These are the slides that accompanied Bruno's talk on the basics of shaders and GLSL given at Devhub in Toronto on 2016-05-26.
A briefing:
"Have you used Three.js to create basic scenes using the built-in shaders, but without real knowledge of what they were doing? This talk is for you! You'll learn what you need to know to start using shaders to create dynamic and interesting 3D scenes.
We'll use a simple example using Three.js to demonstrate what Vertex and Fragment shaders do, the OpenGL Shading Language and basic texturing and lighting."
2. - WebGL Shaders are written in GLSL-ES
- High level shading language
- C like syntax
- Strongly typed!
- We pass them in as strings to our application
Open GL Shading Language (GLSL)
4. The simplest quad
These coordinates are in
Model Space
They are defined to the
model¡¯s own origin
Our vertex shader must
transform these
coordinates to clip space
8. - Vertex Shader acts on each vertex to transform our
points into clip space:
- model space -> view space -> clip space
- must set vec4 gl_Position;
- Fragment Shader sets the color of each pixel/fragment
- must set vec4 gl_FragColor;
- We use uniforms, attributes and varyings to calculate
these values
9. - Shader School -
- by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo
- by Jaume Sanchez
- Figures taken from:
- Real Time Rendering by Adenine-Moller et al
- Wikipedia
- OpenGL Documentation
Resources and Further Reading