The document proposes a Deep MIML Network for solving multi-instance multi-label problems. It consists of an encoder, sub-concept layer, and instance-label scoring layer. Experiments on text and image datasets show it outperforms other MIML algorithms by improving metrics like mean average precision and hamming loss. The network provides a general framework for problems that can be represented as multi-instance multi-label.
3. Brief Overview
Deep MIML Network
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
Deep Learning Multi Label
Multi Instance
4. Deep Learning
^Deep ̄ refers to the depth/number of hidden layers in
a neural network.
With Deep Learning, neural networks have
significantly more layers that can improve the learning
that occurs in the network.
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
7. Types Of Neural Networks
There are many different types of neural networks. You can learn more
about them at the following link:
8. Fully Connected Layer
Every perceptron from the previous layer is connected to every
perceptron in the following layer.
9. Max Pooling
¢ Sample-based discretization process
¢ Reduces dimensionality by making assumptions about contained
¢ Controls for over-fitting
10. Multi Instance
Instead of receiving labeled instances, we receive
labeled groups of instances (called bags).
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
11. Single Instance vs Multi Instance
Single Instance
Labeled keys that can unlock a door.
Multi Instance
Labeled keychains that can unlock a door.
Key Can Unlock?
Red No
Green No
Blue Yes
Orange No
Black Yes
Orange ?
Keychain Can Unlock?
Red, Green, Blue Yes
Green, Orange No
Red, Orange No
Blue, Orange Yes
Red, Orange, Black Yes
Blue, Red ?
12. Instance-Label Relation Discovery
The discovery process of locating
the key instance pattern that
triggers the output labels.
Detecting the keys that unlock the door.
Blue, Black
Keychain Can Unlock?
Red, Green, Blue Yes
Green, Orange No
Red, Orange No
Blue, Orange Yes
Red, Orange, Black Yes
Blue, Red ?
13. Multi Label
Determine all possible labels instead of a single label.
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
14. Single Instance Multi Label (SIML)
Key Unlock A? Unlock B? Unlock C?
Red No Yes No
Green No Yes Yes
Blue Yes No Yes
Orange No Yes No
Black Yes No No
Orange ? ? ?
Labeled keys that can unlock multiple doors.
15. Labeled keychains that can unlock multiple doors.
Multi Instance Multi Label (MIML)
Keychain Unlock A? Unlock B? Unlock C?
Red, Green, Blue No Yes No
Green, Orange No Yes Yes
Red, Orange Yes No Yes
Blue, Orange No Yes No
Red, Orange, Black Yes No No
Blue, Red ? ? ?
16. Proposal
A neural network design for MIML.
1. Uses deep learning to outperform other methods.
2. Generates bags of instances from raw input.
3. Can also handle MIML structured data.
4. Easily switches between MIML, SIML & MISL.
5. Allows for instance-label relation discovery.
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
18. Encoder
Application-specific feature representation/extraction.
Included as part of the same NN to improve the
feature representation based on resulting labeling.
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
19. Sub-Concept Layer
Models the matching scores between an instance and
sub-concepts for each label.
1. Add dimensions for sub-concepts and instances.
2. Followed by max-pooling to return to
1-dimensional representation.
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
20. 2D Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Fully Connected K (sub-concepts) * L (labels) layer.
¢ RELU for activation function
22. 2D Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Fully connected with input instance vector
¢ Activations ~ matching scores between sub-concept for each label
and the instance
¢ Weights different for each node (as opposed to conv. layer)
¢ Intuitive
¢ Max pooling used to locate the maximum matching score
23. Pooling of 2D Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Output is a K*1 scoring layer.
¢ Extracts label predictions
¢ Eliminates over-assignment on sub-concepts
24. 3D Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Stack 2D Sub-Concept layers for each instance
¢ K*L*M
¢ Vertical Pooling
¢ Horizontal Pooling
25. 3D Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Outputs an L*1 vector that models the score for each label.
¢ Allows for SIML, MISL by dropping the respective dimensions.
26. Instance Label Scoring Layer
Models the matching scores for instance i on label j.
¢ Examining these scores allows for straightforward
instance-label relation discovery.
¢ Can detect key instances triggering one particular
label by backtracking to the highest matching
score in the 2D pooling layer.
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
27. Network Summary
A neural network design that can be used for MIML.
¢ Extracts sub concepts from instances
¢ Instance-label relation discovery
¢ Outperforms other MIML methods
28. Experiments & Results
¢ Text
¢ Image
Brief Overview
¢ Deep Learning
¢ Multi Instance
¢ Multi Label
¢ Encoder
¢ Sub-Concept Layer
¢ Instance-Label
Scoring Layer
Experiments & Results
29. Text Experiment
¢ Yelp Dataset
¢ 19,934 Reviews, 100 categories
¢ Train / Test Split of 70 / 30
¢ Encoder: pre-trained Skip-Thought Vector
¢ Loss function: mean binary cross entropy
¢ Stochastic Gradient Descent w/ dropout of 0.5 (to prevent overfitting)
Goal: Classify review into several categories.
30. Text Experiment Results
1. The curries are nice too
2. The calamari is good.
3. The BBQ is great.
4. The food is great the setup is nice
1. Nope nope nope.
2. Disappointed.
3. Not coming back.
4. Dislike.
The beef is good.
34. Image Experiment Results
Improvement on VGG-16.
Sub-optimal but close enough to show feasibility.
Mean Average Precision Hamming Loss F1 score
VGG-16 57% 0.025 0.650
CNN-RNN 61.2% - 0.678
DeepMIML 60.5% 0.021 0.637
35. MIML Tasks
1. MIML News
Text data that has already been preprocessed using tf-idf.
2. MIML Scene
Image data that has Single Blob with Neighbors (SBN) features.
36. Improvement over state of the art MIML algorithms.
MIML News Results
Hamming Loss Coverage Ranking Loss
DeepMIML 0.160 0.890 0.157
KISAR 0.167 0.928 0.162
MIML SVM 0.184 1.039 0.190
MIML KNN 0.172 0.944 0.169
MIML RBF 0.169 0.950 0.169
MIML Boost 0.189 0.947 0.172
37. Improvement over state of the art MIML algorithms.
MIML Scene Results
Hamming Loss Coverage Ranking Loss
DeepMIML 0.026 0.261 0.016
KISAR 0.032 0.278 0.019
MIML SVM 0.044 0.373 0.034
MIML KNN 0.063 0.489 0.051
MIML RBF 0.061 0.481 0.052
MIML Boost 0.053 0.417 0.039
38. Conclusion
1. DeepMIML Network is a good framework to consider for general
problem solving when the problem can be represented as MIML.
2. DeepMIML Network performs better than other state of the art MIML
algorithms on MIML datasets.
40. References
Feng, J., & Zhou, Z. (2017). Deep MIML Network. Proceedings of the 31st
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2017), (2014), 1884C1890.
Babenko, B. (2008). Multiple instance learning: algorithms and
applications. View Article PubMed/NCBI Google Scholar, 1C19.