The opening scene of the group's action thriller film is aimed at mid-20s audiences and the general public. Politically right-wing average businessmen would be interested in the movie and similar action thrillers like Taken, Mission Impossible, and Man on Fire, as they are most likely to spend their free time watching mainstream media like movies and videogames.
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Demographic Audience
1. The openingIdidwithmy groupwas an actionthrilleranditis generallyaimedatpeople attheirmid
20s. Thiskindof genre will attracta broadrange of audiencestoview the movie asitislikedbythe
general public. The type of people thatwouldbe interestedinthe type of movie thatwe createdwould
be average businessmenwhichare politicallyrightwing. The openingscene isabitlike the movie taken
and thusthisresultshowedup.These people wouldinterested inotheractionthrillersaswell suchas
MissionImpossible andManon Fire.Theyare most likelytobe interestedinmoviesandvideogames
thuscreatingthisdemographicthattheywouldbe interestedinanythingbasedinthe genre of action.
theywouldspendthe majorityof theirfree time eithergoingonlineorwatchingTV as theirmain