Demerit points in the ACT are a penalty you may receive when you commit a traffic offence. The demerit points system operates nationally so that points accrued in one state or territory will apply in all others.
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If you exceed your allowable number of
demerit points in the ACT, your licence will
be suspended.
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Demerit points in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) are a penalty that you may receive
when you commit a traffic offence. The demerit point system is a national scheme and
if you commit a traffic offence interstate, points may still be added to your ACT drivers
licensing record.
When you are first issued with a licence, you start with no demerit points on your record.
If you exceed the maximum allowable demerit points for your licence type, then your
licence will be suspended.
If you move from a learner licence to a provisional licence your demerit points will again
be reset to zero. This is not the case for moving between any other licence types.
Demerit points are not removed from your record but are only counted towards a
suspension if the offence happened within the relevant time period.
The demerit points for each offence are set out in a table. The law in the ACT that governs
demerit points is the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.
Calculating demerit points
in the ACT
Demerit points in the ACT are counted over any 3 year period. This period is calculated
from the date that the most recent offence occurred. This means that if you receive a
traffic infringement, the demerit points that go with this infringement will count towards
the 3 year period on either side of the date of the offence.
If you get more than your allowed demerit points within these periods, your driver licence
will be suspended and you are not allowed to drive anywhere in Australia. If you are on a
full licence, the more demerit points that you get within the 3 year period, the longer the
period of suspension that will apply.
You can check how many demerit point you have accumulated on your ACT drivers
licence by phoning Access Canberra on 13 22 81.
If you commit a demerit point offence, the points are added when either:
you make a payment towards the infringement
you ask for an extension of time to pay the infringement
a sanction is recorded because you did not pay the infringement in the time allowed.
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Suspension periods for a
Full ACT Driver Licence
If you are the holder of a Full ACT Driver Licence, the demerit points threshold in any 3
year period is 12. Your licence will be suspended if you get 12 or more demerit points
within that 3 year period. The suspension period is calculated according to the number
of demerit points you have accumulated:
for 12 to 15 demerit points you will be suspended for 3 months
for 16 to 19 demerit points you will be suspended for 4 months
for 20 or more demerit points you will be suspended for 5 months.
Suspension periods for other licences
Learner Licence holders if you accumulate 12 or more demerit points in any 3 year
period, you will be suspended for 3 months.
Provisional Licence holders if you accumulate 4 or more demerit points during any 3
year period, your licence will be suspended for 6 months. However, if you have had your
provisional licence for 6 months you can apply to have a PC condition endorsed on your
licence and your demerit point allowance will be increased to 8. To be eligible, you must
have held a provisional licence for a continuous 6 months and either:
have completed a Road Ready provisional licence course, or
be over 26 years of age.
If you hold a Probationary Licence, your points threshold is 2. If you accrue 2 or more
points, your licence will be cancelled and you will not be permitted to apply for another
driver licence for 6 months.
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Good Behaviour Period Alternative
If you hold a Full ACT Driver licence, you can choose to serve a 12 month Good Behaviour
Period instead of having a demerit point suspension.
A Good Behaviour Period election can be made at any time after you are served with
the notice of demerit point suspension. Once the election is made, the Good Behaviour
Period commences either on the day the demerit point suspension was due to start or
on the date your election was made (whichever occurs last).
When your Good Behaviour Period begins, your demerit point total is again returned to
zero. For the 12 months of the Good Behaviour Period, your demerit point threshold is 2
demerit points. You will be suspended for double the original suspension period if you
accrue 2 or more demerit points during the Good Behaviour Period.
You need to lodge a notice of your election for a Good Behaviour Bond with Access
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Remember, you are NOT alone!
Where you go from here depends on your own situation. Everyone has their
own individual priorities and demands on their life that they need to deal
This information guide points you in the right direction as to what options
might be available to get the outcome that you needoptions that many of
our clients are not aware of before talking to us.
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