Demand management is a lean tool used to identify external demand and input it into a supply chain. It aims to improve forecast accuracy, reduce inventory investment, and better balance supply and demand. Demand chain management similarly focuses on customer value and relationships. Demand can be classified in different ways, such as individual vs market demand. Demand management is implemented through supply chain transparency and determining unnecessary inventory.
2. What is Demand Management?
 Demand Management is a lean tool used to
identify all demand coming from an external
environment, manage it, & input it into a SC
within a company.
 Demand management is a planning methodology
used to forecast, plan for & manage the demand
for products & services.
3. The Goal of Demand Management?
Demand Management has Three Primary Goals:
 Improve forecast accuracy.
 Lessen investment in inventory.
 Create a more effective balance between
supply & demand.
4. What is Demand Chain Management?
Demand Chain Management (DCM) is the
management of relationships between suppliers
and customers to deliver the best value to the
customer at the least cost to the demand chain as a
whole. Demand chain management is similar to
supply chain management but with special regard to
the customers.
6. What are the different types of demand?
 Individual and Market Demand
 Organization and Industry Demand
 Autonomous and Derived Demand
 Demand for Perishable and Durable Goods
 Short-term and Long-term Demand (Classification
of demand on the basis of time period)
7. How is Demand Management implemented?
 Creating more transparent Supply Chain by
ensuring transparency from all suppliers
working with a company (Largest to the
 Companies must determine, which inventory
is unnecessary and can be reduced.