El documento habla sobre las Cataratas del Iguaz炭 en enero de 2008, recomienda escuchar la m炭sica "La Misi坦n" mientras se explora el documento con el rat坦n sin prisas, y alienta al lector a compartir el contenido con amigos para que todos tengan un buen d鱈a.
El D鱈a de Muertos es una celebraci坦n mexicana prehisp叩nica que honra a los difuntos el 2 de noviembre, coincidiendo con las festividades cat坦licas del D鱈a de los Fieles Difuntos y Todos los Santos. La UNESCO lo ha declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad. En la actualidad, el d鱈a de muertos se celebra principalmente poniendo altares en las casas para los seres queridos fallecidos y visitando sus tumbas en el cementerio, llevando ofrendas de flores y comida.
This presentation is an overview of Texavi's Social Business Maturity Model. It touches upon the goals, phases, maturity levels, key focus areas and metrics in building the social business.
This document shares photos from an online source and provides contact information for an organization called Nidokidos Group, including an email to subscribe to, a website, and an online forum. The document notes that Nidokidos is just sharing the file and all rights belong to the original authors.
The Brasilian Ict Market 9 10 Nov. 2005 Milangdonnini
The document introduces the Brazilian ICT market and potential synergies with Italian companies. It notes that Brazil's GDP grew nearly 5% in 2004 and inflation/unemployment are low. ICT investments in Brazil are forecast to grow 9% annually through 2008. Major global ICT companies have a presence in Brazil and some Italian firms operate there as well. The Brazilian financial system is efficient and reliable, with large international banks participating, while ICT solutions have been exported throughout South America and to the US. The market is fragmented with many small companies, though banking suppliers tend to be larger with over 15 years of experience. Brazil is considered a top offshore location due to its services rates, which are up to 60% lower than in
The document discusses the benefits of integrating educational technology into classrooms. It provides examples of how technology can be used to help teach reading skills in an engaging way for students. Several organizations that promote the use of technology in education are mentioned, including programs run by NASA and companies that donate funds and equipment to schools implementing more technology. The conclusion is that educational technology can make learning more fun for students and help prepare them for future success compared to more traditional forms of teaching.
El documento menciona varios lugares esenciales de Sicilia, Italia como Selinunte, Erice, Cefal炭, Taormina, Palermo, la Pza. de la Revoluci坦n y el volc叩n Etna.
This document summarizes a presentation about Web 2.0 and what it means for business. It discusses key concepts of Web 2.0 like user participation, collective intelligence, and lightweight software. Examples are given of how these concepts are implemented on sites like Wikipedia, Flickr, and Google. The presentation also covers implications for business, including embracing a Web 2.0 mentality, using analytics, and designing applications that leverage networked resources and user contributions.
El documento habla sobre las Cataratas del Iguaz炭 en enero de 2008, recomienda escuchar la m炭sica "La Misi坦n" mientras se explora el documento con el rat坦n sin prisas, y alienta al lector a compartir el contenido con amigos para que todos tengan un buen d鱈a.
El D鱈a de Muertos es una celebraci坦n mexicana prehisp叩nica que honra a los difuntos el 2 de noviembre, coincidiendo con las festividades cat坦licas del D鱈a de los Fieles Difuntos y Todos los Santos. La UNESCO lo ha declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad. En la actualidad, el d鱈a de muertos se celebra principalmente poniendo altares en las casas para los seres queridos fallecidos y visitando sus tumbas en el cementerio, llevando ofrendas de flores y comida.
This presentation is an overview of Texavi's Social Business Maturity Model. It touches upon the goals, phases, maturity levels, key focus areas and metrics in building the social business.
This document shares photos from an online source and provides contact information for an organization called Nidokidos Group, including an email to subscribe to, a website, and an online forum. The document notes that Nidokidos is just sharing the file and all rights belong to the original authors.
The Brasilian Ict Market 9 10 Nov. 2005 Milangdonnini
The document introduces the Brazilian ICT market and potential synergies with Italian companies. It notes that Brazil's GDP grew nearly 5% in 2004 and inflation/unemployment are low. ICT investments in Brazil are forecast to grow 9% annually through 2008. Major global ICT companies have a presence in Brazil and some Italian firms operate there as well. The Brazilian financial system is efficient and reliable, with large international banks participating, while ICT solutions have been exported throughout South America and to the US. The market is fragmented with many small companies, though banking suppliers tend to be larger with over 15 years of experience. Brazil is considered a top offshore location due to its services rates, which are up to 60% lower than in
The document discusses the benefits of integrating educational technology into classrooms. It provides examples of how technology can be used to help teach reading skills in an engaging way for students. Several organizations that promote the use of technology in education are mentioned, including programs run by NASA and companies that donate funds and equipment to schools implementing more technology. The conclusion is that educational technology can make learning more fun for students and help prepare them for future success compared to more traditional forms of teaching.
El documento menciona varios lugares esenciales de Sicilia, Italia como Selinunte, Erice, Cefal炭, Taormina, Palermo, la Pza. de la Revoluci坦n y el volc叩n Etna.
This document summarizes a presentation about Web 2.0 and what it means for business. It discusses key concepts of Web 2.0 like user participation, collective intelligence, and lightweight software. Examples are given of how these concepts are implemented on sites like Wikipedia, Flickr, and Google. The presentation also covers implications for business, including embracing a Web 2.0 mentality, using analytics, and designing applications that leverage networked resources and user contributions.
The document discusses how A/B testing was used by the Obama 2008 campaign to significantly improve their email signup rate and increase donations. It provides examples of plugins and tools for A/B testing websites, with pricing starting at $49/month. Tips are given for effective A/B testing, including testing one element at a time and needing over 100 conversions for meaningful results. Personal examples show A/B testing led to a 51% increase in sales.
The document provides a list of locations toured around Australia, including natural landmarks, cities, and attractions in several states and territories. Some highlights mentioned are Pinnacles in Western Australia, the 12 Apostles in Victoria, Tasmania's Cradle Mountains, Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge, the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Uluru in the Northern Territory, and Jim Jim Falls in Kakadu National Park. The tour covered many scenic spots across Australia showcasing its diverse geography and natural beauty.
This document contains the lyrics to the song "My Way" by Frank Sinatra. The song describes a life lived fully on one's own terms, with few regrets over choices made independently. It expresses pride in having faced challenges and adversity without compromise or exception, always following one's own path in life according to one's own desires and principles.
Digital Innovation in Schools: Case Studies of 10 Schools for 21st Century discusses technology integration in education. It describes 10 schools that have successfully implemented digital technologies and transformed their pedagogical approaches. The schools employ strategies like project-based learning, personalized learning, BYOD programs, and digital curricula. They aim to equip students with 21st century skills by enhancing the learning process through technology, redesigning teaching methods, and empowering students as producers and managers of their own learning.
This document provides an introduction to a Digital Turn course taught by Mart Laanpere. It includes information about Mart, the practicalities of the course, background on Estonia, statistics on Estonia's digital society, its success on PISA tests, shifts in technology use in education, Estonia's strategy for lifelong learning and digital turn in schools, and experiences from a Samsung digital turn project. The document outlines the course content and provides context about Estonia's leadership in digital education.
Education system in Estonia: PISA and Digital TurnMart Laanpere
This document summarizes education in Estonia, including its success on PISA tests in mathematics, reading, and science. It provides statistics on Estonia's population, economy, and information society indicators showing widespread computer and internet access. Educational statistics are presented showing Estonia ranking highly in the world and Europe on PISA from 2009 to 2015. Possible factors for this success are discussed like school autonomy, qualified teachers, equal opportunities, and educational expenditures. The document concludes by discussing Estonia's digital turn in schools toward 1:1 computing and new learning paradigms.
Scenario-Based Validation of the Online Tool for Assessing Teachers Digital ...Mart Laanpere
This document summarizes research evaluating an online tool and rubric for assessing Estonian teachers' digital competencies. Through focus groups with teachers and other stakeholders, the researchers found:
1) Some statements in the rubric were difficult to understand or irrelevant for teachers.
2) The workload of self-assessment was too high, reducing motivation.
3) Changing to a simpler 3-point scale and providing examples instead of definitions could increase usability.
4) Scenario-based discussions helped validate changes needed to the rubric and tool to better reflect teachers' experiences and increase adoption. Suggestions were made to simplify the rubric and requirements for a new online assessment tool.
Evidence-Centered Approach to Online Assessment of Students Digital CompetenceMart Laanpere
This document discusses developing an online assessment of digital competence for Estonian students based on an Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) framework. It involves two university teams combining deductive and inductive approaches to build an assessment aligned with the DigComp framework and Estonian curriculum. The ECD framework layers assessment from domain analysis to implementation. A Bayesian network and practical tasks are proposed to assess knowledge, skills, and abilities. Piloting is planned in schools to test scenario-based tasks and Bayesian scoring.
Digital Mirror: Measuring the digital innovation maturity in Estonian schoolsMart Laanpere
1. The document discusses measuring the impact of whole-school digital innovation in Estonian schools. It describes Estonia's strategy of implementing a digital turn in education through 1:1 computing initiatives.
2. A tool called "Digital Mirror" is presented for assessing schools' digital maturity across dimensions of infrastructure, pedagogical innovation, and change management. The tool was used to evaluate schools in Estonia's Samsung DigitalTurn project.
3. Lessons from empirical studies with vocational schools show that Digital Mirror is useful for schools to self-assess and benchmark their digital progress, though it may take time to fully adopt and interpret key concepts. The tool could be integrated with the European Dig
Best Practice Benchmarking course by EuneosMart Laanpere
This document summarizes education in Estonia, with a focus on the country's success on PISA exams and its transition towards greater digital learning. It notes that Estonia has consistently ranked high in math, reading, and science on PISA tests. It explores factors that may explain this success, such as school autonomy, qualified teachers, and equal opportunities regardless of socioeconomic status. The document also outlines Estonia's "Digital Turn," with initiatives to equip all students with individual computers and transition towards a new learning paradigm centered around ubiquitous technology. It shares experiences from a project to help schools fully adopt digital tools and innovative pedagogies through a whole-school approach.
This document provides an introduction to a course on integrating technology into STEM education. It introduces the course instructor, Dr. Mart Laanpere, and discusses some logistical details about the course. It also provides background information on Estonia and its efforts to integrate digital technologies into education, including a national strategy to implement a "digital turn" in schools through initiatives like 1:1 computing and digital learning resources. The document summarizes some experiences from a previous project implementing digital technologies in schools and concludes with an invitation to participate in a quiz using the Kahoot platform.
Analysing the Use of Distributed Digital Learning ResourcesMart Laanpere
Mart Laanpere presented on analyzing the use of distributed digital learning resources in Estonia. Estonia has moved towards a digital learning strategy of BYOD and digital textbooks, which requires learning analytics that can aggregate data from multiple sources across the open web. The current situation in Estonia finds learning resources scattered across many platforms. To address this, eSchoolbag is being developed as a digital learning resource cloud that can harvest metadata from different repositories, power search and recommendations, track user activities, and provide a recommender system - helping to analyze learning in a distributed environment.