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How to Coupon
Madison Jennings
Pre-Step: Collect Coupons
 Online - Printed
 Online - Clipped
 The Sunday Paper
Online Printables
 coupons.com, redplum.com,
 various promotions
Online Clipped
 Some websites sell pre clipped coupons
 paying for their time
Sunday Paper
 Insert Schedules
 Vary By regions
 Usually not the best
Step One: Social Media
 A Single Coupon
 Store Specific
Step Two: Learn the Lingo
 Common terms include: BD, SS, RP,
PG, Q, ONYO....
 helps you not look n00b
Step Three: Pick a Store
 Never attempt all stores
 Reward Cards / Fuel Points
Step Four: Set a Budget
 Only buy what you need
 Only buy what you use
Step Five: Prepare
 Always check sales
 Write your lists
 use Excel!
Step Six: Shop!
 Save money
 feel good
 eat for cheap
 Go slow
 Avoid big hauls
Go Slow
 Not A Race.
 Learn the policies!
 They Stare? Dont Care.
Avoid Big Hauls
 Start Small
 Only Do Big Hauls with Excel
 Coupon Boxes
 Three Ring
 Base Ball Card Dividers
 helpful individual coupons
Coupon Boxes
 Jenns Coupon Box
 helpful for whole inserts
 expiration date
 good type
 Metal Storage shelves
 Go Slow
 Stay Organized
 Save Money!

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