There are two types of articles in English: definite and indefinite articles. The indefinite articles "a" and "an" are used with nonspecific nouns to introduce new information, with "a" preceding consonant sounds and "an" preceding vowel sounds. The definite article "the" is used with specific nouns where the item is familiar to both the speaker and listener.
2. Basically, an article is an adjective. Like adjectives, articles modify nouns.(Lynch and Brizee, 2010)
3. English has two articles :definite and indefinite articles.Olivia 19/2/20102What is an article?
4. A/an =indefinite articleThis is used when the noun that we wishto refer to is unknown to ourlistener/reader or is not part of thecommon ground that we share. It is mostoften used to introduce newinformation.(Waylink,2010)Olivia 19/2/20103Indefinite article
5. A is used with consonants.(Beare,2010)For example: I want to buy a cake for my breakfast.Cake is not the specific object here it is just one ofsome cakes ,so we use indefinite article. Cake pronounced [keik] and k is consonant.Therefore, we use a before cake.Olivia 19/2/20104How to use a?
6. an is used with vowels (a, e, i, o, u). (Beare,2010)For example:I ate an egg this morning.Egg is not the specific object here it is justone of some eggs, that is, we use indefinitearticle. Egg pronounced [eg] and e is vowel. So ,we usean before egg.Olivia 19/2/20105How to use an?
7. The=definite article It is used for a specific object that both theperson speaking and the listener know.(Beare,2010)For example: The egg on the table is my breakfast.I like the cake that you bought from thesupermarket.Egg and cake are the special here.Olivia 19/2/20106Definite article
8. Kenneth Beare (2010) "A, An, The" definite and indefinitearticles in?English [online] Available at[Accessed at 19th February 2010]Paul Lynch, Allen Brizee (2010) Using Articles [online] Availableat [Accessedat 19th February 2010]Waylink(2010) Definite & indefinite articles[online] Available at [Accessed at22nd February 2010]Olivia 19/2/20107Reference