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Demystifying the behaviour of others

Dr Robina Chatham

                                 Making a
Making a
 Interpretation of behaviour                                difference

           We tend to interpret the behaviour of
           others through our own value systems
           For example:
              John is not mean hes thrifty
              John is not brave hes foolhardy
              John is not open he s na誰ve
              John is not committed he is obsessed
              John is not sensitive he is over emotional
              John is not imaginative he is unrealistic
              John is not sceptical he is cynical
              John is not astute he is cunning
              John is not persuasive he is manipulative

           Our interpretation tells us more about
           us than it does about John
           To truly understand Johns behaviour
           we need to interpret it through his value
           system; not ours

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
 Archetype model                          difference

      Eight life stories  identity &
      What motivates & drives us  our
       innermost values
      Helps us understand where
       others are coming from  their
       personal agendas
      Explains chemistry
      Increases our chances of
       achieving win-win outcomes
         hi i     i    i   t

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
Archetypes we live by                                      difference

                       MALE                     FEMALE

                       FATHER                   MOTHER

    WARRIOR                     SAGE   AMAZON

                  ETERNAL BOY                   HETAIRA

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
Archetypes and motor cars                                       difference

                                    Volvo estate
                                   People carrier

                         BMW                        Citr旦
                                                    Citr旦en 2CV
                       Mercedes                      Push bike

                                       4 track
                                  Large motor bike
息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
Prime motivators                                              difference

                              Motivation to take
                              responsibility for

                 Motivation                         Motivation
                 to achieve                        to learn and
                  and win                          understand

                               Motivation for
                               adventure and
息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
As perceived by others                             difference

                         Noted for maturity
                       and taking responsibility
                       Bossy and authoritarian

                       Attitudes towards

                       Noted for independence
                           and playfulness
                              d l f l
息 Robina Chatham Ltd
                       Untrustworthy and flighty
Making a
As perceived by others                           difference

      Noted for drive   Attitudes       Noted for
            and                       wisdom and
      charisma but
                but    towards      intellect but
      Aggressive and    ambition    Unworldly and a
          pushy                           wimp

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Potential strengths and weaknesses                                                            Making a

                           Strengths  natural leader, dependable, protective
                             Weaknesses  di
                             W k          dictatorial, inflexible, anxious
                                                  i l i fl ibl        i


Strengths  high achiever/producer,                                      Strengths  wise, patient, modest
independent, dynamic
                                                                          Weaknesses  unworldly, lack of
Weaknesses  impatient, insensitive,                                       common sense, self sacrificing
cut throat
                   Winning & succeeding                       Learning & understanding

                                       Freedom & adventure
                       Strengths  seizes any and all opportunities, exciting, fun
                       Weaknesses  lack stability, fickle, tendency to abdicate
息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Needs                                                                             Making a

                        Responsibility                     Responsibility
                          Challenge                           Stability
                       To be in control                   To learn/acquire
                                                          new knowledge

              Warrior/Amazon                                    Sage/Mediatrix

                                                            New interests

                                   Eternal Boy/Hetaira

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Dislikes and frustrations                                                        Making a

                          Stupidity                         Shallowness
                         Uncertainty                    Aggressive behaviour
                       Incompetence                      Improper behaviour

              Warrior/Amazon                                 Sage/Mediatrix

                         Routine                              Routine
                         Wimps                               Mundane
                        Inactivity                      Taking responsibility

                                     Eternal Boy/Hetaira

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Dangers that might befall them                                                                Making a


                             Workaholic                       Unprepared to take a risk or
                       Insufficient attention to
                         own needs/desires                    Not experiencing life to the
                                                                         f ll
                        Not being able to relax
                                                                 Lack of recognition

              Warrior/Amazon                                         Sage/Mediatrix

                Cut off nose to spite face                       Not completing
                    Taking risks with                               anything
                      health/safety                              Misunderstood
                 Never being contented                          Become unsettled

                                         Eternal Boy/Hetaira

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
How others may see you                                                         Making a

                           Sensible                        Serious
                         Hard working                      Studious
                          Confident                          Calm

              Warrior/Amazon                                 Sage/Mediatrix

                     Restless                              Fun & exciting
              Work hard/play hard type                   Playful & immature
                   Unpredictable                           Lazy but lucky

                                    Eternal Boy/Hetaira

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Dealing with the archetypes  from an Eternal                                    Making a
Boy/Sage perspective                                                            difference

                       Toughen up, be more                  Be more serious &
                            serious &                      temper enthusiasm
                        demonstrate follow

              Warrior/Amazon                                  Sage/Mediatrix

                 Toughen up, stand my
                   ground & not get
                 persuaded into doing
                                    g                        Be myself
                    things I am not
                   comfortable with

                                     Eternal Boy/Hetaira

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Archetypes and occupations                                                                Making a

                         CEOs                                   Social worker
                   Senior Managers                                 Academic
                   Political leaders                               Councillor
                     Army major
                          y     j                                Civil servants
                    Head teacher                                Primary teacher
                  Charity work & golf                          Cooking & reading

              Warrior/Amazon                                    Sage/Mediatrix

                  Sports people                                    Nature guides
                   Sales people                                    Photographer
                        p                                       Professional student
                Traders  futures &                                Archaeologist
                      options                                           Artist
                 Extreme sports &                             Travelling to new places
                     drinking           Eternal Boy/Hetaira

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
Archetypes and dress                                                       difference

                                   Smart  suit & tie
                                    Neat and tidy
                           Sensible and practical  umbrella

                                              Informal  cords, tweeds &
                 Designer labels
                                                  sandals or slippers
              Formal or smart casual
                 Make an impact
                                               Comfortable and relaxed

                                  Brands & gadgets
                                   Non conformist
                                  Make a statement
息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
CEO research                                                       difference


                            25%                        60%

                       Warrior                              Sage

                            15%                        0%

                                     Eternal boy

                                  16 males and 4 females

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
 Comparative data  length of time in post           difference

   Axis                 CEOs < 5 yrs         CEOs >18 mths

   F th /S                        60%        10%

   Warrior/Father                 25%        55%

   Eternal Boy/Warrior            15%        30%

   Sage/Eternal Boy                0%        5%

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
Two types of leader                                                                   difference

       Type E (egocentric)                              Type H (humble)
       Characteristics                                  Characteristics
          Large ego                                      Humility - shy unpretentious
                                                                    shy, unpretentious,
          Personal drive & ambition                      awkward, eccentric
          Strategy first, people second                  Fierce, even stoic, resolve towards
          Likes to take the credit                       life
          Cite bad luck or external                      People first, strategy second
          factors when things go wrong                   Apportion credit to others or good
          Fail to set up for enduring                    luck
          success                                        Take responsibility for & admit their
                                                         Routinely select superb successors

       Consequences                                     Consequences
          Immediate positive shift in                    Transformation to a truly great
          performance only to be                         company
          followed by its subsequent                     A pioneering and foresighted attitude
          decline/demise                                 coupled with a good dose of shared
          At best continued mediocrity                   values

                          Level 5 leadership, Jim Collins, HBR, Jan 2001

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
 The Great Irony                                                       difference

          The warrior archetype that often drives people to become Type
          E leaders, stands at odds with the humility (
                                                      y (coming from the
              Sage archetype) required to become a Type H leader

              When you combine this irony with the fact that boards of
          directors frequently operate under the false belief that a larger-
             than-life, egocentric leader is required to make a company
             great, you can see why Type H CEOs are in the minority

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
 How does it help?     difference

   Team context
息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
 Characteristics of a true team             difference

           Small number of people
           With complementary skills
           Rotating leadership
           Engaged in the production of a
           collective work product
           United i
           U it d in a common purpose
           Work with positive intentions
           towards the collective good
           Understand each other

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
 Team values                                                                                             difference

        What values do you believe should drive your team into the future?

        Being with people you like     Helping other people          Personal growth
        Budget control                 Helping society               Power and authority
        Challenging complex problems   Honesty                       Public service
        Change and variety             Independence                  Quality of what I take part in
           p                           Influencing others
                                                 g                   Recognition
        Competition                    Innovation                    Reputation
        Creativity                     Integrity                     Respect
        Decisiveness                   Intellectual status           Responsibility and accountability
        Effectiveness                  Job tranquillity              Search for truth
        Efficiency                     Knowledge                     Security
        Ethical practice               Leadership                    Stability
        Excellence                     Love of country               Status
        Excitement                     Loyalty                       Team work
        Fame                           Meaningful work               Telling the truth
        Fast-paced work                Membership of the Community   Tolerance
        Flexibility                    Money to spend                Trust
        Freedom                        Order                         Wisdom
        Friendship                     Personal challenge            Work under pressure
        Fun                            Personal development

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Making a
Process                                                                                            difference

      Step 1
      Everyone works through the list of values on their own and selects the ten values they feel
      should drive the team into the future

      Step 2
      Each group consolidates all their individual views and select the most popular five values

      Step 3
      Each group lists their top five values on a flip chart and adds a one line justification for its
      choice to each value

      Step 4
      Everyone now considers all the selected values along with their justifications and casts their
      vote alongside their top three. The top scoring three to five values are then selected

息 Robina Chatham Ltd
Team values and their relationship to the                                                                                                    Making a
archetypes                                                                                                                                  difference

                                                         Responsibility & Stability
                                                         R      ibilit    St bilit
                                                                helping other people
                                                 love of country
                                                                 responsibility & accountability       public service
                                                           order         tolerance
                            effectiveness                                             ethical practice
                                                                                       thi l      ti
                                           leadership                                                     telling the truth
                                                    budget control
                                   competence                         security being with people you like
                                          influencing others                                             integrity
                                                                   membership of the community
                                      efficiency        decisiveness                                          loyalty
                           power & authority                                                 stability       team work
                             status                                                                              helping
                                                                                                                 h l i societyi t
                                         quality of what I take part in                          personal development
                                                                                      meaningful work         job tranquillity
                        reputation            excellence
                   competition        money to spend

Growth & Profit                                                                                  personal growth         Learning & Understanding
                                                                                                                                 g                g
Warrior/Amazon         recognition                                                                                           wisdom Sage/Media trix
                                                                                                  intellectual status
                        personal challenge                                                                               search for truth
                                                                                           challenging complex problems

                               work under pressure                                        friendship
                                                   fast paced work
                                                                                                 change & variety

                                                              Innovation & Risk
息 Robina Chatham Ltd                                         Eternal boy/Hetaira
Making a
 Thank  you and any questions?                difference

                         Dr Robina Chatham
                         +44 (0)1234 765103
息 Robina Chatham Ltd

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Demystifyingthe Behaviourof Others

  • 1. Demystifying the behaviour of others Dr Robina Chatham Making a difference
  • 2. Making a Interpretation of behaviour difference We tend to interpret the behaviour of others through our own value systems For example: John is not mean hes thrifty John is not brave hes foolhardy John is not open he s na誰ve hes John is not committed he is obsessed John is not sensitive he is over emotional John is not imaginative he is unrealistic John is not sceptical he is cynical John is not astute he is cunning John is not persuasive he is manipulative Our interpretation tells us more about us than it does about John To truly understand Johns behaviour we need to interpret it through his value system; not ours 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 3. Making a Archetype model difference Eight life stories identity & fulfilment What motivates & drives us our innermost values Helps us understand where others are coming from their personal agendas Explains chemistry Increases our chances of achieving win-win outcomes hi i i i t 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 4. Making a Archetypes we live by difference MALE FEMALE FATHER MOTHER MEDIA WARRIOR SAGE AMAZON TRIX ETERNAL BOY HETAIRA 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 5. Making a Archetypes and motor cars difference Volvo estate People carrier p BMW Citr旦 Citr旦en 2CV Mercedes Push bike Jaguar Porsche Ferrari 4 track Large motor bike 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 6. Making a Prime motivators difference Motivation to take responsibility for others Motivation Motivation to achieve to learn and and win understand Motivation for adventure and freedom 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 7. Making a As perceived by others difference Noted for maturity and taking responsibility but Bossy and authoritarian Attitudes towards responsibility Noted for independence and playfulness d l f l but 息 Robina Chatham Ltd Untrustworthy and flighty
  • 8. Making a As perceived by others difference Noted for drive Attitudes Noted for and wisdom and charisma but but towards intellect but but Aggressive and ambition Unworldly and a pushy wimp 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 9. Potential strengths and weaknesses Making a difference Strengths natural leader, dependable, protective Weaknesses di W k dictatorial, inflexible, anxious i l i fl ibl i Responsibility Strengths high achiever/producer, Strengths wise, patient, modest independent, dynamic Weaknesses unworldly, lack of Weaknesses impatient, insensitive, common sense, self sacrificing cut throat Winning & succeeding Learning & understanding Freedom & adventure Strengths seizes any and all opportunities, exciting, fun Weaknesses lack stability, fickle, tendency to abdicate 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 10. Needs Making a difference Father/Mother Responsibility Responsibility Challenge Stability To be in control To learn/acquire new knowledge Warrior/Amazon Sage/Mediatrix Adventure Adventure Freedom Challenge New interests Excitement Eternal Boy/Hetaira 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 11. Dislikes and frustrations Making a difference Father/Mother Stupidity Shallowness Uncertainty Aggressive behaviour Incompetence Improper behaviour Warrior/Amazon Sage/Mediatrix Routine Routine Wimps Mundane Inactivity Taking responsibility Eternal Boy/Hetaira 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 12. Dangers that might befall them Making a difference Father/Mother Workaholic Unprepared to take a risk or chance Insufficient attention to own needs/desires Not experiencing life to the full f ll Not being able to relax Lack of recognition Warrior/Amazon Sage/Mediatrix Cut off nose to spite face Not completing Taking risks with anything health/safety Misunderstood Never being contented Become unsettled Eternal Boy/Hetaira 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 13. How others may see you Making a difference Father/Mother Sensible Serious Hard working Studious Confident Calm Warrior/Amazon Sage/Mediatrix Restless Fun & exciting Work hard/play hard type Playful & immature y Unpredictable Lazy but lucky Eternal Boy/Hetaira 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 14. Dealing with the archetypes from an Eternal Making a Boy/Sage perspective difference Father/Mother Toughen up, be more Be more serious & serious & temper enthusiasm demonstrate follow through Warrior/Amazon Sage/Mediatrix Toughen up, stand my ground & not get p persuaded into doing g Be myself things I am not comfortable with Eternal Boy/Hetaira 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 15. Archetypes and occupations Making a difference Father/Mother CEOs Social worker Senior Managers Academic Political leaders Councillor Army major y j Civil servants Head teacher Primary teacher Charity work & golf Cooking & reading Warrior/Amazon Sage/Mediatrix Sports people Nature guides Sales people Photographer Entrepreneurs p Professional student Traders futures & Archaeologist options Artist Extreme sports & Travelling to new places drinking Eternal Boy/Hetaira 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 16. Making a Archetypes and dress difference Smart suit & tie Neat and tidy y Sensible and practical umbrella Informal cords, tweeds & Designer labels sandals or slippers Formal or smart casual Hippy Hippy Make an impact Comfortable and relaxed Brands & gadgets Non conformist Make a statement 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 17. Making a CEO research difference Father 25% 60% Warrior Sage 15% 0% Eternal boy 16 males and 4 females 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 18. Making a Comparative data length of time in post difference Axis CEOs < 5 yrs CEOs >18 mths Father/Sage F th /S 60% 10% Warrior/Father 25% 55% Eternal Boy/Warrior 15% 30% Sage/Eternal Boy 0% 5% 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 19. Making a Two types of leader difference Type E (egocentric) Type H (humble) Characteristics Characteristics Large ego Humility - shy unpretentious shy, unpretentious, Personal drive & ambition awkward, eccentric Strategy first, people second Fierce, even stoic, resolve towards Likes to take the credit life Cite bad luck or external People first, strategy second factors when things go wrong Apportion credit to others or good others, Fail to set up for enduring luck success Take responsibility for & admit their mistakes Routinely select superb successors Consequences Consequences Immediate positive shift in Transformation to a truly great performance only to be company followed by its subsequent A pioneering and foresighted attitude decline/demise coupled with a good dose of shared At best continued mediocrity values Level 5 leadership, Jim Collins, HBR, Jan 2001 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 20. Making a The Great Irony difference The warrior archetype that often drives people to become Type E leaders, stands at odds with the humility ( y (coming from the g Sage archetype) required to become a Type H leader When you combine this irony with the fact that boards of directors frequently operate under the false belief that a larger- than-life, egocentric leader is required to make a company great, you can see why Type H CEOs are in the minority 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 21. Making a How does it help? difference Team context 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 22. Making a Characteristics of a true team difference Small number of people With complementary skills Rotating leadership Engaged in the production of a collective work product United i U it d in a common purpose Work with positive intentions towards the collective good Understand each other 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 23. Making a Team values difference What values do you believe should drive your team into the future? Being with people you like Helping other people Personal growth Budget control Helping society Power and authority Challenging complex problems Honesty Public service Change and variety Independence Quality of what I take part in Competence p Influencing others g Recognition g Competition Innovation Reputation Creativity Integrity Respect Decisiveness Intellectual status Responsibility and accountability Effectiveness Job tranquillity Search for truth Efficiency Knowledge Security Ethical practice Leadership Stability Excellence Love of country Status Excitement Loyalty Team work Fame Meaningful work Telling the truth Fast-paced work Membership of the Community Tolerance Flexibility Money to spend Trust Freedom Order Wisdom Friendship Personal challenge Work under pressure Fun Personal development 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 24. Making a Process difference Step 1 Everyone works through the list of values on their own and selects the ten values they feel should drive the team into the future Step 2 Each group consolidates all their individual views and select the most popular five values Step 3 Each group lists their top five values on a flip chart and adds a one line justification for its choice to each value Step 4 Everyone now considers all the selected values along with their justifications and casts their vote alongside their top three. The top scoring three to five values are then selected 息 Robina Chatham Ltd
  • 25. Team values and their relationship to the Making a archetypes difference Responsibility & Stability R ibilit St bilit Father/Mother helping other people love of country responsibility & accountability public service order tolerance effectiveness ethical practice thi l ti leadership telling the truth budget control competence security being with people you like influencing others integrity membership of the community efficiency decisiveness loyalty power & authority stability team work respect status helping h l i societyi t quality of what I take part in personal development meaningful work job tranquillity reputation excellence knowledge competition money to spend Growth & Profit personal growth Learning & Understanding g g Warrior/Amazon recognition wisdom Sage/Media trix intellectual status personal challenge search for truth creativity challenging complex problems fame work under pressure friendship freedom innovation fast paced work excitement change & variety independence flexibility fun Innovation & Risk 息 Robina Chatham Ltd Eternal boy/Hetaira
  • 26. Making a Thank you and any questions? difference Dr Robina Chatham robina@chatham.uk.com +44 (0)1234 765103 息 Robina Chatham Ltd