A proposal for repurposing function point estimation for use in estimating project decision making efforts.
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Decision points - Repurposing Function Points for Decision Making
1. Decision Points
Function Point Analysis
for Project Decisions Management?
Can we repurpose
A MetroNorth Roundtable Presentation
14 slides. 35-40 minutes.
2. Why
so many
After 20 years of trying to manage projects
Why are you interested in decision making?
Hello. My name is David
4. There are several approaches to function points.
Some are standards
Systematic simplification to
How do function points work?
See http://www.ifpug.org
5. Identify atomic units
of full-stack functionality and
ratio the average effort required
across team functions
What would I do?
This works pretty well in web development
1 Point
8. ? ? ?
What does this have to do with decisions?
9. Decisions are often
chaotic, caustic, and
Many decisions
looked at togetheroften
lack consistency
Why is good decision making hard?
10. Plan Monitor Control QA
How can decision making be less risky?
Processization is often
11. The logic of
function point
maps well to
decision making
What is the basis for estimating a decision?
12. What is a natural unit of decision making?
Activity Decision Decision Activity
Atomic decisions are simpler to count
13. Can decisions can be broken down for estimation?
may be an input or output
may require inputs or outputs
may have dependencies
14. Decisions usually have regular iterations
Is decision making workflow regular?
Resolution stages
Workflow steps
Physical deliverables
Why dont we see ads like
full stack decision maker skilled in
Java, Python and consensus building?
15. How can decision roles be ratioed?
Decision owner
Project manager
Escalation authority
Implementation team
Other stakeholders
Senior management
16. How do role ratios map to workflow?
Decision owner
Project manager
Escalation authority
Implementation team
Other stakeholders
Senior management
Defines decision
Promulgates it
Assigns roles
Collects criteria
Solicits feedback
Updates alternatives
Organizes voting or Delphi
Updates consensus status
} Interprets decision
17. In summary
FP is systematic simplification for estimates
Decisions are costly and need process
FP matches decision making, sometimes
Decisions have inputs, outputs, etc.Decisions can
have roles Decisions can have workflow
we can ratio decisions
and use FP to estimate
#3: I believe the most important process is group decision making
Small new companies dont have accumulated bad habits
Im going to talk about structured decision making and estimation
#4: Helps think:
1. Quantize abstract work
2. Mean, median and mode
Why a structured approach?
1. Consistency
2. Refinement over time
3. Explainability.
#5: They can work.
I have never met anyone who did strict FP
Consistency is more important than immediate accuracy
5 things:
Local files
Remote files
#6: Start with end-user facing features
What is full stack?
Caveat: if not full-stack may not be so straightforward
#7: Over time you can find the average time per role per feature
Every slice may not in fact work for every feature
#9: You might use FP-like thinking for many team activities
Decision making is one possibility
#10: Decisions are like software features:
Hard to do well if unstructured
Lots moving parts
#11: You can always be more methodical
FP doesnt work for all decisions
Decision making isnt the biggest friction in some cases
#12: How many people catalog and estimate their decisions?
Decisions that touch all, most or many people
are similar to features that
touch all, most or many roles
#13: FP is very dependent on good FP selection
Decisions with embedded decisions can probably be broken down
Example, platform selection
#14: FP looks at: inputs, outputs, queries, local files, remote files
Decisions are similar. They require inputs, outputs, investigation, assets, etc.
The fit is good not forced
#15: We can recognize a decision even if it is not methodical
If decisions not reasonably regular FP would not work
If we use FP the work becomes incrementally more regular
#16: First we need to have roles
Then make assumptions & improve them over time
Think of the stack as being end user down
#17: We need roles and their activities need to be predictable
That means everyone needs to know how decisions will be made