The document discusses the design choices made for a logo, including choosing the color purple to represent qualities like beauty, compassion, creativity, femininity, independence, justice, wealth, and leadership. The logo shape blends a circle and triangle, which represent being a leader but also empathic. A LIFE magazine motto was chosen because it inspires living fully. A poster includes a mountain picture to represent adventure and stars to represent striving higher, along with a font that complements the picture and quote.
3. I chose this nice shade of purple for my
logo because I feel it represents a lot
of qualities that represent me and
what I strive for. A few of these things
12. For my logo I chose a shape that kind of
blends a circle and a triangle, the two
shapes that I identify most with. Its not
really supposed to be a certain object, just
a creative shape that the viewer may take
in any way.
13. Triangle: A leader, focused on the goal.
Confident in myself and my opinions. I like
Circle: A people person. I show empathy and
consideration for the feelings of others. I
enjoy harmony and find it difficult to deal with
conflict and making unpopular decisions.
15. I chose the LIFE magazine motto because I
saw it in a movie and I really liked it. It inspires
me to go out and live.
16. For my poster I chose the picture of
mountains because I see mountains as
adventurous. I thought it went with the quote
nicely. The stars in the sky remind me to strive
for something higher.
17. I chose that font because I thought
that it went nicely with the picture
and the quote. There was something
definite about it.
18. The font color I used was a nice
contrast with the dark sky and it also
pulled in the color of the mountains.