Deepak Kharat is a trainee DBA with over 1.5 years of experience in Oracle database administration. He currently works for IBM India Pvt Ltd on a project for Idea Cellular Ltd, where he performs various DBA tasks including space management, performance tuning, backup and recovery, and user/privilege management. Previously he worked as a database developer at FocusTraining Institute where he designed a database for an ETL project and loaded data using SQL Loader. He seeks to further his career as an Oracle DBA.
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Deepak G Kharat_DBA
Email: Contact: 9766704332, 9890755947
Profile Summary:
Overall 1 year6 monthsof experience incore Oracle DBA field.
Working as Trainee Database Administrator at IBM India Pvt Ltd (On payroll of Experis IT Pvt
Ltd),Pune on projectof Idea CellularLtd since April 2015 to till date
HavingStrong knowledge of Oracle Database Architecture.
Handlingspace managementandperformance issuesinOracle databases.
Soundknowledgeof logical backupexport,importobject,tablespacesanddatabase level.
CreationandConfigurationof Database Link.
CreatingTablespacesandincrease the size of tablespace if needed.
Managing Control files, Redolog and Archive log files.
Multiplexingof Control filesandRedolog files.
Create and manage database Useraccount.
Managing Privileges,Users,Roles.
Knowledgeof RMANtool.
Basic Knowledge of RACand ASM.
Knowledgeof UNIX shell scriptinglanguage.
UNIX Skills:
WritingShell ScriptsforinvokingSQLquerieswiththe helpof Here Document
and schedulingthemin Crontab.
AbilitytoworkwithBashshell andCrontab
Knowledgeof advance filterslike grep,find,sedandawk.
Systemmonitoringusingcommandslike df -h, du-sh,free,ping,ps, ifconfigetc.
Project Details:
Workingas Trainee Database Administratorat IBM India Pvt Ltd (On payroll of ExperisITPvt
Ltd),Pune on projectof Idea CellularLtd since April 2015 to till date
1) Company Name : IBM IndiaPvt Ltd, Pune.
Duration : April 2015 to till date
Designation : Trainee Database Administrator
Environment : Oracle,, with2 nodesconfiguredwithRAC
Working with more than 600 Production, Test, and Development & Standby Database
Database Administration for Oracle (10g/11g) responsibilities includes daily maintenance
AdministeringOracle Server,manage database instances,and monitorserverperformance.
Create and maintaindatabase objects.
2. CreatinguserProfilesGrantingspecificprivilegesandrolestothe users.
Maintainingtable spaces&data files,Control files,Online Redologfiles.
Checkingavailableharddiskspace on O.S.
TakingOracle RMAN Backups(Schedulingfordaywise backup).
Logical Backup UsingExport& Import(Datapump).
Exportof importanttablesatregularintervals.
Regularcheckingof trace,alertlog file,all ORA errors&Trace usersusingOEM.
Writingautomatedscriptsforaddingmultipleusersintothe database,backingupthe
Adding/ Resizingdatafilesif needed.
UpdatingTNS EntriesandcheckingListenerStatus,connectivity.
Checking mount points on various servers (AIX/LINUX) like Oracle Home/Logs and manage
space time to time.
Regular archives monitoring, deleting backed up archives, deleting old core files, cleaning up
oldtrace and logfiles.
Performingregulardatabase purgingactivitiestoreuse the space.
ASMDiskGroups Management- space management,managingdisks.
RegularlyCheckingstorage space soasto avoidspace crunch.
Data restorationactivityforrestoringolddataas perrequest.
Checking locking, long operations, and resumed operations time to time and taking action
accordingto situation.
Working on incidents like User creation/deletion incidents, backup failed incidents, DB
failover/down incidents, Listener down incidents, and also some other incidents related
errorsor problemsfromDBend.
2) Project Name : Extract Transfer Load (ETL) for SalesData Model
Company Name : FocusTraining Institute,Pune.
Duration : Oct 2014 to March 2015
Role : Database Developer
DesigningandCreationof Database manually.
Creationof useraccounts.
Usedimportutilitytoloadthe exportedfiles.
Generate a relationshipamongthe tablesusingreferential constraintslike primarykey,foreign
key etc. on each table
To create control filesandgetthe data requiredforloadingitintothe database.Here,SQL
LOADER isthe tool,whichisusedforloadingdataintodatabase.
3. Training Attended: FocusTraining Services,Pune
Technical Skills:
OperatingSystem : UNIX,RedhatLinux,IBMAIX,Windows Family
Database : Oracle 11g,,
Languages : SQL, Unix Shell Scripting(Bash/Ksh),PERL &Python(Beginner)
IncidentManagementTool : BMC Remedy(8.4).
Tools : SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader, expdp/impdp ,TOAD,
Oracle Developer,PUTTY
Educational Details:
Course Board/University School/College Percentage Year of Passing
B.E (E&TC) Pune University S.R.E.S.C.O.E.K 65.02 2013
Maharashtra S.S.J.C.S 60.67 2008
Maharashtra C.S.M.V.P 66.93 2006
Personal Details:
Name : DeepakGorakshanathKharat.
Date of Birth : 04-JUL-1991.
Gender : Male.
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages known : English, Hindi,Marathi.
Current Location : Raj Society, LICcolony,Paudroad,Kothrud-038, Pune,MH
PermanentAddress : Pimpalwadi,Shirdi,Tal- Rahata,Dist- Ahmednagar,MH
[I herebydeclare thatthe above mentionedinformationistrue tothe bestof my knowledge andbelief]
Location: Pune Deepak G Kharat