Internet of Things (IoT) - We Are at the Tip of An IcebergDr. Mazlan Abbas
You are likely benefitting from The Internet of Things (IoT) today, whether or not youre familiar with the term. If your phone automatically connects to your car radio, or if you have a smartwatch counting your steps, congratulations! You have adopted one small piece of a very large IoT pie, even if you haven't adopted the name yet.
IoT may sound like a business buzzword, but in reality, its a real technological revolution that will impact everything we do. It's the next IT Tsunami of new possibility that is destined to change the face of technology, as we know it. IoT is the interconnectivity between things using wireless communication technology (each with their own unique identifiers) to connect objects, locations, animals, or people to the Internet, thus allowing for the direct transmission of and seamless sharing of data.
IoT represents a massive wave of technical innovation. Highly valuable companies will be built and new ecosystems will emerge from bridging the offline world with the online into one gigantic new network. Our limited understanding of the possibilities hinders our ability to see future applications for any new technology. Mainstream adoption of desktop computers and the Internet didnt take hold until they became affordable and usable. When that occurred, fantastic and creative new innovation ensued. We are on the cusp of that tipping point with the Internet of Things.
IoT matters because it will create new industries, new companies, new jobs, and new economic growth. It will transform existing segments of our economy: retail, farming, industrial, logistics, cities, and the environment. It will turn your smartphone into the command center for the both digital and physical objects in your life. You will live and work smarter, not harder and what we are seeing now is only the tip of the iceberg.
Il recupero delle informazioni cancellate e nascosteEdoardo E. Artese
A lecture at University of Milan about "data carving"
Una lezione all'Universit di Milano sul recupero delle informazione nascoste e cancellate da un computer o un supporto informatico.
Computer Forensics
Luca Basili, Walter Falistocco e Daniele Branchesi - classe 5属 segione G -
Linux Day ITIS E. Divini, San Severino Marche il, 24 Ottobre 2009
Deft Linux is a free digital forensics and incident response Linux distribution that provides tools for investigating cybersecurity incidents. Giovanni Rattaro, an IT security consultant and member of the BackTrack Linux project, leads the Deft Linux team. The next release, code named "Deft X Xplosion", will build on the existing digital forensics and incident response tools included in previous Deft Linux, Deft Zero, and DART distributions.
Il recupero delle informazioni cancellate e nascosteEdoardo E. Artese
A lecture at University of Milan about "data carving"
Una lezione all'Universit di Milano sul recupero delle informazione nascoste e cancellate da un computer o un supporto informatico.
Computer Forensics
Luca Basili, Walter Falistocco e Daniele Branchesi - classe 5属 segione G -
Linux Day ITIS E. Divini, San Severino Marche il, 24 Ottobre 2009
Deft Linux is a free digital forensics and incident response Linux distribution that provides tools for investigating cybersecurity incidents. Giovanni Rattaro, an IT security consultant and member of the BackTrack Linux project, leads the Deft Linux team. The next release, code named "Deft X Xplosion", will build on the existing digital forensics and incident response tools included in previous Deft Linux, Deft Zero, and DART distributions.
deftcon 2015 - Epifani, Picasso, Scarito, Meda - Tor Browser forensics on Win...Deft Association
This document summarizes research into analyzing artifacts from the Tor browser on Windows systems. It describes how the Tor browser leaves various artifacts that can be analyzed, including prefetch files, the UserAssist registry key, thumbnail cache, Windows search database, bookmarks, pagefile.sys, and memory dumps. These artifacts can reveal information like installation date, execution dates and paths, and evidence of websites visited. The document provides an example of how analysis of these artifacts was used in a case to identify the suspect who accessed a private company's salaries before they were published online.
deftcon 2015 - Dave Piscitello - DNS Traffic MonitoringDeft Association
This document discusses how DNS is used by cybercriminals and malware in various ways. It describes how criminals register domains for malicious purposes like phishing, botnets, and malware distribution. It also explains how legitimate domains get compromised and used for criminal ends. The document advocates monitoring DNS traffic and logs to detect abnormal queries that could indicate cyberattacks, exploits, or command and control communications between infected devices and criminal infrastructure.
deftcon 2015 - Nino Vincenzo Verde - European Antitrust Forensic IT ToolsDeft Association
The document discusses the European Antitrust Forensic IT Tools (EAFIT_TOOLS) project. It provides an overview of the project objectives, which are to develop a prototype indexing software to boost technical convergence of forensic analysis tools for European antitrust authorities. The software will index large amounts of documents collected during dawn raids and enable collaborative review. Requirements were gathered from authorities and include capabilities for on-site indexing and analysis during raids. The software architecture is discussed and it will be released as open source. The goals are to standardize forensic procedures and tools to aid multi-jurisdictional antitrust investigations.
Paolo Dal Checco, Alessandro Rossetti, Stefano Fratepietro - DEFT 7 ManualDeft Association
The document is a manual for DEFT 7 Linux, an open-source digital forensics distribution. It describes the authors and contributors to the toolkit. It also includes an end user license agreement and acknowledgements. The manual provides an overview of the applications included in DEFT Linux and DART, the Windows-based component, and requirements for running the distributions.
Paolo Dal Checco, Alessandro Rossetti, Stefano Fratepietro - Manuale DEFT 7Deft Association
DEFT is a Linux distribution and toolkit for digital forensics and intelligence activities. It contains various Linux applications and scripts as well as Windows applications through the DART suite. Some key features include tools for acquiring, analyzing, and investigating digital evidence from a variety of sources like hard drives, smartphones, and network traffic. This manual provides an overview of the main applications in DEFT and includes some tutorials for common digital forensics tasks.
Deftcon 2014 - Stefano Zanero - Comprehensive Black-box Methodology for Testi...Deft Association
This document presents a comprehensive black-box methodology for testing the forensic characteristics of solid-state drives (SSDs). The methodology aims to assess how SSD technologies like trim, garbage collection, wear leveling, and compression impact forensic analysis. A series of controlled experiments are conducted on several SSD models to determine if they implement these technologies and how they affect data persistence and file recoverability when using standard forensic tools and approaches in a black-box setting. The results provide insight into the challenges of SSD forensics and help evaluate the feasibility of potential white-box analysis techniques.
2. Android
Sistema operativo di Google
con kernel Linux presente
su svariati dispositivi di uso
comune come ad esempio
smartphone, tablet,
navigatori satellitari, ecc.
9. Acquisizione fisica
tramite ADB
Esecuzione shell di recovery
temporanea modificata
tramite scheda Micro SD
Avvio del dispositivo in
modalit di recovery standard
(pulsanti: HOME + VOLUME UP +
Installazione pacchetto con
SU e busybox (netcat e dd)
tramite scheda Micro SD
10. Acquisizione
memoria flash
Mettere il dispositivo in recovery
mode e collegarlo al PC tramite
cavo USB
Impostare la porta per il forwarding
dei dati tramite ADB :
$ adb forward tcp:8888 tcp:8888