1. The document defines several terms related to facilities that care for elderly individuals, including hospice, gerontic, residence, and orphanage.
2. It provides definitions of hospice from several dictionaries, describing it as a facility that cares for all the needs of elderly individuals, including accommodation, care services, and activities.
3. Hospices can be owned by the government or private organizations, and have the goal of accommodating elderly people and providing facilities and activities to maintain their health and independence.
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Definition of residence
1. Definition of Residence (Hospice)
Hospice (residence); - Care, nurturing place orphans (orphan); - Charity, home caring for
orphans strays (parents, etc.). Poerwadarminta, W.J.S. (1993) Dictionary Indonesian general.
Jakarta: Central Library.
House; residence; - Care home places nurture and care for orphans; - Charity home place to
maintain and care for the elderly or children neglected; - Maintain a nursing or care for people
decrepit. Sugono, D. (2008) Dictionary of Indonesian. Jakarta.
Definition of gerontic
A very old and already weak physical and is unable to own living; elderly; senile. Sugono, D.
(2008) Indonesian dictionary. Jakarta.
Definition of hospice
Understanding Nursing Home in Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word hospice is defined as a
caring and accommodating Nursing Home and Regulation No. 15 of 2002 on the Amendment of
Regulation 15 Years 2000 About the Regional Office, the hospice of Tresna Elderly renamed
become a Social Protection Center Tresna Elderly. Accessed February 18, 2013 of
The place where the gathering of elderly good voluntarily or submitted by the family to care for
all needs. Where some of these places are managed by government both private parties. And it
has an obligation of the State to maintain and preserve every citizen as stated in Law 12, 1996
(Directorate General of the Ministry of Justice and HAM). Understanding elderly (seniors) are
aged man over 60 years. Megalestari, F.T. (2011). Interior Redesign Nursing Home Tresna
Elderly Healthy Self Probolinggo For Pensions, Surabaya: Graduate Program in the Institute of
Technology, accessed 18 February 2013 from http://digilib.its.ac.id/public/ITS-Undergraduate-
So, can be conclude that hospice is a facility provided for seniors as an alternative residence as
long as with the special needs who provide care and services as well as a variety of activities can
used seniors to overcome physical and mental deterioration together in the community.
Here seniors act independently and not be spoiled so seniors are encouraged to remain active.
Some of the activities scheduled is a morning exercise, painting, playing music and dancing so
forth. In addition, services and care provided is consumption, check routine medical, therapy and
so forth.
Function hospice
Function hospice is a place to accommodate elderly people who provide facilities and special
activities for seniors who guarded and cared for by a nurse or social worker.
2. Objectives hospice
The main goal is to accommodate hospice man up age in good health and self-homeless and
family or who have a family but not deposited due to family's ability to care for the elderly.
Types of hospice Based Ownership
1. hospice Owned
This facility is located in the Directorate of Services Elderly Social Social Affairs of the
Republic of Indonesia. Usually This facility does not collect fees from seniors or usually
subsidized and has a spontaneity donors. The nursing home facilities, clothing, food and
board in accordance as long as with the needs of the elderly. Most inhabitants of seniors
here is displaced, do not have sufficient and independent living.
2. hospice Owned Private / Foundation
This facility is not located within the Directorate Elderly Social Services. Be independent
and owned by organizing a charity institution directly. This social standards mandatory
dues but according as long as with the financial ability of the elderly and has a permanent
donors and donors also spontaneity. Nursing facilities, clothing, food and board in
accordance as long as with the needs of the elderly. Most inhabitants of the elderly
usually have family here but not capable to take care of the elderly.
Standards of social institutions is provision providing for the condition and performance for the
holding of a certain social institutions or agencies similar social services. As for the home Social
is a social welfare service agencies have a duty and functions to improve the quality of human
resources and empower people with mental, and social. Common standards referred to are:
1. Institutional, include:
a. Legality Organization. Include proof of the legality of authorized agency in order
to obtain protection and professional coaching.
b. Vision and Mission
c. Organization and Work Procedure
2. Human Resources, includes two aspects:
a. Aspects of nursing organizer consists of elements of leadership, operational
elements, and a support element.
b. Development of nursing personnel
3. Infrastructure, include:
a. Technical Services. Includes assessment tools, social counseling, physical and
mental skills.
b. Office, office space, meeting rooms, space guests, and others.
c. General, has a dining room, bedroom, bathroom, and others.
4. Financial
Have the budget coming from fixed sources or not fixed.
3. 5. The basic social services
To meet the needs of everyday elderly, include: food, shelter, clothing, education and
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
a. Monitoring and evaluation process, namely the assessment of process services
provided to senior.
b. Monitoring and evaluation results, namely the monitoring and evaluation of
seniors, to see the level of achievement and success of the seniors after obtaining
process services.
Requirements Facilities
Every building, except for a single dwelling house and home Simple series, should provide
facilities and accessibility to ensure the realization of facilities for the disabled and elderly entry
and exit, building condition and construction activities in building easily, safely, comfortably and
independently. And accessibility of facilities include toilets, parking place, telephone general
guide lines, signs and markers, doors, stairs and lift ram for the disabled and the elderly.
Provision of facilities and accessibility adapted to function, wide and height of buildings.
accessed 22 February 2013 from http://www.pu.go.id/satminkal/itjen/hukum/pm29-2006.pdf.
Requirements Being in the Hospice
a. The minimum age of 60 years (a lifetime KTP)
b. In a healthy state independently without tools
c. Do not contagious or nerve
d. Not senile
e. Do not smoke
f. Status widow (deceased) / widower (deceased) / not married (status widow / widower
must attach a copy of the death certificate).
g. There is a monthly payment 3-month trial period, if during 3 months of the elderly do not
like / cannot adapt to home rule, the person in charge shall pick and money the base is
h. Has the person in charge
i. Must bring x-rays and laboratory results as follows:
a) X-ray of the lungs (Thorax)
b) complete blood
c) urine complete
d) Fasting blood sugar
e) Blood sugar 2 hours PP
f) total cholesterol
g) triglycerides
h) HDL / LDL / LDH
4. i) Uric Acid
j) Ureum
k) Creatinin
n) Candidates and their occupants in charge must be present.
o) The recent color photo of 4x6 size 2 sheets
p) Prospective occupants absolutely free / off responsibility to family (children,
grandchildren, nephews, relatives, family).