Cloud nov箪 model slu転ieb a koncept vy邸邸ej efekt鱈vnostiRastislav Janota
Vyu転itie Cloud-u ako n叩stroja na zn鱈転enie n叩kladov na infra邸trukt炭ru, platformu, softv辿rov辿 licencie a slu転by vo f叩ze realiz叩cie i prev叩dzky IT syst辿mov vo verejnej spr叩ve Slovenskej republiky, ako aj zv箪邸enia transparentnosti a efekt鱈vnosti pri ich rozvoji.
The document discusses how the student's media product follows conventions of the horror genre. It includes a protagonist named Jane wearing white, and an antagonist wearing black whose identity is hidden. Generic conventions like angles, lighting, and settings are used. While presenting a female antagonist challenges conventions, hiding her identity maintains the mystery element. Titles are added discreetly over shots to identify actors without distracting from the film.
Deltacloud is an open source project that provides a unified API for accessing multiple cloud computing providers. It abstracts away differences between individual cloud APIs so that developers only need to learn one API to manage resources on different cloud platforms. Deltacloud uses a driver-based architecture where individual drivers implement communication with backends of different cloud providers. This allows Deltacloud to support platforms like Amazon EC2, Rackspace, OpenNebula and others through a common RESTful API.
Introduction to research on open source softwareMatthias St端rmer
Open source software is being used by small and large companies, governments and other organizations in many business-critical systems. Nowadays there are approximately 1 million open source projects on the software market being developed and maintained by unpaid individuals as well as professional software companies and industry players. Research about technical aspects of open source software, business models, management and governance practices as well as community dynamics and contributor's motivations is abundant.
In this three day course master students of information systems get an introduction into current research about open source, read and present academic papers on open source, and write an own research proposal, conference submission or working paper about a specific topic of their interest. This may cover issues about open source in automotive industry, reuse of open source components, business models with open source, inner source development within pharma and many more.
Do you love open source and want to make enough money to pay the bills? Dawn made an accidental career out of open source over 13 years ago, and it changed her life. It has given her an opportunity to work with amazing people and travel the world while doing work that is more fun than any job should be.
This session will start with why you might want to make a career out of open source. The bulk of it will explore the many ways to get open source to pay your bills. Even if you have already have one of these jobs, this talk will provide options for additional career paths and tips for what to do improve your chances of getting that next gig and how to avoid sabotaging your career. Dawn will share her stories about how she ended up here along with some of her time management tips to avoid letting this work take over your entire life (unless you want it to)!
Deltacloud API is a cloud-agnostic provisioning and management API that allows users to manage resources like virtual machines, storage, and images across different cloud infrastructures through a single REST-based interface. It aims to avoid vendor lock-in by providing an abstraction layer that can integrate with APIs from multiple public and private cloud providers. The Deltacloud API supports common operations like launching, managing, and terminating virtual machine instances as well as extended resources like storage volumes and load balancers. It uses a RESTful design to provide a language-agnostic interface and has client libraries available in several programming languages.
9.7 Things Every Programmer Should Know About User ExperienceBurr Sutter
The success of Web 2.0 and the popularity of mobile applications has revealed an important fact. Having an engaging or otherwise compelling user experience is critical to an application's success. Given a choice, people will replace an application they find difficult to use with something that's easier; even if the replacement doesn't do everything the original did. Some businesses bring in professional User Experience Designers in an attempt to deal with this issue. The problem is that most designers don't actually write code, and running code is the key factor in determining what kind of user experience your customers have.
That's why it is critical that you understand the principles and fundamentals presented in this talk. You'll leave with a better handle on what user experience is, and what you can do to ensure your application delivers the best possible user experience to your customers
An overview of open source in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea)OSCON Byrum
The document provides an overview of open source in East Asia, focusing on China, Japan, and Korea. It discusses each country's open source communities and contributions. In China, it notes the large market and population as well as barriers like censorship and piracy. Japan is described as wealthy, with the creator of Ruby and many active developer communities. Korea is characterized as fast-moving, with Samsung and Naver contributing to open source projects like Linux and Mozilla. The document aims to highlight open source opportunities and communities across East Asia.
Enterprise Developer Journey to the IoTBurr Sutter
v11 for TriJUG May 18 2015
The current hype around the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to a substantial amount of innovation thanks to open source software, open hardware, open standards, and community inspiration. In this session, we will explore how you can use open source software to incorporate the physical world (the Things) into your traditional enterprise IT infrastructure. We will walk the path from a typical enterprise developers current focus on web desktop applications to mobile and devices, specifically developer prototyping platforms like Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison, Arduino, Spark Core, and several others. Learn how to connect the physical world to your enterprise backbone via sensors and actuators.
Bill is called by the CEO of Parts Unlimited and given an ultimatum - fix the massively over budget and late Phoenix Project IT initiative within 90 days or have his entire department outsourced. With the help of a board member, Bill starts implementing agile and DevOps practices like limiting work in progress, establishing consistent feedback loops, and creating a culture of continuous learning. This leads to breakthroughs like identifying too much reliance on one engineer, improving flow through development and operations, and bringing critical supplier resources in-house. The novel is used to effectively demonstrate these concepts through an entertaining narrative.
Information overload is less about having too much information and more about not having the right tools and techniques to filter and process information to find the pieces that are most relevant for you. This presentation will focus on showing you a variety of tips and techniques to get you started down the path of looking at RSS feeds in a completely different light. The default RSS feeds generated by your favorite blog or website are just a starting point waiting to be hacked and manipulated to serve your needs. Most people read RSS feeds, but few people take the time to go one step further to hack on those RSS feeds to find only the most interesting posts. I combine tools like Yahoo Pipes, BackTweets, PostRank and more with some simple API calls to be able to find what I need while automatically discarding the rest. You start with one or more RSS feeds and then feed those results into other services to gather more information that can be used to further filter or process the results. This process is easier than it sounds once you learn a few simple tools and techniques, and no real programming experience is required to get started. This session will show you some tips and tricks to get you started down the path of hacking your RSS feeds.
Cloud State of the Union for Java DevelopersBurr Sutter
This presentation provides a broad overview of what is going on in the Cloud computing world - for Java developers - presented on Dec 21st 2010 at the Atlanta Java Users Group - - no audio was recorded.
The document discusses several Apache integration projects including Apache Camel, CXF, ActiveMQ, and ServiceMix. It provides an overview of each project including their purpose and key features. The presentation aims to demonstrate how these projects can help simplify integration between different systems and technologies.
My 'Phoenix Project'One Developer's Evolutionary JourneyBurr Sutter
What do Gene Kim and his apparent doppelg辰nger Burr Sutter have in common beyond strikingly similar goatees? DevOps. Building on Kim's iconic tech novel 'The Phoenix Project,' this lightning talk for All Things Open (with highlights Sutter's own 'Phoenix Project' DevOps experience earlier in his career. "We quickly understood that the only way out was forwardtogetherdevs, ops, DBAs, and our business peoplethe whole team. We hero'ed up, worked in a fundamentally new way, and succeeded at the the impossible." Follow Burr on Twitter @BurrSutter
Acumatica continues to grow rapidly with over 80% year-over-year growth and is innovating by adding new capabilities like field service and commerce modules. The 2017 Acumatica Summit was well attended, with customers making up approximately 25% of attendees in just the second year that customers were included. Key partners like AWS and Microsoft are gaining traction in using Acumatica's technology.
A small story about Open Source projects' specificities. This presentation has been designed for non technical profiles with no previous experience in Open Source projects
Limited WIP Meeting presentation - The Phoenix Project book reviewRudiger Wolf
The document summarizes a presentation about the book "The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win." The presenter discusses how the book uses a novel format to tell a story that IT professionals will relate to. It aims to show readers how to improve their IT organizations and view IT differently. The presenter provides an overview of the book's plot and main characters. Key concepts from the book like The Three Ways and limiting work in progress are explained. The goal is to get more people to read the book and apply its lessons to speed up their work.
Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digital Artifacts for Linke...Tobias Kuhn
Tobias Kuhn and Michel Dumontier present Trusty URIs, which aim to provide verifiable, immutable, and permanent references to digital artifacts on the Semantic Web. Trusty URIs include a cryptographic hash of the artifact as part of the URI itself. This allows anyone to verify that a URI resolves to the unaltered original artifact. It also ensures URIs remain permanent references even if the original location becomes unavailable. Implementations exist for plain files and RDF graphs, with more modules planned. Evaluations show Trusty URIs successfully validate original artifacts while detecting corrupted copies, and can handle files from kilobytes to terabytes in size. The project is open source with the goal of building a community around developing and
The Phoenix Project DevOps Simulation - Paul WilkinsonPink Elephant
ncorporating DevOps The Phoenix Project Simulation
Businesses are demanding ever shorter release cycles for new applications. Traditionally Operations is seen as a barrier with lengthy bureaucratic controls and delays in provisioning production systems. DevOps is a growing movement for shortening development and deployment and integrating Development and Operations. However, this requires a mind-set shift, new behaviours and a cultural shift in both Development and Operations. Traditionally suspicious of each other, they must now work closely together. Yet many companies are struggling to adopt and deploy DevOps and how to change the culture.
The Phoenix Project Simulation game is based upon The Phoenix Project. Parts Unlimited is in trouble. Newspaper reports reveal the poor financial performance of the organisation. The only way forward to not only save the company but to make it competitive and profitable is The Phoenix Project which represents an IT enabled business transformation, with Retail Operations as the business owner of this project. The VP of IT Operations is asked to take the lead of the IT department and ensure that The Phoenix Project will be a success. But the VP of IT Operations is facing a tremendous amount of work. A huge backlog of issues, features and projects. Are you up for the challenge?
Here are some key points your marketing strategy would need to consider in order to effectively target the Asian Canadian consumer market:
- Translate your advertising messages into the various Asian languages spoken in Canada (e.g. Chinese, Punjabi, Tagalog etc.) and place ads in Asian media outlets like newspapers, magazines and websites
- Recognize the complex differences between various Asian ethnic groups (e.g. Chinese, Indian, Filipino etc.) in terms of culture, cuisine, dietary restrictions etc. and customize your products and messaging accordingly
- Ensure the products you offer are suitable for Asian cooking styles and that any imagery/packaging is culturally sensitive and representative
- Partner with Asian grocery stores and community organizations to promote
Presentation Zabbix en Fran巽ais du 6 Juin 2013Alain Ganuchaud
Vue d'ensemble des fonctionnalit辿s Zabbix, plus particuli竪rement la version 2.0, pr辿sent辿e en Fran巽ais par Alain Ganuchaud (CORE IT PROJECT) pour l'辿diteur Zabbix SIA.
Writing highly scalable WebSocket using the Atmosphere Framework and Scalajfarcand
- The document discusses the Atmosphere Framework, an open-source Java library that allows web applications to communicate in real-time via WebSocket or Comet techniques.
- It provides a uniform API that hides the complexities of different browser and server WebSocket implementations and allows fallback to alternative techniques like Comet.
- The framework integrates with various Java web servers and frameworks and supports Servlet, RESTful, and native WebSocket APIs to build scalable real-time applications.
This slide deck dives a bit in history to understand where IT comes from, where we are now and why we are there and what our options are. It starts with exploring the paradigms of the markets companies live in, travels through matching organizational approaches and finally looks at the history and current state of IT.
Based on that and after a quick look at Conway's law the market paradigms and organizational approaches are evaluated with respect to the drivers they imply on IT in general and architecture particularly.
And after all that foreplay (which is necessary to really understand where we are and what the forces are) several architectural styles and technologies are located on the scale that the market paradigms and organizational approaches span. This way sort of an "architectural fitness detector" is provided which helps to make architectural choices based on needs instead of hypes or habits (which are way to often the choice drivers).
The slide deck then finishes up with a few mismatches that are seen quite often in reality and it can be seen how the distance between architectural choices on the presented scale can be used to quickly determine potential mismatches.
As always the voice track is missing but I hope that the slides are still of some help for you.
This slide deck is about the production-readiness of software. First it explains why production-ready is more important than just feature-complete.
Then it takes a quick detour to DevOps. It explains the core ideas of DevOps and how this talks relates to the concepts of DevOps (by simulating the feedback loop from ops to dev while the wall between dev and ops still exists).
After this detour the needs of the administrators from the ops department are briefly described and the challenges that arise from that for developers who want to provide production-ready software.
Based on those challenges a selection of design principles are described (mostly in terms of topics to take care of in the design and implementation process). While not being complete by far, taking care of the topics described on these slides are a huge step towards production-ready software based on my experience.
Of course all the information from the voice track is missing, it is slides only. Even though the slides just carry a fraction of the information, I hope they will still contain some good pointers for you that help you to create better production-ready software.
The New Distrowatch Bachelor's thesis (SK)Jakub 貼itn箪
This project hopes to bring new way to distribute information about vari- ous operating systems especially multifarious Linux distributions but also other open-source systems. There are so many of them it is not easy to get to know or try out each one. The output of this work is design and imple- mentation of web application which displays information about operating systems on well designed pages. These information come from automatic procedures scanning the inside of operating systems and the Internet. Be- sides displaying information, the website gives a chance for visitors to try out specific operating systems right in their browser. This project is inspired by ideas behind a popular website providing updates and rankings of Linux distributions.
9.7 Things Every Programmer Should Know About User ExperienceBurr Sutter
The success of Web 2.0 and the popularity of mobile applications has revealed an important fact. Having an engaging or otherwise compelling user experience is critical to an application's success. Given a choice, people will replace an application they find difficult to use with something that's easier; even if the replacement doesn't do everything the original did. Some businesses bring in professional User Experience Designers in an attempt to deal with this issue. The problem is that most designers don't actually write code, and running code is the key factor in determining what kind of user experience your customers have.
That's why it is critical that you understand the principles and fundamentals presented in this talk. You'll leave with a better handle on what user experience is, and what you can do to ensure your application delivers the best possible user experience to your customers
An overview of open source in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea)OSCON Byrum
The document provides an overview of open source in East Asia, focusing on China, Japan, and Korea. It discusses each country's open source communities and contributions. In China, it notes the large market and population as well as barriers like censorship and piracy. Japan is described as wealthy, with the creator of Ruby and many active developer communities. Korea is characterized as fast-moving, with Samsung and Naver contributing to open source projects like Linux and Mozilla. The document aims to highlight open source opportunities and communities across East Asia.
Enterprise Developer Journey to the IoTBurr Sutter
v11 for TriJUG May 18 2015
The current hype around the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to a substantial amount of innovation thanks to open source software, open hardware, open standards, and community inspiration. In this session, we will explore how you can use open source software to incorporate the physical world (the Things) into your traditional enterprise IT infrastructure. We will walk the path from a typical enterprise developers current focus on web desktop applications to mobile and devices, specifically developer prototyping platforms like Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison, Arduino, Spark Core, and several others. Learn how to connect the physical world to your enterprise backbone via sensors and actuators.
Bill is called by the CEO of Parts Unlimited and given an ultimatum - fix the massively over budget and late Phoenix Project IT initiative within 90 days or have his entire department outsourced. With the help of a board member, Bill starts implementing agile and DevOps practices like limiting work in progress, establishing consistent feedback loops, and creating a culture of continuous learning. This leads to breakthroughs like identifying too much reliance on one engineer, improving flow through development and operations, and bringing critical supplier resources in-house. The novel is used to effectively demonstrate these concepts through an entertaining narrative.
Information overload is less about having too much information and more about not having the right tools and techniques to filter and process information to find the pieces that are most relevant for you. This presentation will focus on showing you a variety of tips and techniques to get you started down the path of looking at RSS feeds in a completely different light. The default RSS feeds generated by your favorite blog or website are just a starting point waiting to be hacked and manipulated to serve your needs. Most people read RSS feeds, but few people take the time to go one step further to hack on those RSS feeds to find only the most interesting posts. I combine tools like Yahoo Pipes, BackTweets, PostRank and more with some simple API calls to be able to find what I need while automatically discarding the rest. You start with one or more RSS feeds and then feed those results into other services to gather more information that can be used to further filter or process the results. This process is easier than it sounds once you learn a few simple tools and techniques, and no real programming experience is required to get started. This session will show you some tips and tricks to get you started down the path of hacking your RSS feeds.
Cloud State of the Union for Java DevelopersBurr Sutter
This presentation provides a broad overview of what is going on in the Cloud computing world - for Java developers - presented on Dec 21st 2010 at the Atlanta Java Users Group - - no audio was recorded.
The document discusses several Apache integration projects including Apache Camel, CXF, ActiveMQ, and ServiceMix. It provides an overview of each project including their purpose and key features. The presentation aims to demonstrate how these projects can help simplify integration between different systems and technologies.
My 'Phoenix Project'One Developer's Evolutionary JourneyBurr Sutter
What do Gene Kim and his apparent doppelg辰nger Burr Sutter have in common beyond strikingly similar goatees? DevOps. Building on Kim's iconic tech novel 'The Phoenix Project,' this lightning talk for All Things Open (with highlights Sutter's own 'Phoenix Project' DevOps experience earlier in his career. "We quickly understood that the only way out was forwardtogetherdevs, ops, DBAs, and our business peoplethe whole team. We hero'ed up, worked in a fundamentally new way, and succeeded at the the impossible." Follow Burr on Twitter @BurrSutter
Acumatica continues to grow rapidly with over 80% year-over-year growth and is innovating by adding new capabilities like field service and commerce modules. The 2017 Acumatica Summit was well attended, with customers making up approximately 25% of attendees in just the second year that customers were included. Key partners like AWS and Microsoft are gaining traction in using Acumatica's technology.
A small story about Open Source projects' specificities. This presentation has been designed for non technical profiles with no previous experience in Open Source projects
Limited WIP Meeting presentation - The Phoenix Project book reviewRudiger Wolf
The document summarizes a presentation about the book "The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win." The presenter discusses how the book uses a novel format to tell a story that IT professionals will relate to. It aims to show readers how to improve their IT organizations and view IT differently. The presenter provides an overview of the book's plot and main characters. Key concepts from the book like The Three Ways and limiting work in progress are explained. The goal is to get more people to read the book and apply its lessons to speed up their work.
Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digital Artifacts for Linke...Tobias Kuhn
Tobias Kuhn and Michel Dumontier present Trusty URIs, which aim to provide verifiable, immutable, and permanent references to digital artifacts on the Semantic Web. Trusty URIs include a cryptographic hash of the artifact as part of the URI itself. This allows anyone to verify that a URI resolves to the unaltered original artifact. It also ensures URIs remain permanent references even if the original location becomes unavailable. Implementations exist for plain files and RDF graphs, with more modules planned. Evaluations show Trusty URIs successfully validate original artifacts while detecting corrupted copies, and can handle files from kilobytes to terabytes in size. The project is open source with the goal of building a community around developing and
The Phoenix Project DevOps Simulation - Paul WilkinsonPink Elephant
ncorporating DevOps The Phoenix Project Simulation
Businesses are demanding ever shorter release cycles for new applications. Traditionally Operations is seen as a barrier with lengthy bureaucratic controls and delays in provisioning production systems. DevOps is a growing movement for shortening development and deployment and integrating Development and Operations. However, this requires a mind-set shift, new behaviours and a cultural shift in both Development and Operations. Traditionally suspicious of each other, they must now work closely together. Yet many companies are struggling to adopt and deploy DevOps and how to change the culture.
The Phoenix Project Simulation game is based upon The Phoenix Project. Parts Unlimited is in trouble. Newspaper reports reveal the poor financial performance of the organisation. The only way forward to not only save the company but to make it competitive and profitable is The Phoenix Project which represents an IT enabled business transformation, with Retail Operations as the business owner of this project. The VP of IT Operations is asked to take the lead of the IT department and ensure that The Phoenix Project will be a success. But the VP of IT Operations is facing a tremendous amount of work. A huge backlog of issues, features and projects. Are you up for the challenge?
Here are some key points your marketing strategy would need to consider in order to effectively target the Asian Canadian consumer market:
- Translate your advertising messages into the various Asian languages spoken in Canada (e.g. Chinese, Punjabi, Tagalog etc.) and place ads in Asian media outlets like newspapers, magazines and websites
- Recognize the complex differences between various Asian ethnic groups (e.g. Chinese, Indian, Filipino etc.) in terms of culture, cuisine, dietary restrictions etc. and customize your products and messaging accordingly
- Ensure the products you offer are suitable for Asian cooking styles and that any imagery/packaging is culturally sensitive and representative
- Partner with Asian grocery stores and community organizations to promote
Presentation Zabbix en Fran巽ais du 6 Juin 2013Alain Ganuchaud
Vue d'ensemble des fonctionnalit辿s Zabbix, plus particuli竪rement la version 2.0, pr辿sent辿e en Fran巽ais par Alain Ganuchaud (CORE IT PROJECT) pour l'辿diteur Zabbix SIA.
Writing highly scalable WebSocket using the Atmosphere Framework and Scalajfarcand
- The document discusses the Atmosphere Framework, an open-source Java library that allows web applications to communicate in real-time via WebSocket or Comet techniques.
- It provides a uniform API that hides the complexities of different browser and server WebSocket implementations and allows fallback to alternative techniques like Comet.
- The framework integrates with various Java web servers and frameworks and supports Servlet, RESTful, and native WebSocket APIs to build scalable real-time applications.
This slide deck dives a bit in history to understand where IT comes from, where we are now and why we are there and what our options are. It starts with exploring the paradigms of the markets companies live in, travels through matching organizational approaches and finally looks at the history and current state of IT.
Based on that and after a quick look at Conway's law the market paradigms and organizational approaches are evaluated with respect to the drivers they imply on IT in general and architecture particularly.
And after all that foreplay (which is necessary to really understand where we are and what the forces are) several architectural styles and technologies are located on the scale that the market paradigms and organizational approaches span. This way sort of an "architectural fitness detector" is provided which helps to make architectural choices based on needs instead of hypes or habits (which are way to often the choice drivers).
The slide deck then finishes up with a few mismatches that are seen quite often in reality and it can be seen how the distance between architectural choices on the presented scale can be used to quickly determine potential mismatches.
As always the voice track is missing but I hope that the slides are still of some help for you.
This slide deck is about the production-readiness of software. First it explains why production-ready is more important than just feature-complete.
Then it takes a quick detour to DevOps. It explains the core ideas of DevOps and how this talks relates to the concepts of DevOps (by simulating the feedback loop from ops to dev while the wall between dev and ops still exists).
After this detour the needs of the administrators from the ops department are briefly described and the challenges that arise from that for developers who want to provide production-ready software.
Based on those challenges a selection of design principles are described (mostly in terms of topics to take care of in the design and implementation process). While not being complete by far, taking care of the topics described on these slides are a huge step towards production-ready software based on my experience.
Of course all the information from the voice track is missing, it is slides only. Even though the slides just carry a fraction of the information, I hope they will still contain some good pointers for you that help you to create better production-ready software.
The New Distrowatch Bachelor's thesis (SK)Jakub 貼itn箪
This project hopes to bring new way to distribute information about vari- ous operating systems especially multifarious Linux distributions but also other open-source systems. There are so many of them it is not easy to get to know or try out each one. The output of this work is design and imple- mentation of web application which displays information about operating systems on well designed pages. These information come from automatic procedures scanning the inside of operating systems and the Internet. Be- sides displaying information, the website gives a chance for visitors to try out specific operating systems right in their browser. This project is inspired by ideas behind a popular website providing updates and rankings of Linux distributions.
Open source pre podporu INSPIRE na SlovenskuGeokomunita
12. ron鱈k konferencie OSSConf Otvoren箪 softv辿r vo vzdel叩van鱈, v箪skume a v IT rie邸eniach, Fakulta riadenia a informatiky 貼ilinskej univerzity, 2. 4. j炭l 2024.
Martin Tuchya, Martin Ko邸ka, Peter Mozol鱈k: Open source pre podporu INSPIRE na Slovensku
Z叩kladn箪 preh直ad o technol坦gii Google App Engine a mo転nosti napojenia Flash Builderu na BlazeDS, pomocou ktor辿ho je mo転n辿 priamo generova泥 k坦d zo serverov辿ho API. V箪razn辿 zjednodu邸enie pr叩ce. Nasleduje diskusia o kontinu叩lnej integr叩cii a Hudson CI.
Integr叩cia n鱈zkon叩kladov箪ch a otvoren箪ch technol坦gii vo v箪voji geodetick辿ho v...Geokomunita
12. ron鱈k konferencie OSSConf Otvoren箪 softv辿r vo vzdel叩van鱈, v箪skume a v IT rie邸eniach, Fakulta riadenia a informatiky 貼ilinskej univerzity, 2. 4. j炭l 2024.
Jakub perka: Integr叩cia n鱈zkon叩kladov箪ch a otvoren箪ch technol坦gii vo v箪voji geodetick辿ho vybavenia
Zv叩rask箪 kurz na BlazeDS a Google App EngineJuraj Mich叩lek
Z叩kladn箪 preh直ad o technol坦gii Google App Engine a mo転nosti napojenia Flash Builderu na BlazeDS, pomocou ktor辿ho je mo転n辿 priamo generova泥 k坦d zo serverov辿ho API. V箪razn辿 zjednodu邸enie pr叩ce.
Mo転nosti RIA technol坦gii a ich bezpenostn辿 aspekty. V箪voj pomocou Flash Builderu, Visual Studia, Intellij Idei. Predn叩邸ka prednesen叩 na konferencii v 貼elive.
3. Cloud Computing
V箪potov叩 kapacita poskytovan叩 cez sie泥 dostupn叩
kedyko直vek a odkia直ko直vek.
Prostriedky s炭 dostupn辿 na vy転iadanie (on-demand).
V邸etko sa zd叩 by泥 nevyerpate直n辿
Pay-as-you-go model
Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Government cloud...
3 Michal Fojtik
4. Cloud Computing
Aplik叩cia ako slu転ba SalesForge, Google Apps
Platforma ako slu転ba Google App Engine, MS
(PaaS) Azure
Infra邸trukt炭ra ako slu転ba RHEV, EC2, S3,
(IaaS) Rackspace, vCloud...
4 Michal Fojtik
5. Praktick辿 vyu転itie Cloud Computingu
Anal箪zy ve直k辿ho mno転stva d叩t (banky, finann辿
Distribuovan辿 v箪poty (univerzity, vedeck辿 pracovisk叩)
Ukladanie a spracovanie multim辿di鱈 (filmov箪 priemysel)
Renderovanie 3D sc辿n
Testovanie aplik叩ci鱈, infra邸trukt炭r...
Vzdialen箪 desktop
QOS, Load Balancing
Document management pre mal辿 firmy
5 Michal Fojtik
6. Too many APIs...
Neexistuje spolon箪 邸tandard...
Poskytovatelia si vytv叩raj炭 vlastn辿 邸tandardy.
Klient z叩visl箪 na jednom poskytovate直ovi
Zlo転it箪 proces migr叩cie k in辿mu poskytovate直ovi
API sa men鱈 pri ka転dej novej pridanej feature
Neust叩ly boj so zmenami API, prisp担sobovan鱈m aplik叩ci鱈...
6 Michal Fojtik
7. One API ?
Aplik叩cia nez叩visl叩 na poskytovate直ovi
Jeden sp担sob pr鱈stupu ku v邸etk箪m poskytovate直om
Vyu転鱈vanie viacer箪ch cloudov s炭asne
Migr叩cia z jedn辿ho cloudu na druh箪
Sp辰tn叩 kompatibilita API
7 Michal Fojtik
8. Deltacloud API (
Podpora pre: Amazon EC2, RackSpace, RimuHosting,
GoGrid, OpenNebula, RHEV-M
Stabiln辿 RESTful API
Nez叩vislos泥 od programovacieho jazyka
Mo転nos泥 vy転iada泥 si v箪stupn箪 form叩t (XML, JSON)
Vyv鱈jan辿 v Ruby (Sinatra,
Aktu叩lna verzia: 0.0.1
8 Michal Fojtik
9. Deltacloud API
Zoznam a filtrovanie dostupn箪ch imagov
Hardware profily
Vytv叩ranie in邸tanci鱈
Manipul叩cia s in邸tanciami (start, stop, reboot...)
Sp炭邸泥anie pr鱈kazov v in邸tanci叩ch {beta}
9 Michal Fojtik
10. In邸tal叩cia API
gem install deltacloud-core
gem install deltacloud-client
deltacloudd -i (mock|ec2|gogrid|rackspace|rhevm)
10 Michal Fojtik
11. 京顎糸炭界稼看壊泥
Dokonenie administran辿ho n叩stroja (Aggregator)
tatistiky, QOS
Manipul叩cia s in邸tanciami
Podpora al邸鱈ch backend cloudov
ImageBuilder API
11 Michal Fojtik