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O shore Decommissioning
Report        , Gulf of Mexico
Enhance your decommissioning business planning                                 BEFORE FEB 17
utilizing the latest data from the Gulf of Mexico                               SAVE
market and become a leader in your 鍖eld.
Purchase this exclusive report and youll bene鍖t                    Companies interviewed:
from the following analysis:
  Factors driving decommissioning: Receive an update on
  the factors driving decommissioning in the GoM to build a
  watertight strategy for your decommissioning program in 2012
  and beyond

  Cost reduction: Bene t from latest industry experience
  on cost reduction to enable you to ef ciently plan your next
  decommissioning project competitively

  Idle Iron NTL: Understand how the Idle Iron NTL has
  impacted the decommissioning industry over the last 12
  months and gain analysis of ongoing implications to your

  Regulatory trends: How are the latest regulatory trends
  impacting decommissioning activities including SEMS / SIMS
  initiatives and the compliance implications of the newly formed
  BOEM and BSEE of ces

  2012-14 Predictions: Utilise an exclusive prediction of
  activity for 2012-14 to improve your business planning with
  analysis on historic and forecast data from BOEM / BSEE
  (including TARP / LARP)

       Bene鍖t from the very latest expert analysis on regulations, market
       drivers, cost reduction and activity forecasts through 2012 and beyond
       and build a water tight business strategy

   OPEN NOW to bene鍖t from our research highlights
                                                                                                                                              BEFORE FEB 17

  Context of the Offshore Decommissioning Report 2012-2013                                                                                      $450
  The decommissioning market was certainly a busy one in 2011. The lack of severe hurricanes in the
  2011 season minimized the number of evacuations and consequent interruption to offshore operations. In
  addition, weather downtime, although erratic early on, was minimal particularly from June through September.
  This made contracting simpler and enabled many operators to select lump sum with an option on downtime
  due to a named storm. Given the lack of named storms that entered the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), this strategy
  has proved cost effective. Technology has advanced compared with previous years and tooling has become
  more reliable, enabling ef cient turnaround on salvage projects. The cost of decommissioning platforms was
  kept down by a few operators undertaking campaigns as part of their business strategy.

                                                                 More regulation was enacted through 2011, resulting in much more oversight by
                                                                 the US government on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas operations.
   Gulf of Mexico Oil & Gas
   Decommissioning Market Report 2012-13                         The aim of these new regulations is to hold operators accountable for safety
                                                                 and the environment, with tougher civil penalties for violations. Operators must
   Analysis of the decommissioning market in 2011, forecasted
   demand and best practice to improve your business planning,
   reduce cost and optimize your resources.                      now demonstrate active procedures and processes in place for safety and the
                                                                 environment, covering a broad range of offshore activities. These regulations
                                                                 stem from  or have been accelerated by  the Deepwater Horizon incident of
                                                                 April 2010 and are primarily targeted at drilling operations; however, they apply
                                                                 to all oil and gas operations in the GOM OCS. Compliance with regulatory
                                                                 requirements is now mandatory and operators must demonstrate this for all
                                                                 OCS oil and gas operations via documentation, hazard analysis and job safety
                                                                 analysis. Although many operators followed the guidance of API RP 75, it was
                                                                 not mandatory. Additional regulations have been enacted that provide far greater
                                                                 detail on what is expected of oil and gas operators.

  The 2012 decommissioning report will examine in detail the context of the new regulations and their effect
  on the decommissioning industry in the GOM. In addition, the decommissioning market in 2011 will be
  discussed and how this compares with predictions from 2010. Predictions for 2012 and 2013 will be based on
  performance in 2012 and prior years, and compliance with the Idle Iron NTL.

   Who should buy this report?
              Management  Chief Executive Of cers, Managing Directors 
              who are keen to ensure that their business planning is informed
              by comprehensive analysis of the decommissioning market.

              Operations  Chief Operations Of cers, Product Managers  who
              seek best practice to ensure that the decommissioning process is
              economical and improving continually through the expertise of their

              Engineering  Project Engineers, Directors of Engineering
               who are seeking to keep up to date with the innovations of
              competitors with a view to improve decommissioning techniques
              and continually re ne their safety contingencies.

              Sales  VP of Sales, Sales Managers  who need to know
              the market drivers and companies active to ensure their sales
              strategies are optimized.

              Business Development  Bids & Proposals Manager,
              International Development Managers  who need an independent
              overview of the market and its participants to intelligently grow
              their business opportunities.
                                                                                                                                      Sample pages

Order your copy today at: https://secure.decomworld.com/buy_a_report
                                                                                                                                              BEFORE FEB 17

Chapter Overview and Research Highlights                                                                                                        SAVE
1   Market overview
       The predictions for 2011 reviewed
    A consideration of the volume of decommissioning activities predicted in the GOM 2011 report and what has
    subsequently affected these levels. This includes how operators proactive decommissioning campaigns were made
    possible by the reduced level of hurricane activity in the region over the past two years.
       2011 Market reviewed
    Analysis of the level of decommissioning undertaken, including a consideration of the factors behind operators
    decommissioning the highest number of platforms than any other year.

2   2011 Market in Detail
    In-depth look at the decommissioning market in 2011 covering detailed analysis of what was decommissioned and how
    operators improved on previous years performance. Primary research undertaken through surveying contractors in the
    region to provide a thorough overview of the market.

         Beyond 2011 predictions
         2011 was certainly a busy year for decommissioning activity with the number of platforms salvaged far in excess
         of predictions from 2010. Operators have continued to decommission platforms at an increased rate compared
         to previous years with Apache Corporation alone decommissioning over 60 platforms in 2010. The active use
         of a functioning SIM system has enabled a number of operators to develop decommissioning strategies and
         concentrate resources utilizing decommissioning campaigns in addition to decommissioning platforms that
         present high to very high risk.

3   New technologies
    Technologies in the industry are continually being re ned with an enduring focus on improving engineering techniques to
    increase reliability. Additionally, there are a number of areas where new technologies are being tested but yet to be proven
    on a GOM OCS project. These could have a signi cant impact on the ef ciencies of decommissioning in the years ahead.

4   Ef鍖ciency / Resource                                                      Average platform decommissioning durations
                                                                                                      Water          Average Duration to
    Discussion on how operators and contractors have utilized                  Platform Type
                                                                                                      Depth (ft)     Decommission (d)
    ef ciencies to undertake a greater number of salvage projects              Caisson                50             1-2
    compared to previous years. A look at potential resource issues            Braced Caisson         100            2
    based on industry feedback and where salvage projects can be               4 Pile                 150            3
    more ef cient.                                                             6 Pile                 200            3->7
                                                                               8 Pile                 200            4->7
                                                                               4 Pile                 400            5->7
                                                                               4 Pile                 500            6->7

                                                                              Table does not re ect the P&A of wells which are extremely variable)

5   Acquisition / Divestiture
    A recap of asset operator shift in 2011 looks at the continuing trend of acquisition of GOM OCS assets by the independents.
    Details of the acquisitions are provided and how the operator eet number shave changed.

6   Best practice and Lessons Learned
       Service Providers
    Interviews and case studies with three of the biggest Integrated Service Providers in the region, to consider what is best
    practice and the lessons learnt when decommissioning in the Gulf.
    What is world class decommissioning? Where can cost ef ciencies be made in tackling offshore platforms? The
    perspective of operators considering their decommissioning.

7   Market Forecast and Future Growth
    A look at present trends and prediction on future decommissioning market taking in to account factors such as
    resource, number of assets to decommission, improved ef ciency and contracting strategy. An in depth examination of
    salvage campaign strategy and implementation of methods for ef cient use of resources and salvage project planning.

         Average number of platforms predicted to be decommissioned per year between 2011-16 = 150

           For more information contact: mvincent@decomworld.com
                                                                                                                         BEFORE FEB 17

8    Market Challenges / Regulations
     From November 15th all operators shall have a fully implemented Safety and Environmental Management System
     (SEMS) that will follow the guidance of API RP 75. In this chapter, the changes in the regulatory landscape are
     considered and the impact on decommissioning in the region.
     What is SEMS? The SEMS requirement affects practically all-offshore operations from drilling activities to lifting point
     certi cation. In this chapter, the impact on your decommissioning activities, including cost reduction, personnel safety
     and the environment are discussed in more detail

          To ensure their compliance operators are requiring contractors to provide documentation and evidence for satisfying
          key areas of the SEMS such as safety and environmental performance with written safe work practices. Directly
          SEMS is requiring all contractors to have Operating Procedures and a Mechanical Integrity Plan that accompany
          all supplied equipment in addition to a Hazard Analysis. Contractors may adopt sections from an operators SEMS
          program but the operator and contractor must document agreed policies.

     API 2SIM is imminently due to be issued as guidance for the implementation of a Structural Integrity Management system.
     BOEM have stated greater oversight of operators and use of a SIM system to not only manage a eet of platforms but also to
     implement decommissioning strategy as part of the SIM system.

9    Industry Learnings
     A concise, considered summary of the industry as 2012 begins, including SIM and API 2SIM, and their impact and
     in uence on decommissioning strategies.

10   Ree鍖ng
     A brief look at 2011 ree ng projects by operator, asset type and water depth. Comparison to ree ng trends in previous
     years and predictions for 2012.

          23.3% of all reefed platforms are located in a water depth between 150  200 metres
          The second most commonly reefed structure is an 8-pile Jacket, with 100 structures reefed by December 2011.
          In 2009, 2010 and 2011at least 25 structures reefed each year

11   References

     The 2012 decommissioning report has utilized                    contractors in the decommissioning market and their
     extensive research, experience and expertise from               observations on market performance, dif culties
     operators and contractors to generate a concise                 in performing the work and establishing base line
     picture of the decommissioning market in the GOM                performance.
                                                                     Analysis of the latest data covering the GOM
     A key element of this years report is a detailed               OCS eet of platforms and structures reefed in
     review and analysis of the changing regulatory                  2011 yields many interesting facts and the data
     requirements that have broadened mandated                       is presented in a number of ways to help readers
     regulations when undertaking operations on the                  understand potential impact on business decisions
     GOM OCS. The research includes analysis of data                 and market forces. Trends are presented to help
     obtained from BOEM, industry and other public                   forecast future decommissioning work load in to
     domain data as well as input from the Texas and                 2012 and 2013 and the potential additional demand
     Louisiana ree ng programs.                                      on decommissioning resources.
     For the 2012 decommissioning report a cross                     A combination of data analysis, market research and
     section of operators and contractors have                       review of the latest regulatory regime yields potential
     been interviewed or invited to ll out an online                 strategic business drivers that can signi cantly
     questionnaire to provide greater detail and                     lower risk to both the environment and increase
     understanding from their respective ends of the                 safety of personnel. In addition, operators can learn
     decommissioning market. Their input provides                    how signi cant lowering of costs and risk can be
     invaluable insight in to best practice, new                     achieved by catching up on industry trends and
     technologies, resource availability and case                    changes in regulations that ultimately bene t the
     studies. Of particular interest is the experience of            GOM oil and gas industry.

            For more information contact: mvincent@decomworld.com
                                                                                                                        BEFORE FEB 17

 Contents                                                                                                                 $450
          Welcome                                                   8 Market Challenges / Regulations
          About DecomWorld & Biography of the author                9 Decommissioning challenges
          Industry Review
                                                                        9.1    Regulations
          Acknowledgements                                              9.2    Deepwater
          Index of Figures and Tables                                   9.3    Safety and Environmental Management
          Abbreviations                                                 9.4    Structural Integrity Management
                                                                                  Mandated Changes
          Executive Summary
                                                                                  Status of API 2SIM
    1 Introduction                                                                Impact / In鍖uence
                                                                                  Strategy / Mitigation
    2 Methodology
                                                                    10 Future Growth and Direction 2012-2014
    3 Market Overview
                                                                    11 Idle Iron NTL Simpli鍖ed
          3.1 Predictions for 2011 reviewed
          3.2 2011 Market overview                                  12 Industry Learning
          3.3 Decommissioning overview.
                                                                    13 Ree鍖ng
    4 Acquisition / Divestiture
                                                                                  TARP / LARP
    5 New Technologies                                                            Statistics
                                                                                  Save The Blue Initiative
    6 Best Practice and Lessons Learned
    7 Market Forecast
                                                                        Contractor Lists

Index of Tables and 鍖gures
Tables                                                            Figures
Table 1     Structures Decommissioned and % of GOM                Figure 1    Distribution of Survey Responses by Job Function
            Structures Decommissioned from 2000 through 2011
                                                                  Figure 2    GOM Number of Installed and Decommissioned
Table 2     % Change of Installed, Decommissioned and                         Platforms from 1943 through 2011
            Remaining Platforms Based on Remaining Fleet in the
            GOM from 2000 through 2011                            Figure 3    GOM Number Decommissioned Platforms from
                                                                              BOEMRE & BOEM Data 1995 through 2011
Table 3     Decommissioned Platforms by Operator over the Last
            Decade                                                Figure 4    Percentage of GOM Structures Decommissioned each
                                                                              Year from 1970 through 2011
Table 4     Average Platform Decommissioning Durations
                                                                  Figure 5    Structures Decommissioned and % of GOM
Table 5     Recent Acquisitions by Black Elk Energy                           Structures Decommissioned from 2000 through 2011

Table 6     Decommissioned GOM Fixed Type Structures in           Figure 6    Trend of Installed and Decommissioned Platforms in
            Water Depth Greater than 500ft                                    the GOM

Table 7     GOM Fixed Type Structures in Water Depth Greater      Figure 7    % Change of Installed, Decommissioned and
            than 500 ft                                                       Remaining Platforms Based on Remaining Fleet in the
                                                                              GOM from 2000 through 2011
Table 8     Sample Key Considerations for Platform Ree ng
            Candidacy                                             Figure 8    Top 6 Number of Decommissioned Platforms by
                                                                              Operator over the Last Decade
Table 9     GOM Platform Distribution by Type and Operator
                                                                  Figure 9    2011 Decommissioned Market by Operator
Table 10    GOM Platform Distribution by Water Depth
                                                                  Figure 10 Distribution of Deep Water Fixed Platforms in GOM
Table 11    GOM Borehole Status as of December 9th 2011                     with API 2INT-MET Zoning
Table 12    GOM Expired or Terminated Leases - Borehole           Figure 11 LARP Ree ng Trend by Year
            Distribution by Region
                                                                  Figure 12 LARP Reef Top 20 Number of Donations by Operator
Table 13    GOM Expired or Terminated Leases - Borehole
            Distribution by Water Depth                           Figure 13 LARP Reef Donations by Platform Type

Table 14    Idle Iron NTL Simpli ed                             Figure 14 LARP Reef Donations by Platform Origin Water Depth

Order your copy today at: https://secure.decomworld.com/buy_a_report
What the industry thought of the 2011 report:                                                                       BEFORE FEB 17

The 2011 Gulf of Mexico report waswork. It was of awhich enough standard that
details I needed to plan our offshore
                                      a good report,
                                                          provided me with
I used it to educate the rest of my company. I look forward to the 2012 report to
use in our business planning over the next few years.                          
J. Wittenbraker  CEO, Mactech

  About Us
  DecomWorld is a leading business intelligence provider to        Mexico, North Sea, Asia Paci c and West Coast of Africa,
  the global offshore community. We provide the following          DecomWorld has access to the key industry experts that
  business critical services:                                      can provide the answers to your most pressing challenges.
      Fortnightly e-newsletters                                    If you require any more information regarding the Offshore
      Market leading, focused conferences                          Decommissioning Report 2012-2013, Gulf of Mexico or the
      In-depth industry reports                                    services we provide here at DecomWorld, please contact
      Online content including expert interviews,                  me directly on the details below.
      presentations and analysis
  All of which are designed with the objective of helping you
                                                                   Maria Vincent,
  reach the targets set by your organization to develop your
                                                                   Marketing Manager
  end of life strategies for offshore assets.
  As one of the fastest growing international business             E: mvincent@decomworld.com
  intelligence providers for the offshore industry, serving over   W: www.decomworld.com/gomreport
  10,000 senior level decision-makers across the Gulf of           T: + 44 (0)20 7375 7585 / 1 800 814 3459 ext. 7585

  Order your report in less than 60 seconds
  Just ll in this form to access the knowledge you
  need to enhance your decommissioning business
                                                                   More ways to order
  planning today.                                                          Call: +44 (0)20 7375 7585

     Pages: 70+                                                            Email: mvincent@decomworld.com
     Price: $2595 $2145                                                    Online: www.decomworld.com/gomreport
     Release date: 24th January 2012                                       Fax: +44 (0)20 7375 7576

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Decommissioning Report, 2012-13, Gulf of Mexico

  • 1. EX HIGH CL LI US GH IVE TS RE INS SE ID AR E! CH O shore Decommissioning Report , Gulf of Mexico PRE-ORDER Enhance your decommissioning business planning BEFORE FEB 17 utilizing the latest data from the Gulf of Mexico SAVE market and become a leader in your 鍖eld. $450 Purchase this exclusive report and youll bene鍖t Companies interviewed: from the following analysis: Factors driving decommissioning: Receive an update on the factors driving decommissioning in the GoM to build a watertight strategy for your decommissioning program in 2012 and beyond Cost reduction: Bene t from latest industry experience on cost reduction to enable you to ef ciently plan your next decommissioning project competitively Idle Iron NTL: Understand how the Idle Iron NTL has impacted the decommissioning industry over the last 12 months and gain analysis of ongoing implications to your business Regulatory trends: How are the latest regulatory trends impacting decommissioning activities including SEMS / SIMS initiatives and the compliance implications of the newly formed BOEM and BSEE of ces 2012-14 Predictions: Utilise an exclusive prediction of activity for 2012-14 to improve your business planning with analysis on historic and forecast data from BOEM / BSEE (including TARP / LARP) Bene鍖t from the very latest expert analysis on regulations, market drivers, cost reduction and activity forecasts through 2012 and beyond and build a water tight business strategy OPEN NOW to bene鍖t from our research highlights
  • 2. PRE-ORDER BEFORE FEB 17 SAVE Context of the Offshore Decommissioning Report 2012-2013 $450 The decommissioning market was certainly a busy one in 2011. The lack of severe hurricanes in the 2011 season minimized the number of evacuations and consequent interruption to offshore operations. In addition, weather downtime, although erratic early on, was minimal particularly from June through September. This made contracting simpler and enabled many operators to select lump sum with an option on downtime due to a named storm. Given the lack of named storms that entered the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), this strategy has proved cost effective. Technology has advanced compared with previous years and tooling has become more reliable, enabling ef cient turnaround on salvage projects. The cost of decommissioning platforms was kept down by a few operators undertaking campaigns as part of their business strategy. More regulation was enacted through 2011, resulting in much more oversight by the US government on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas operations. Gulf of Mexico Oil & Gas Decommissioning Market Report 2012-13 The aim of these new regulations is to hold operators accountable for safety and the environment, with tougher civil penalties for violations. Operators must Analysis of the decommissioning market in 2011, forecasted demand and best practice to improve your business planning, reduce cost and optimize your resources. now demonstrate active procedures and processes in place for safety and the environment, covering a broad range of offshore activities. These regulations stem from or have been accelerated by the Deepwater Horizon incident of April 2010 and are primarily targeted at drilling operations; however, they apply to all oil and gas operations in the GOM OCS. Compliance with regulatory requirements is now mandatory and operators must demonstrate this for all OCS oil and gas operations via documentation, hazard analysis and job safety analysis. Although many operators followed the guidance of API RP 75, it was not mandatory. Additional regulations have been enacted that provide far greater detail on what is expected of oil and gas operators. The 2012 decommissioning report will examine in detail the context of the new regulations and their effect on the decommissioning industry in the GOM. In addition, the decommissioning market in 2011 will be discussed and how this compares with predictions from 2010. Predictions for 2012 and 2013 will be based on performance in 2012 and prior years, and compliance with the Idle Iron NTL. Who should buy this report? Management Chief Executive Of cers, Managing Directors who are keen to ensure that their business planning is informed by comprehensive analysis of the decommissioning market. Operations Chief Operations Of cers, Product Managers who seek best practice to ensure that the decommissioning process is economical and improving continually through the expertise of their peers. Engineering Project Engineers, Directors of Engineering who are seeking to keep up to date with the innovations of competitors with a view to improve decommissioning techniques and continually re ne their safety contingencies. Sales VP of Sales, Sales Managers who need to know the market drivers and companies active to ensure their sales strategies are optimized. Business Development Bids & Proposals Manager, International Development Managers who need an independent overview of the market and its participants to intelligently grow their business opportunities. Sample pages Order your copy today at: https://secure.decomworld.com/buy_a_report
  • 3. PRE-ORDER BEFORE FEB 17 Chapter Overview and Research Highlights SAVE 1 Market overview $450 The predictions for 2011 reviewed A consideration of the volume of decommissioning activities predicted in the GOM 2011 report and what has subsequently affected these levels. This includes how operators proactive decommissioning campaigns were made possible by the reduced level of hurricane activity in the region over the past two years. 2011 Market reviewed Analysis of the level of decommissioning undertaken, including a consideration of the factors behind operators decommissioning the highest number of platforms than any other year. 2 2011 Market in Detail In-depth look at the decommissioning market in 2011 covering detailed analysis of what was decommissioned and how operators improved on previous years performance. Primary research undertaken through surveying contractors in the region to provide a thorough overview of the market. Beyond 2011 predictions 2011 was certainly a busy year for decommissioning activity with the number of platforms salvaged far in excess of predictions from 2010. Operators have continued to decommission platforms at an increased rate compared to previous years with Apache Corporation alone decommissioning over 60 platforms in 2010. The active use of a functioning SIM system has enabled a number of operators to develop decommissioning strategies and concentrate resources utilizing decommissioning campaigns in addition to decommissioning platforms that present high to very high risk. 3 New technologies Technologies in the industry are continually being re ned with an enduring focus on improving engineering techniques to increase reliability. Additionally, there are a number of areas where new technologies are being tested but yet to be proven on a GOM OCS project. These could have a signi cant impact on the ef ciencies of decommissioning in the years ahead. 4 Ef鍖ciency / Resource Average platform decommissioning durations Water Average Duration to Discussion on how operators and contractors have utilized Platform Type Depth (ft) Decommission (d) ef ciencies to undertake a greater number of salvage projects Caisson 50 1-2 compared to previous years. A look at potential resource issues Braced Caisson 100 2 based on industry feedback and where salvage projects can be 4 Pile 150 3 more ef cient. 6 Pile 200 3->7 8 Pile 200 4->7 4 Pile 400 5->7 4 Pile 500 6->7 Table does not re ect the P&A of wells which are extremely variable) 5 Acquisition / Divestiture A recap of asset operator shift in 2011 looks at the continuing trend of acquisition of GOM OCS assets by the independents. Details of the acquisitions are provided and how the operator eet number shave changed. 6 Best practice and Lessons Learned Service Providers Interviews and case studies with three of the biggest Integrated Service Providers in the region, to consider what is best practice and the lessons learnt when decommissioning in the Gulf. Operators What is world class decommissioning? Where can cost ef ciencies be made in tackling offshore platforms? The perspective of operators considering their decommissioning. 7 Market Forecast and Future Growth A look at present trends and prediction on future decommissioning market taking in to account factors such as resource, number of assets to decommission, improved ef ciency and contracting strategy. An in depth examination of salvage campaign strategy and implementation of methods for ef cient use of resources and salvage project planning. Average number of platforms predicted to be decommissioned per year between 2011-16 = 150 For more information contact: mvincent@decomworld.com
  • 4. PRE-ORDER BEFORE FEB 17 SAVE 8 Market Challenges / Regulations From November 15th all operators shall have a fully implemented Safety and Environmental Management System $450 (SEMS) that will follow the guidance of API RP 75. In this chapter, the changes in the regulatory landscape are considered and the impact on decommissioning in the region. SEMS What is SEMS? The SEMS requirement affects practically all-offshore operations from drilling activities to lifting point certi cation. In this chapter, the impact on your decommissioning activities, including cost reduction, personnel safety and the environment are discussed in more detail SEMs To ensure their compliance operators are requiring contractors to provide documentation and evidence for satisfying key areas of the SEMS such as safety and environmental performance with written safe work practices. Directly SEMS is requiring all contractors to have Operating Procedures and a Mechanical Integrity Plan that accompany all supplied equipment in addition to a Hazard Analysis. Contractors may adopt sections from an operators SEMS program but the operator and contractor must document agreed policies. SIMS API 2SIM is imminently due to be issued as guidance for the implementation of a Structural Integrity Management system. BOEM have stated greater oversight of operators and use of a SIM system to not only manage a eet of platforms but also to implement decommissioning strategy as part of the SIM system. 9 Industry Learnings A concise, considered summary of the industry as 2012 begins, including SIM and API 2SIM, and their impact and in uence on decommissioning strategies. 10 Ree鍖ng A brief look at 2011 ree ng projects by operator, asset type and water depth. Comparison to ree ng trends in previous years and predictions for 2012. 23.3% of all reefed platforms are located in a water depth between 150 200 metres The second most commonly reefed structure is an 8-pile Jacket, with 100 structures reefed by December 2011. In 2009, 2010 and 2011at least 25 structures reefed each year 11 References Methodology The 2012 decommissioning report has utilized contractors in the decommissioning market and their extensive research, experience and expertise from observations on market performance, dif culties operators and contractors to generate a concise in performing the work and establishing base line picture of the decommissioning market in the GOM performance. OCS. Analysis of the latest data covering the GOM A key element of this years report is a detailed OCS eet of platforms and structures reefed in review and analysis of the changing regulatory 2011 yields many interesting facts and the data requirements that have broadened mandated is presented in a number of ways to help readers regulations when undertaking operations on the understand potential impact on business decisions GOM OCS. The research includes analysis of data and market forces. Trends are presented to help obtained from BOEM, industry and other public forecast future decommissioning work load in to domain data as well as input from the Texas and 2012 and 2013 and the potential additional demand Louisiana ree ng programs. on decommissioning resources. For the 2012 decommissioning report a cross A combination of data analysis, market research and section of operators and contractors have review of the latest regulatory regime yields potential been interviewed or invited to ll out an online strategic business drivers that can signi cantly questionnaire to provide greater detail and lower risk to both the environment and increase understanding from their respective ends of the safety of personnel. In addition, operators can learn decommissioning market. Their input provides how signi cant lowering of costs and risk can be invaluable insight in to best practice, new achieved by catching up on industry trends and technologies, resource availability and case changes in regulations that ultimately bene t the studies. Of particular interest is the experience of GOM oil and gas industry. For more information contact: mvincent@decomworld.com
  • 5. PRE-ORDER BEFORE FEB 17 SAVE Contents $450 Welcome 8 Market Challenges / Regulations About DecomWorld & Biography of the author 9 Decommissioning challenges Industry Review 9.1 Regulations Acknowledgements 9.2 Deepwater Index of Figures and Tables 9.3 Safety and Environmental Management Abbreviations 9.4 Structural Integrity Management Mandated Changes Executive Summary Status of API 2SIM 1 Introduction Impact / In鍖uence Strategy / Mitigation 2 Methodology 10 Future Growth and Direction 2012-2014 3 Market Overview 11 Idle Iron NTL Simpli鍖ed 3.1 Predictions for 2011 reviewed 3.2 2011 Market overview 12 Industry Learning 3.3 Decommissioning overview. 13 Ree鍖ng 4 Acquisition / Divestiture TARP / LARP 5 New Technologies Statistics Save The Blue Initiative 6 Best Practice and Lessons Learned References 7 Market Forecast Contractor Lists Index of Tables and 鍖gures Tables Figures Table 1 Structures Decommissioned and % of GOM Figure 1 Distribution of Survey Responses by Job Function Structures Decommissioned from 2000 through 2011 Figure 2 GOM Number of Installed and Decommissioned Table 2 % Change of Installed, Decommissioned and Platforms from 1943 through 2011 Remaining Platforms Based on Remaining Fleet in the GOM from 2000 through 2011 Figure 3 GOM Number Decommissioned Platforms from BOEMRE & BOEM Data 1995 through 2011 Table 3 Decommissioned Platforms by Operator over the Last Decade Figure 4 Percentage of GOM Structures Decommissioned each Year from 1970 through 2011 Table 4 Average Platform Decommissioning Durations Figure 5 Structures Decommissioned and % of GOM Table 5 Recent Acquisitions by Black Elk Energy Structures Decommissioned from 2000 through 2011 Table 6 Decommissioned GOM Fixed Type Structures in Figure 6 Trend of Installed and Decommissioned Platforms in Water Depth Greater than 500ft the GOM Table 7 GOM Fixed Type Structures in Water Depth Greater Figure 7 % Change of Installed, Decommissioned and than 500 ft Remaining Platforms Based on Remaining Fleet in the GOM from 2000 through 2011 Table 8 Sample Key Considerations for Platform Ree ng Candidacy Figure 8 Top 6 Number of Decommissioned Platforms by Operator over the Last Decade Table 9 GOM Platform Distribution by Type and Operator Figure 9 2011 Decommissioned Market by Operator Table 10 GOM Platform Distribution by Water Depth Figure 10 Distribution of Deep Water Fixed Platforms in GOM Table 11 GOM Borehole Status as of December 9th 2011 with API 2INT-MET Zoning Table 12 GOM Expired or Terminated Leases - Borehole Figure 11 LARP Ree ng Trend by Year Distribution by Region Figure 12 LARP Reef Top 20 Number of Donations by Operator Table 13 GOM Expired or Terminated Leases - Borehole Distribution by Water Depth Figure 13 LARP Reef Donations by Platform Type Table 14 Idle Iron NTL Simpli ed Figure 14 LARP Reef Donations by Platform Origin Water Depth Order your copy today at: https://secure.decomworld.com/buy_a_report
  • 6. PRE-ORDER What the industry thought of the 2011 report: BEFORE FEB 17 SAVE The 2011 Gulf of Mexico report waswork. It was of awhich enough standard that details I needed to plan our offshore a good report, high provided me with $450 I used it to educate the rest of my company. I look forward to the 2012 report to use in our business planning over the next few years. J. Wittenbraker CEO, Mactech About Us DecomWorld is a leading business intelligence provider to Mexico, North Sea, Asia Paci c and West Coast of Africa, the global offshore community. We provide the following DecomWorld has access to the key industry experts that business critical services: can provide the answers to your most pressing challenges. Fortnightly e-newsletters If you require any more information regarding the Offshore Market leading, focused conferences Decommissioning Report 2012-2013, Gulf of Mexico or the In-depth industry reports services we provide here at DecomWorld, please contact Online content including expert interviews, me directly on the details below. presentations and analysis Thanks, All of which are designed with the objective of helping you Maria Vincent, reach the targets set by your organization to develop your Marketing Manager end of life strategies for offshore assets. As one of the fastest growing international business E: mvincent@decomworld.com intelligence providers for the offshore industry, serving over W: www.decomworld.com/gomreport 10,000 senior level decision-makers across the Gulf of T: + 44 (0)20 7375 7585 / 1 800 814 3459 ext. 7585 Order your report in less than 60 seconds Just ll in this form to access the knowledge you need to enhance your decommissioning business More ways to order planning today. Call: +44 (0)20 7375 7585 Pages: 70+ Email: mvincent@decomworld.com Price: $2595 $2145 Online: www.decomworld.com/gomreport Release date: 24th January 2012 Fax: +44 (0)20 7375 7576 Y O U R I N FO R M AT I O N Firstname: Offshore Decommissioning Report 2012-2013, Gulf of Mexico Last name: Quantity: Company: PAY M E N T D E TA I L S Telephone: Email: Name (as it appears on card): Address: Card number: City: Type of card: State/Province: Zip/Postcode: Expiry date: Security Code: