What is a blockchain? How do the existing contenders compare? Listing purpose and features of Bitcoin, Zerocash, Ripple, Stellar, Hyperledger, Ethereum, Tendermint and Eris on that basis.
Talk at the 3rd Blockchain Workshop, London 2015. By one of the pre-eminent blockchain researchers, Vlad Zamfir.
5. What is Consensus?
Consensus protocols are used to make ONE
reliable computer out of many unreliable or
untrusted computers
6. What is Consensus?
They are used in real-life applications
flying cars
7. Traditional Consensus Protocols
Clients in these protocols only change their
state when a supermajority approves of the
changes, or elects a leader who proposes
the changes
8. Traditional Consensus Protocols
Coordinate on changes to the state
Changes are never reverted
They just stop if too many nodes go offline
9. Blockchains are consensus protocols that
come to consensus through compromise
Fork-choice rule
What is a blockchain?
10. Why a blockchain?
They are available in the event of network
Blockchains are more decentralized than
traditional consensus protocols
11. Maintain a shared, trusted computer even though we dont
trust each other because we know that screwing it up would
cost us a lot of money. - The Joker
What is Economic Consensus?
12. Public consensus
Guarantees correctness
even for private consensus
Maintain a shared, trusted computer even though we dont
trust each other because we know that screwing it up would
cost us a lot of money. - The Joker
Why Economic Consensus?
13. How do we make faults expensive?
Make changing the state expensive
Use security deposits to punish nodes who propose
competing updates to the consensus
34. Maintain a shared,
trusted computer
even though we
dont trust each
other because we know that screwing
it up would cost us a lot of money.
What is Economic Consensus?
43. Credits
Roof top - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / solarseven
Handshake - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / a_papantoniou
Roman - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / Nejron
Chain ball - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / 3quarks
Joker - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / sad
Ring - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / Marisabell
Iron claw - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / andreykuzmin
Swordman - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / prometeus
Monk 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / FotoMaximum
Colour man - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / alphaspirit
Hero girl - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / Choreograph
White boy - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / prometeus
Sword giver - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / prometeus
Blue android - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / leafsomen
Blue girl - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / FotoMaximum
Green robot - 息 Can Stock Photo Inc. / leafsomen