Delivery point screening-Head to toe examination.pptx
1. Head to toe examination
Delivery point screening
3. Why is it important?
6 to 7% of NB have a birth defect
1.7 million birth defects annually in India.
Contribute to 10% of neonatal mortality and 4% of infant mortality
Early identification, referral , treatment and follow up will reduce the burden of disability,
improve health and ensure development of children born with Birth Defects.
Screening of newborns at delivery points is a crucial component of this strategy
4. What is a birth defect?
Includes diverse health conditions
Physical malformations such as cleft lip or palate
Chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome
Functional defects congenital deafness and congenital cataract
Metabolic defects including inborn error of metabolism
Neurodevelopmental disorders.
Complications related to prematurity
5. Birth defects
Usually manifest at birth and can be identified at the delivery points
Some manifest a few weeks or months later.
6. Approach to NB screening at delivery point
Within the first few minutes after birth assess the vitals like respiration, heart rate
A full and detailed assessment for identifying Birth Defects, prior to discharge from the
facility within the first 48 hours of life
Head to toe examination - to identify any visible defects, and also to reassure parents
that their baby is healthy.
To be performed by the Staff Nurse/ANM, facilitated by the Medical Officer for all NB at
birth and at all delivery points
10. Review history
Maternal medical/obstetric/social
Family history of Deafness, childhood blindness.
Family history of congenital heart disease
11. Equipments needed
Overhead warmer if required
Pencil torch
Inch tape
Infant scales
Growth charts, especially for head circumference
Pulse oximetry (optional)
12. Timing
Initial exam immediately after birth check the vitals. If any abnormal,
refer/ resuscitation
Full and detailed assessment for Birth Defects prior to discharge
Follow-up in high risk cases
If unwell/premature Refer if clinically indicated
15. General appearance
State of alertness
Spontaneous movement
Predominant Posture
Responsiveness to stimulus
Refer if child looks ill, lethargic ,
has an abnormal cry , abnormal
movements or colour of skin:
Check weight, length, head circumference and document
16. Head
Shape and symmetry
Scalp swelling
Anterior and posterior fontanelle
Head circumference
Scalp lacerations/lesions
17. How to measure head circumference
Head circumference- too small < 32cms/ too large > 38cms in full-term
18. Abnormalities in head
Absence of cranial vault
Herniation of the brain through a
defect in the skull
Closed fontanelles and fused
Enlarged, bulging or sunken
20. Abnormalities in the spine
Abnormal swelling of the spine
Non-intact bony spine
Abnormal curvature of spine
Tufts of hair or dimple along
intact spine
22. Eyes
Facial marks near the eye
Position in relation to the nasal bridge
Swelling, drooping or gap in the eye
Port wine stain or haemangioma
Abnormally small eye or absent eye
Upward /downward slant/epicanthic
Hazy, dull cornea, opacity
23. Eyes
Opacity with excessive tearing
Pupils unequal, dilated or
constricted or gap in the pupil
Congenital cataract
Congenital glaucoma
Purulent conjunctivitis
White eye reflexes through a torch
27. Chin, Neck and Clavicles
Small receding chin/micrognathia
Neck webbing/ Masses/swelling
Absence of clavicles
28. Heart, Chest
Chest size, shape and symmetry
Number and position of nipples
Chest movement and effort with
Respiratory rate
Breath sounds
Pulses femoral
Position of apex beat
29. Urgent referral
Signs of respiratory distress
Apnoeic episodes
Weak or absent pulses
Positive pulse oximetry screen (if performed)
30. Abdomen
Shape and symmetry
Defect in the abdominal wall
Umbilicus including number of arteries
Any abdominal mass
Abdominal distension: intestinal obstruction
Scaphod abdomen with respiratory distress
Defect in the abdominal wall:
Less than 3 umbilical vessels
Abnormal abdominal mass
32. Exomphalos vs Gastroschisis
Exomphalos Gastroschisis
The defect is usually to the right side of
a normal umbilical cord with exposed
abdominal contents.There is no
membrane or sac
The umbilical cord inserts into
and is continuous with a
membrane-covered midline
33. Anus
Abnormal position of anus
Absence, imperforate anus
No meconium passed within 24
34. Male genitalia
Penis including foreskin
Testes (confirm present bilaterally and
position of testes) including any
Scrotal size and colour
Other masses such as hydrocele
Micropenis (stretched length less than 2.5
Inguinal hernia/swelling
Ambiguous genitalia
Bilateral undescended testes
Testicular torsion
Unequal scrotal size or scrotal discolouration
36. Urinary tract
Bladder wall
Has the Newborn passed urine?
Urethral opening: look from where
the urine comes out
Check for urinary stream in a male
Bladder wall not intact- bladder
No urine passed within 24 hours
Posterior urethral valve-disrupted
38. Limbs
Upper Limbs
Hand, digits and palm
Lower Limbs
Foot and toes
Absence of the whole or a part
of the upper limb (arm/forearm,
Extra digits/webbing of fingers
Single transverse crease
Absence of the whole or a part
of the lower limb
40. HIP
Check symmetry of the legs
Skin folds over the buttocks
Risk factors for hip dysplasia: a.
breech b. females c. family
Hip dysplasia
41. Signs of hip dyspasia (asymmetry of thigh and
42. Screening for chromosomal disorders
Look for any dysmorphic feature.
Upward slanting eyes, epicanthic
fold, flat nose, small ears, small
mouth, single palmar crease and
increase gap between the first and
second toe.
Presence of chromosomal
#25: the ear is low-set when the helix of the ear meets the cranium at a level below that of a horizontal plane through both inner canthi (the inside corners of the eyes).
#30: Single Umbilical Artery is associated strongly with gastrointestinal atresia or stenosis. May be associated with aneuploidy
#31: clinical triad of deficient abdominal musculature, cryptorchidism, and urinary tract abnormalities
#36: layout of the external urethral meatus is abnormal, on the ventral penis, ranging from the glans to the perineum; (2) curvature towards the ventralpenis (chordee); (3) abnormal prepuce with hood on the dorsal penis.
In epispadiasurethra opens onto thedorsal aspect of the penis in boys