Jesus is the perfect teacher who reveals God to humanity. He taught through his life example by showing humility, obedience, and service. He reconciled humanity to God by paying the price for sins so we could be forgiven. Jesus revealed both the glory and character of God the Father. All humanity is called to worship Jesus as the Savior, Messiah, and King of kings who is worthy of glory, honor, and praise.
This document discusses Jesus as the master teacher. It makes several key points:
1) Jesus perfectly revealed God through his life and teachings, showing the Father's glory, setting an example for how to live, and reconciling humanity to God through his sacrifice.
2) Jesus taught through his words and actions, humbling himself, obeying God, and serving others. Seeing Jesus is like seeing God.
3) By spending time with Jesus, we can reflect his glory and be transformed into his image to reveal God to the world through our own lives. Jesus forgives sins and makes us part of reconciling others to God.
4) Humanity is called to worship Jesus as the Lamb who
The physical creation of genesis is reflective of systematic theologyZebach SDA Church
This document outlines how the seven pillars of systematic theology directly correspond to the seven days of creation in Genesis.
It discusses each of the seven pillars - the doctrine of God, the depravity of man, the work of the Holy Spirit, justification, sanctification, the judgment, and the Sabbath - mapping them to events in Genesis 1 and providing biblical support.
For example, it states that the doctrine of God corresponds to Genesis 1:1, the depravity of man to Genesis 1:2, and the work of the Holy Spirit to Genesis 1:2. It argues this demonstrates the order of Genesis was intentionally structured to mirror systematic theology.
This document discusses light as a metaphor for God, Jesus Christ, and believers. It states that God is light with no darkness, and he led the Israelites at night with a pillar of fire. Jesus calls himself the light of the world. Believers are also called to let their light shine by doing good deeds so others may praise God. The purpose of John's gospel is for people to believe in Jesus as the son of God and receive eternal life.
Message series i am - part 7 - i am the light of the world - pastor chuck b...LifePointe Church
This message is Part 7 of the message series "I AM" by Pastor Chuck Bernal. In this message titled, "I AM The Light Of The World", Pastor Chuck talks about the reality of living in a dark world (that is getting darker) and how God's light can dispel the darkness. He further explains how the coming of Christ forever shined God's light in the world and how we as Christians are called to be God's light.
This message was delivered at LifePointe Church in Crowley, TX on Sunday, March 26, 2017.
I Am The Light of the World: John 8:12David Turner
The document discusses how God used light in creation to bring order out of darkness. It notes that before creation, the earth was formless and void with darkness covering it. God's Spirit hovered over the waters, preparing the earth for change. God said "Let there be light" and there was light, initiated by His supernatural word rather than the natural sun. This light revealed disorder and was the source of life.
It then draws a parallel to how Jesus as the light of the world overcomes spiritual darkness. It states that without Christ, humanity is without form, void, and living in darkness. But the Holy Spirit prepares people for the light, and Jesus delivers believers from darkness to light by giving them form,
The document discusses light from both scientific and biblical perspectives. It references passages that describe light as being present at creation, Jesus describing himself as the light of the world, and attributes of light such as being eternal, radiating energy, and revealing knowledge. The document also discusses scientific phenomena related to light such as the electromagnetic spectrum, the constant speed of light, quantum entanglement, and anomalies observed in the cosmic microwave background radiation.
Jesus is the perfect revelation of God and the ideal example for humanity. He revealed God's glory and character for all to see. Though prophets had previously conveyed God's message imperfectly, Jesus alone could perfectly reveal the Father because he is God. Jesus also set the supreme example in how to live through his humility, obedience, and service. Further, he reconciled humanity to God by forgiving sins and overcoming the breach caused by sin. His death and resurrection redeemed humankind and allows people to be partakers in God's reconciling work. For these reasons, Jesus is most deserving of worship as the savior, messiah, and king of kings.
The ritten HOLY ORACLES of the LORD JEHOVAH YAHWEH. The old testament CLOUD of GOD'S glory, the one that accompanied Moses and the Israelites is here to navigate the Church into heaven.
The document discusses Jesus' teachings on being the salt of the earth and the light of the world from Matthew 5:13-16. It provides background on salt and light, explaining that salt preserves, seasons, seals covenants, purifies and creates thirst, while light exposes darkness, expels darkness, and establishes direction. If salt loses its saltiness or light is hidden, they become useless. Christians are called to influence the world by reflecting Christ's qualities and bringing glory to God.
The document discusses how to glorify God through salvation, presence, creation, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and in daily life. It provides examples from the Bible of how Moses, Jesus, and others brought glory to God through their words and actions. Christians are called to glorify God with their bodies, spirits, and all that they do.
This document discusses the biblical account of creation from Genesis. It provides commentary on key verses, explaining concepts like the vapor canopy theory, polonium halos found in granite, and theories around the speed of light decreasing. It also references signs in the heavens mentioned in the Bible and rare lunar eclipse patterns called tetrads that sometimes coincide with Jewish feast days.
This document discusses various passages from the Bible regarding the creation account. It argues that the Bible teaches that God created everything, including angels, and that any changes to God's word are sinful. It explores ideas around the creation of light, a vapor canopy, the firmament, and defines a solar day. The document aims to provide biblical support and context for concepts in the creation narrative.
The document discusses biblical infallibility and warns against adding to or changing God's word. It provides several biblical passages supporting this. It then summarizes the creation account from Genesis, discussing details like the creation of light before the sun, the vapor canopy theory, and radioactive isotopes found in granite supporting an instant creation. It addresses criticisms of the literal 6 day creation and affirms the biblical timeline over theories of evolution requiring billions of years.
This slide show introduces children to day 1 of creation as recorded in Genesis 1. The slide show is Bible-based, educational, and colorful. It contains realistic pictures, a quiz, and a fun song for the children to learn and sing along with the author - a great resource for parents, teachers, and church volunteers.
The document discusses the Shekinah glory of God and its manifestations. It argues that:
1) The Shekinah glory descended in a pillar of cloud to Moses and in a burning bush. It struck Paul as a pillar of light. Whenever it descends, it transforms the identity of the recipient.
2) At creation, God's Shekinah glory was the unique, non-solar light spoken into being on the first day that cleansed the darkness and transformed the earth. This light was Christ.
3) The Shekinah glory recently descended at a meeting in Kisumu, Kenya on December 31, 2012 to establish righteousness in the church and transform it from a worldly to spiritual
God created the heavens and the earth when everything was formless and empty. He created light and separated it from darkness, calling the light "day" and the darkness "night," marking the first day. The document outlines details about the distances of the earth from the sun and some stars, and emphasizes that in the beginning there was only God, the eternal creator of all things, before outlining three primary questions about purpose and existence.
Message series i am - part 7 - i am the light of the world - pastor chuck b...LifePointe Church
This message is Part 7 of the message series "I AM" by Pastor Chuck Bernal. In this message titled, "I AM The Light Of The World", Pastor Chuck talks about the reality of living in a dark world (that is getting darker) and how God's light can dispel the darkness. He further explains how the coming of Christ forever shined God's light in the world and how we as Christians are called to be God's light.
This message was delivered at LifePointe Church in Crowley, TX on Sunday, March 26, 2017.
The document provides verses from Revelation chapter 1 that describe John's vision of Jesus Christ. In his vision, John sees Jesus standing among seven golden lampstands. Jesus is described as having long hair and eyes like fire, with feet like bronze. When Jesus speaks, his voice is like the sound of rushing waters. He holds seven stars in his right hand and a sharp double-edged sword coming from his mouth. Jesus identifies himself as the first and the last, the living one who was dead and came to life. He instructs John to write in a book what he has seen, what is happening now, and what will happen later.
This document discusses man being created in God's image and having dominion. It notes that Genesis 1:26 says God created man in His image to have dominion over the earth. Romans 8:28-29 say believers will be conformed to Christ's image. The document explores what it means to be created in God's image and to have dominion, noting that ultimately the church will fully express God's dominion and reign with Him forever.
1) Genesis 1 describes God creating the physical world but his ultimate purpose is spiritual creation, to fill the earth with his glory.
2) The creation account follows a pattern of increasing complexity over 6 days with spiritual lessons that point to God creating a spiritual kingdom and mankind in his image.
3) God's word accomplishes his purpose of creating both physical and spiritual realities, with the spiritual creation being the ultimate goal.
This presentation in the Full Gospel BusinessMen's Fellowship International (FGBMFI), Enugu Executive Chapter depicts how to develop natural abilities to supernatural capabilities.
This document discusses trends in robotics. It defines a robot as a computer programmable machine that can be guided to carry out complex actions automatically. Robots are used across many fields like factories, services, healthcare, military and space exploration. They are capable of grasping objects, making decisions autonomously, and performing repetitive or dangerous tasks for humans. Robots also help with impairments, collaborate with humans, and work in unstructured environments. The document outlines different classes and types of robots used for industrial, service, medical, military and space purposes. It concludes by noting robots serve as innovative work tools but could also threaten humanity if not developed responsibly.
The document discusses light from both scientific and biblical perspectives. It references passages that describe light as being present at creation, Jesus describing himself as the light of the world, and attributes of light such as being eternal, radiating energy, and revealing knowledge. The document also discusses scientific phenomena related to light such as the electromagnetic spectrum, the constant speed of light, quantum entanglement, and anomalies observed in the cosmic microwave background radiation.
Jesus is the perfect revelation of God and the ideal example for humanity. He revealed God's glory and character for all to see. Though prophets had previously conveyed God's message imperfectly, Jesus alone could perfectly reveal the Father because he is God. Jesus also set the supreme example in how to live through his humility, obedience, and service. Further, he reconciled humanity to God by forgiving sins and overcoming the breach caused by sin. His death and resurrection redeemed humankind and allows people to be partakers in God's reconciling work. For these reasons, Jesus is most deserving of worship as the savior, messiah, and king of kings.
The ritten HOLY ORACLES of the LORD JEHOVAH YAHWEH. The old testament CLOUD of GOD'S glory, the one that accompanied Moses and the Israelites is here to navigate the Church into heaven.
The document discusses Jesus' teachings on being the salt of the earth and the light of the world from Matthew 5:13-16. It provides background on salt and light, explaining that salt preserves, seasons, seals covenants, purifies and creates thirst, while light exposes darkness, expels darkness, and establishes direction. If salt loses its saltiness or light is hidden, they become useless. Christians are called to influence the world by reflecting Christ's qualities and bringing glory to God.
The document discusses how to glorify God through salvation, presence, creation, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and in daily life. It provides examples from the Bible of how Moses, Jesus, and others brought glory to God through their words and actions. Christians are called to glorify God with their bodies, spirits, and all that they do.
This document discusses the biblical account of creation from Genesis. It provides commentary on key verses, explaining concepts like the vapor canopy theory, polonium halos found in granite, and theories around the speed of light decreasing. It also references signs in the heavens mentioned in the Bible and rare lunar eclipse patterns called tetrads that sometimes coincide with Jewish feast days.
This document discusses various passages from the Bible regarding the creation account. It argues that the Bible teaches that God created everything, including angels, and that any changes to God's word are sinful. It explores ideas around the creation of light, a vapor canopy, the firmament, and defines a solar day. The document aims to provide biblical support and context for concepts in the creation narrative.
The document discusses biblical infallibility and warns against adding to or changing God's word. It provides several biblical passages supporting this. It then summarizes the creation account from Genesis, discussing details like the creation of light before the sun, the vapor canopy theory, and radioactive isotopes found in granite supporting an instant creation. It addresses criticisms of the literal 6 day creation and affirms the biblical timeline over theories of evolution requiring billions of years.
This slide show introduces children to day 1 of creation as recorded in Genesis 1. The slide show is Bible-based, educational, and colorful. It contains realistic pictures, a quiz, and a fun song for the children to learn and sing along with the author - a great resource for parents, teachers, and church volunteers.
The document discusses the Shekinah glory of God and its manifestations. It argues that:
1) The Shekinah glory descended in a pillar of cloud to Moses and in a burning bush. It struck Paul as a pillar of light. Whenever it descends, it transforms the identity of the recipient.
2) At creation, God's Shekinah glory was the unique, non-solar light spoken into being on the first day that cleansed the darkness and transformed the earth. This light was Christ.
3) The Shekinah glory recently descended at a meeting in Kisumu, Kenya on December 31, 2012 to establish righteousness in the church and transform it from a worldly to spiritual
God created the heavens and the earth when everything was formless and empty. He created light and separated it from darkness, calling the light "day" and the darkness "night," marking the first day. The document outlines details about the distances of the earth from the sun and some stars, and emphasizes that in the beginning there was only God, the eternal creator of all things, before outlining three primary questions about purpose and existence.
Message series i am - part 7 - i am the light of the world - pastor chuck b...LifePointe Church
This message is Part 7 of the message series "I AM" by Pastor Chuck Bernal. In this message titled, "I AM The Light Of The World", Pastor Chuck talks about the reality of living in a dark world (that is getting darker) and how God's light can dispel the darkness. He further explains how the coming of Christ forever shined God's light in the world and how we as Christians are called to be God's light.
This message was delivered at LifePointe Church in Crowley, TX on Sunday, March 26, 2017.
The document provides verses from Revelation chapter 1 that describe John's vision of Jesus Christ. In his vision, John sees Jesus standing among seven golden lampstands. Jesus is described as having long hair and eyes like fire, with feet like bronze. When Jesus speaks, his voice is like the sound of rushing waters. He holds seven stars in his right hand and a sharp double-edged sword coming from his mouth. Jesus identifies himself as the first and the last, the living one who was dead and came to life. He instructs John to write in a book what he has seen, what is happening now, and what will happen later.
This document discusses man being created in God's image and having dominion. It notes that Genesis 1:26 says God created man in His image to have dominion over the earth. Romans 8:28-29 say believers will be conformed to Christ's image. The document explores what it means to be created in God's image and to have dominion, noting that ultimately the church will fully express God's dominion and reign with Him forever.
1) Genesis 1 describes God creating the physical world but his ultimate purpose is spiritual creation, to fill the earth with his glory.
2) The creation account follows a pattern of increasing complexity over 6 days with spiritual lessons that point to God creating a spiritual kingdom and mankind in his image.
3) God's word accomplishes his purpose of creating both physical and spiritual realities, with the spiritual creation being the ultimate goal.
This presentation in the Full Gospel BusinessMen's Fellowship International (FGBMFI), Enugu Executive Chapter depicts how to develop natural abilities to supernatural capabilities.
This document discusses trends in robotics. It defines a robot as a computer programmable machine that can be guided to carry out complex actions automatically. Robots are used across many fields like factories, services, healthcare, military and space exploration. They are capable of grasping objects, making decisions autonomously, and performing repetitive or dangerous tasks for humans. Robots also help with impairments, collaborate with humans, and work in unstructured environments. The document outlines different classes and types of robots used for industrial, service, medical, military and space purposes. It concludes by noting robots serve as innovative work tools but could also threaten humanity if not developed responsibly.
His banner over us is love
Code of Honour
Fellowship of Business
Believers conduct
Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International
Ministry of Helping
The document discusses the use of Maya software and robotics in education. Maya is a 3D modeling and animation software that can be used to create realistic robot kinetics and dynamics through its modeling, animation, and programming tools. Robotics in education serves as an interactive teaching tool to engage students, facilitate educational activities, and promote learning through one-on-one instruction and personalized learning experiences. Designing and building robots also helps develop creativity, collaboration, and communication skills.
The Happiest People on Earth, Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International - Nigeria. Enugu Convention Testimony.
Dream to reality of salvation with Blessings through giving.
This document discusses emerging trends in computer and learning management systems. It notes that higher education institutions can integrate virtual reality to promote learning beyond traditional teaching. It also discusses learning management systems as a set of tools for e-learning delivery and management. The document then covers prospects for next-generation learning management systems that incorporate personalized learning paths and artificial intelligence.
The document discusses how digital technologies have transformed various aspects of life including recruitment processes. It notes that job information is now digitally driven and online platforms are used for job postings, applications, and selection. It provides tips on how job seekers can utilize digital tools and social media to enhance their job search, including updating profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, signing up for job notification sites, and using social media to follow companies and demonstrate passion for particular industries. The document stresses that adapting to technological changes is necessary for job seekers to remain competitive.
This document discusses spiritual decline and its causes. It identifies three stages of spiritual decline: (1) gratification of fleshly desires, (2) allurements of worldly things, and (3) obsession with status and importance. Pursuing these things leads to a lack of spiritual growth through studying scripture, prayer, fellowship and other disciplines. Spiritual decline is a lack of spiritual discipline and discipleship that results in self-aggrandizement and greed over godliness. Regular spiritual exercise through practices like prayer, scripture study and good works can help avoid decline and foster growth.
Favour Biodun Inyere shares his testimony of how joining the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) transformed his life. He was born out of wedlock and had a difficult childhood, but found purpose and direction upon joining the Fellowship. Members of the Fellowship encouraged him to pursue higher education and supported him spiritually and financially. Through his involvement in the Fellowship, he met his wife, had children, graduated from university, found stable employment, and uses his position to spread the gospel. He attributes his success and blessings to practicing generosity, as taught by the Fellowship. Giving to others, even when inconvenient, strengthened his faith and improved his circumstances.
The document describes the author's spiritual journey and encounters with Christianity. It details his initial desire for spiritual power without a personal relationship with Christ. It then recounts his conversion experience and subsequent spiritual growth through Bible study and fellowship. The author explores how their experiences and escapes have helped shape them and encourages using one's voice and experiences to spread the gospel and do God's work through His strength.
This document discusses making money an asset in marriage. It argues that money solves problems and is the greatest resource and currency of love in a marriage. However, money should not be the primary factor or cause divisions, as one cannot serve both God and money. The key lessons are that money is an essential tool for marriage, which is continuous work, and that transparency and willingness to share finances can help money strengthen rather than harm a relationship.
This document discusses the importance of forbearance in marriage. It makes three key points:
1. Forbearance is a necessary activity and code that promotes the longevity of marriages. Living together in forbearance toughens relationships for the better over time.
2. Marriage is a divine covenant of life, not just a legal contract, so forbearance means bearing with one another in love as a call to duty, rather than divorcing at the first signs of trouble.
3. Forbearance requires patience under provocation and involves forgiving in advance, as it is a redemptive gift rather than a moral achievement. It does not mean tolerating bad behavior indefinitely but temporarily until conditions
This document discusses how children are shaped by their environment, parenting, education, culture, and religion. It focuses on the author's experience growing up and finding fulfillment in Jesus Christ. The author encourages teaching children about living according to God's word from an early age and using spiritual gifts to serve others.
The document discusses temperament, which refers to innate traits determined at conception that unconsciously influence behavior. Temperament provides both strengths and weaknesses in individuals and makes each person uniquely distinguished. It describes the phlegmatic temperament specifically, noting its strengths include being easygoing, pleasant, and a good listener, while weaknesses can include dampening enthusiasm, avoiding responsibility, and being indecisive. The document stresses that while temperament is innate, the holy spirit can help people overcome weaknesses and improve strengths through cooperation.
This document discusses God as a just judge based on passages from the Bible. It notes that God judges everyone equally regardless of who they are, and that he will remember those who help others. A passage from Luke is presented where Jesus says God will ensure justice is served for his people. The document also references a story from Numbers where God ruled in favor of daughters receiving their father's inheritance, highlighting that what is right may not always be politically correct. It concludes by distinguishing between politics and gambling, stating politics involves praying then playing while gambling is the reverse.
The document discusses the concept of curriculum. It provides several definitions of curriculum from different perspectives. Curriculum is defined as the total learning experience provided by a school, including courses, teaching methods, and values. It encompasses all experiences learners have under school guidance, both planned and unplanned. Curriculum has evolved over time in Nigeria from a narrow focus during colonial times to a broader scope today related to science and technology. The key aspects that make up the curriculum include the programme of studies, activities, and guidance.
The document discusses various definitions and perspectives on the concept of curriculum. It provides over a dozen definitions of curriculum from different scholars, such as John Delnay defining curriculum as all planned learning for which the school is responsible. It also discusses different models of curriculum development, such as Ralph Tyler's four questions model from 1949 and Hilda Taba's grass-roots approach from 1962 involving teacher participation. The document examines curriculum from philosophical, historical, political, cultural and other dimensions and frames it as a dynamic concept that changes with society.
This document discusses e-learning applications and defines e-learning as electronically transferred knowledge that allows learning to occur remotely. It notes that e-learning has helped virtualize education for those who had to relocate by allowing learning to occur irrespective of location. The document also states that e-learning eliminates barriers like age differences in traditional classrooms by making qualifications the primary requirement for learning. It provides examples of different e-learning models and platforms like Moodle, eFront, and Blackboard that have helped make education more accessible and ubiquitous.
EU R&I landscape and its instruments (relevance, success, limits)Francois Stepman
11-13 March 2025. Brussels. Conference on 卒Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale
SESSION 3: Frame the EU R&I landscape and its instruments (relevance, success, limits)
This session illustrated the EU capacities to collaborate with partners and to evolve to better address the challenges, with key lessons learnt and recommendations for the future. The panel focused on Europe and Africa partnerships.
by Bernard Mallet: CIRAD, CEA-FIRST
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The DeSIRA Global Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and the results of 2024.Francois Stepman
11-13 March 2025. Brussels. Conference on 卒Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale
Day 3: Global Monitoring and Evaluation of the DeSIRA Initiative
This session presented and discussed the DeSIRA Global Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and the results of 2024. - by Pascale Debord, ASRAFS
Regional perspectives of the recommendations harvested during the the DeSIRA ...Francois Stepman
11-13 March 2025. Brussels. Conference on 卒Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale
SESSION 4: Recommendations on R&I harvested during the DeSIRA Connect Days (Latin America, Africa, Asia) by Renaud Guillonnet, DeSIRA LIFT
Ciwara Capital: Innovative fund owned and managed by Africans living in Europ...Francois Stepman
14 March 2025. Investing in innovative solutions for nutrition-sensitive agriculture"
Alima Keita, Co-founder Ciwara Capital: She shared the experience of an innovative fund owned and managed by Africans living in Europe to support small and medium enterprises in their origin country.
Leeds Play Community - Play Explorer Kithappyasabean
Leeds Play Community - Play Explorer Kit TrainingAn introduction to the Leeds Play Community and how to use the Leeds Play Explorer cards.
Raising the Nation Play Commission interim report, Feb 2025
Leeds Play Sufficiency Study
Play England website
Child Friendly Leeds website
Playing Out website (Playstreet resources)
Playful Anywhere Website
Brazil: promoting participatory plant breeding through the establishment of a...Francois Stepman
14 March 2025. Investing in innovative solutions for nutrition-sensitive agriculture"
Rikke Olivera Grand and Cynthia Torres de Toledo Machado presented the nutrition-climate-biodiversity nexus through the innovative approaches emerging from the Global Programme for Small-scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation (GP-SAEP) showcasing the experience from Brazil promoting participatory plant breeding through the establishment of agroecological corridors fostering the development of new corn varieties.
Presentation delivered by CDB's Director of Projects (Ag), Mr. L. O'Reilly Lewis at the 2025 Annual News Conference on March 19, 2025 at The Walcott Warner Theatre, Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, St. Michael, Barbados.
2025-03-16 FATC 03 Mary & John (shared slides).pptxDale Wells
Lesson 3 of 7 in a Heritage Bible Master Class study of "Faces Around the Cross."
Heritage Bible Master Class meets every Sunday morning at 10:15 in the Administration Building of Heritage Palms Country Club, on the south side of Fred Waring, just east of Jefferson St. in Indio, CA.
Please join us!
Presentation delivered by CDB's President, Mr. Daniel Best at the 2025 Annual News Conference on March 19, 2025 at The Walcott Warner Theatre, Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, St. Michael, Barbados.
Presentation delivered by CDB's Division Chief, Environmental Sustainability, Ms. Valerie Isaac at the 2025 Annual News Conference on March 19, 2025 at The Walcott Warner Theatre, Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, St. Michael, Barbados.
3. Genesis 1:1-5 (FBV)
In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. The earth
was formless and empty, and
darkness covered the surface of the
deep. The Spirit of God moved over
the surface of the waters. God said,
Let there be light!
and there was light. God saw that
the light was good, and he separated
the light from the darkness.
God called the light day, and he
called the darkness night. So there
was evening, and then the morning,
making day one.
4. The World of Light
The natural agent
that stimulates sight &
makes things visible.
We are in the World
6. Isaiah 60:1-2 (KJV)
Arise, shine;
for thy light is come, and
the glory of the LORD is
risen upon thee.
For, behold, the darkness
shall cover the earth, and
gross darkness the people:
but the LORD shall arise
upon thee, and his glory
shall be seen upon thee.
7. You are
the light of
[Christ to]
the world.
A city set on a hill
cannot be hidden;
Matthew 5:14 (AMP)
8. Heres another way to put it: Youre here to be light,
bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a
secret to be kept. Were going public with this, as
public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers,
you dont think Im going to hide you under a bucket,
do you? Im putting you on a light stand.
Matthew 5:14-15 (MSG)
9. Now that Ive put you there on a hilltop, on a
light standshine! Keep open house; be
generous with your lives. By opening up to
others, youll prompt people to open up with
God, this generous Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 (MSG)
10. John 3:19 (EASY)
God's Son has brought light
into the world.
But some people did not love
the light.
They loved the dark instead.
That was because they were
doing evil things.
That is why God has decided
to punish those people.
11. 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 (TPT)
For they are not true
apostles but deceitful
ministers who masquerade
as special apostles of the
Anointed One. That doesnt
surprise us, for even Satan
transforms himself to
appear as an angel of light!
14. Source of Light - John 8:12 (TPT)
Then Jesus said, I am light
to the world, and those who
embrace me will experience
life-giving light, and they
will never walk in darkness.
Christ is our source of light
as we reflect the glory of God.
(Let others see Jesus in you)
15. The Light of Salvation
Lighting is not about being
perfect or never making
mistakes, but living by
transforming to valuable virtues.
Faith is the energy of our Light,
so the level of faith determines
the intensity of light generated,
purposefully for good works.
16. Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture
around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy
Spirit through a total reformation of how you think.
This will empower you to discern Gods will as you
live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.