PlaceSpeak is a game-changer because it addresses the profound cynicism currently infecting our democracy by providing an open, accessible, dynamic, transparent and defensible system for public consultation. | Presentation at Web Summit 2014 in Dublin.
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Telephone: 1-866-998-6977
PlaceSpeak Inc.
1682 West 7th Ave.
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6J 4S5
Editor's Notes
Democracy is broken. People don’t trust the process anymore.
One man. One Vote. Not scaleable -- until now.
Majority Rule. Competition among Parties. Attempt to satisfy the largest number of people’s preferences.
Values: Inclusion, Equality, Reasonableness and Publicity
Public Consultation is part of a Regulatory Process whereby the public’s input is sought on matters affecting them. Its main goals are improving the efficiency and transparency of public involvement in decision-making or policy development. Consultations occur at all levels: neighbourhood, municipal, regional, state/provincial, national or even international. Regulations exist in both the public and private sectors.
-This feedback loop shows how it’s supposed to work
-We run into a breakdown at the consultation phase, which doesn’t give the hard evidence required for accurate deliberation and desired outcomes.
-PlaceSpeak addresses the problems encountered at this stage
Public Meetings
Land-line Telephones
-Public meetings are full of NIMBYs and nutbars
-Door knocking is location-based, but people don’t even answer their doors anymore
-15% year over year loss of people with landlines
Gaming of the System
Social Media – bogus accounts and sentiment analysis
-Garbage in, garbage out is what you get with social media sentiment analysis
Authenticating digital identity to physical address
-With all these factors, how do we get hard evidence?
Privacy by design
Protect Individual Privacy
Provide verified Data
-PlaceSpeak is a Privacy by Design ambassador
-Designation originated from the Ontario Privacy Commission
-Proponent gets hard evidence, people stay private
Standalone websites
White label application
Register and Verify once
Single Sign-in and API
-Black box consultation vs. geoauthentication
Think of it as a LinkedIn for Public Participation
Geosocial Profile setup
Social Media integration
Features organized along the lines of the IAP2 Spectrum: (1) Inform, (2) Consult; (3) Involve; (4) Collaborate: (5) Empower
By authenticating individual identity and tying it to place. By protecting individual privacy. By keeping people informed.