and insect infestations became com- agronomy department will attempt to take possession monplace. Waterhemp resistance and corn rootworm of as much product as possible to meet our projected infestations were the two most reported problems. needs. However, our warehouse space is limited. We may ask you to take early possession of certain limited Preparing for 2013 products, enabling us to secure sufficient quantities of Looking ahead to the 2013 growing season, the herbi- all products at competitive prices. cides mentioned aboveand many of the pre-plant and post-emerge soybean products such as Authority速 First Please take the time to meet with your account manager and Flextar速are expected to be in very high demand. in the next few weeks to discuss your plans for next And we expect demand to rise for all at-planting insec- season. That will give us the best opportunity to meet ticides. Some will see sales increase 3 to 4 times from your needs. n 2012 levels. It is probable that some of the products Day Planner One of the best features of being a manager is Minnesota West in 2007 and his A.A.S. that you also get to manage yourself. I think degree in agronomy from South Central what I enjoy most about my position is that College in 2011. He joined the Harvest Land I have the ability to plan my own schedule team in April 2011. when it comes to day-to-day duties, states Neil Roiger, assistant manager of Harvest Editors note: In his free time, Neil enjoys Lands Comfrey location. woodworking, golf, and spending time with family and friends. His free time may Neil, a lifelong Springfield resident, grew up be a bit more limited now, since he and his on a farm eight miles southwest of town. He wife, Alissa, just welcomed their first child, earned his A.S. degree in engineering from daughter Addilynn, in November. n Page 4
  • 5. Strong Foundation Yields Solid Organization By Dave Stuk, CEO We have just completed another successful year at and having employees that Harvest Land. are truly Committed to Our Owners Success! As Dennis mentioned in his lead article, Harvest Land Cooperative turned in a strong performance, We believe that our people with local earnings of $3,700,000. Even better, with are what set this coopera- our subsidiary companies, AgQuest and Northland tive apart. This includes your Capital, Harvest Land had consolidated local earnings board of directors. You have of $8,643,629. The vision of a financially strong, a dedicated board that take their responsibilities of diversified company that doesnt rely on any one leading Harvest Land very seriously. So, to help you division for our success continues to be a reality. to get to know each of the directors a little better, Every division of the company, whether it was grain, we will be doing a director spotlight in the quarterly agronomy, feed, finance, energy, or leasing, made an newsletters. important contribution this year. The first director we are featuring is our board We will continue to build upon the strong legacy chairman, Roger Kettner. Roger has been on the that everyone at Harvest Land has worked so hard Harvest Land board since 1992, and I want to per- to achieve. This can only happen through building sonally thank him for his many years of support and strong relationships that stand the test of time contribution to Harvest Lands success. n Director Profile - Roger Kettner With two decades of experience as a member of Morgan. Their youngest son, Dan, recently joined the Harvest Land Cooperative board of directors, the farming operation. Son Alex, his wife, Kendra, Roger Kettner has been a part of tremendous change and their three-year-old daughter Ella live in South and growthboth in the cooperative and in the ag Dakota, where Alex works in the fluid power industry. industry. A board member since 1992, Roger now chairs the Harvest Land board. Equipped to lead The cooperative provides training opportunities The board of for directors, and Roger says those opportunities directors of a coop- become more important as the cooperative grows. erative is unique in that the members These have been good times for agriculture, but are all customers and there are challenges too, he notes. For farmers owners and active in and for cooperatives, rising input costs and volatile the industry we serve, commodity markets are major concerns. Training Roger says. We serve isnt mandatory, but I believe it helps us better guide as a voice for the the cooperative into the future. farmers we represent, and thats important. With great challenge comes great opportunity. For We dont manage the Roger, that opportunity is personal. Dan will be the cooperative, so one of fifth generation of Kettner to farm, he says. Im our primary duties is to proud of what I do, and I think the U.S. is beginning hire the best manage- to understand how important ag is to the economy. ment possible to guide We have a chance to start the next generation of the company. And we farmers out on the right foot. Thats exciting to me. provide input to that management regarding the needs of our members and try to help deliver what In his spare time, Roger enjoys hunting, fishing, and our patrons are asking for. trail riding. I know its my job, but I also consider my cattle an interest. I really get a lot of satisfaction Roger and his wife, Sandy (who works for AgQuest), from working with them. n have a row-crop and cow/calf operation north of Page 5
  • 6. Dont Wait to Renew I cant think of a better way to Here are the items well need to update or receive from start this article than by officially you for the 2013/2014 crop years: introducing Melissa Robertson. 2012 year-end balance sheet (most important) You can read more about her Personal and/or corporate tax returns below. As our new administra- tive assistant, she is always 2013 cash flow availableeven when Mark Most recent crop years insurance coverage and I are not. In many cases, shell be able to answer your Copy of drivers license questions or track that answer Marketing contracts down. She can also schedule appointments with either of us. Also, if your marketing plans include selling a substan- By Steve Bach Were very excited to have her tial portion of your grain after January 31, 2013, and AgQuest senior Business on board. Melissa is located in you have a balance on your 2012 operating loan, youll Relationship Manager the Springfield office and can be need to come and see us as soon as possible. Well reached at 507-723-7378. discuss some options. Were well into the renewal process now and working to get funding in place for 2013 and 2014. Our early Real estate too fall means you can get a jump on putting your final I know many of you think of AgQuest as your best numbers together. As soon as you get them, come in, source for operating loans, but were also very competi- and we can put your 2013 operating loan in place for all tive when it comes to real estate loans. If youre looking your purchases, whether at Harvest Land or elsewhere. for a real estate loan, come talk to us and find out how And, with the need for forward contracting inputs, we we compare to other lenders. I think youll be pleasantly can also get 2014 financing in place. surprised. n The Gatekeeper Thats not fair, really. Gatekeepers are supposed to limit access to the people they work for. Melissa Robertson actually strives to make it easier to get in touch with Steve Bach and Mark Kubesh, AgQuest business relationships managers. Since September 10, the outgoing Melissa has served as the constant point of contact for Steve and Mark, who maintain a full schedule and spend a fair amount of time on the road. I can do just about anything you need, from scheduling appointments with Mark or Steve to answering questions, Melissa says. If I dont know the answer, Ill find it for you. A marketing major with a degree from St. Cloud State, Melissa worked for American Family Insurance prior to joining the AgQuest team. This is much different, but the job is a lot of fun, she says. The work is constantly changing, and I love that. I love working on one thing and have something else walk in the door. And I like the team approach and the fact that everyone is willing to help out. Editors note: Melissa and her husband, Justin, reside in Springfield, where Justin is a police officer. They have two children, Jazmine and Jaxon. Both Melissa and Justin are from the area, so they spend most of their free time with their children and extended family. Melissas most interesting experience: Driving in the Virgin Islands. Steve Bach, Mark My first trip outside the U.S. was to St. Thomas. Its hilly, they drive Kubesh, and Melissa on the wrong side of the road, and they drive fast! n Robertson Page 6
  • 7. Lessons From 2012 This was definitely a good year Seed treatment earned its keep again this year. Keep in to judge the agronomic char- mind that seed treatments dont enhance yield, but offer acteristics of your hybrids. We protection that allows the seed to deliver on its full yield were pleased to see how well the potential. All SmartStax seed is treated with Poncho速/ hybrids we placed in your fields VOTiVO速 and Acceleron速. We offer Apron速 fungicide and stood up to the extreme growing Acceleron seed treatment, as well as Trident liquid and conditions many of you encoun- QuickRoots granular inoculants. tered this year. Characteristics like standability really had an Finally, I want to close with a plug for the Harvest Max impact on final yields. program. We added more great data to our database this yearlocal, relevant data that is only available to Though most of you did a good Harvest Max members. Its the kind of information that By Brett Braulick and Doug Jeske job managing for Gosss Wilt in can make a real difference in your farming operation, so 2012, we did experience some talk to your account manager about becoming part of struggles with Western corn rootworm. While you the Harvest Max program. n should talk to your account manager about managing rootworm in your situation, we are suggesting the use of SmartStax速 hybrids on all corn-on-corn acres in 2013. If youre going to plant any hybrid with a single mode of action below-ground on corn-on-corn ground, we recommend you use an insecticide as well. Acres up, supplies down Everything is indicating a lot of corn acres for 2013, and that will make drought-tightened supplies of top hybrids even tighter. The bottom line: Dont wait. If you havent been in to see us, get your seed order in right away. Theres a good program in place with NK seed for the coming year. If you buy either 24 or 48 units of NK corn, youll receive an attractive discount on Force 3G or Force CS insecticide. Its a chance for you to save some money and plant some excellent seed. Get the details from your account manager. Western corn rootworm Off the Road, Still Behind the Wheel Driving has been a part of Bob Harazins a quarry, and then for a construction life since he was 18. Nows hes behind firm. Now hes on the road again and the wheel again, but staying closer to loving it. home. Its close to home, and I work with Bob joined the Harvest Land staff in a great bunch of people, Bob states. October 2011, working part-time for Im never bored. This is a really good the agronomy department. When a deal for me. full-time opportunity to drive for the feed department came open last winter, Editors note: Bob has lived in the Bob made the switch, and has been Morgan area for 30+ years. He and his enjoying his time on the road. wife, Marilyn, are empty-nesters, with sons Shane and Tory and daughter A neighbor got me started driving over Shannon having flown the coop. Bob the road when I was 18, Bob recalls. keeps busy go-cart racing with some I was a long-haul driver for several of their five grandchildren and stock car years and saw a lot of country. But racing with Shane and Tory. Im the when you have a family, its hard to be money boss, Bob says. It keeps me on the road. So Bob, who grew up in out of trouble most weekends. n Olivia, worked at a rendering plant, in Page 7
  • 8. PO Box 278 Morgan, MN 56266-0278 Licensed Agquest CROP INSURANCE agents AgQuest Insurance Agency is an Equal Opportunity Provider Morgan 877-626-7453 Lynn Button, Kathy Mainer, Mark Kubesh, Cheryl Manderfeld 507-249-3196 Pat Macht, Dennis Schreier, Mark Vogel, Matt Pietig Comfrey 507-877-2441 Rick Kastner Morton 507-697-6113 Todd Beran, Keegan Mammen Olivia 800-463-3616 Sheri Bakker, Amber Weber Springfield 507-723-7350 Jim Boyle, Joel Heiling, Tim Woelfel Wabasso 507-342-5184 Jon Christensen Learning From Last Year Now that the 2012 crop season is behind us its Proper soil fertility, nutrient amazing to look back at all the challenges we faced placement, and hybrid placement throughout the growing season and the yields we were are just some of the consid- able to obtain. As we enter the winter months we begin erations that should be made to think about the past growing season. What went when looking ahead to the 2013 right? What went wrong? What hybrid performed the growing season. The ability to best? What would have I done differently? What will I match the right genetics, on do again next year? the right soil type at the right planting population within each Our ability to manage risk and effectively place high- individual yield environment, priced inputs is now more important than ever. With allows us to better manage Harvest Max our account managers have the tools to risk and reduce the effects that help you manage and track all of these things. Growers Mother Nature has on that crop. By matt pietig harvest max that consistently raise more bushels than their neighbors year in and year out are the ones that are managing On December 10th we held our annual Harvest Max risks and decreasing yield limiting factors. meeting. Some of the topics we covered included yield by soil type, hybrid, and population, Ascend Trial information, and other lessons learned from 2012. We also introduced our 300 bushel corn club and century club for soybeans. If this is something that interests you, contact your account manager or me for details. New for this year, we dedicated the afternoon session to Tim Eyrich, Winfields Solutions Plant Nutritionist. Tim answered questions regarding fertility, plant nutrition, and manage- ment techniques that will help growers take yields to the next level. Look for more guest speakers at future meetings to help answer questions about achieving higher yields. n