2. Endocrinology
Study of DUCTLESS GLANDS that produce
HORMONES which are released directly
into the bloodstream permitting
effects at distant sites called TARGET GLANDS
4. :A fish shaped organ that lies behind the stomach
: retroperitoneal organ
: the head and neck are located in the curve of the
and its body extends horizontally across posterior abdominal wall
: it is usually 6 9 inches long and 1-1.5 cm wide
:Exocrine function:
production of digestive enzymes
:Endocrine function: release of hormones
a syndrome characterized by chronic hyperglycemia
and a disturbance of carbohydrate , fat and protein metabolism
associated with absolute or relative deficiency in insulin secretion
and/ or insulin action
7. Pathophysiology:
1. Abnormal/ inadequate insulin secretion
and gradual deterioration in islet cell function
2. Resistance to insulin action in target tissues
3. Insulin stimulated fat synthesis in liver with fat transport
(VLDL) leading to fat storage in muscle.Increased fat oxidation
impairs glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis
11.. DDiiaabbeetteess mmeelllliittuuss ttyyppee 22
::most common type of diabetes
:affects mostly adults (>40 yrs of age)
:Also called Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or NIDDM
:Maturity onset
:may range from predominantly insulin resistance with insulin
deficiency to a predominantly secretory defect with insulin resistance
A. Genetic Factor: unclear
=powerful genetic influence
=risk to offspring and siblings higher than in Type1
(concordance rate in identical twins90-100%)
B. Obesity
80 % of patients are more than 20 % above their ideal body weight
10. 2. Diabetes mmeelllliittuuss TTyyppee 11
:seen usually in the young (juvenile onset)
:associated with total dependence on exogenous insulin
: total beta cell destruction leading to absolute insulin
:they can go into diabetic ketoacidosis and die if deprived
of insulin
: also called Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or IDDM
genetic susceptibility (HLA DR3; DR4) environmental event
(virus?/Food?) Insulitis (infiltration of activated T lymphos) Activation
Of autoimmunity (self to non-self transition) Immune attack on beta cells
(islet cell antibodies, cell mediated immunity) DIABETES MELLITUS
(90 % beta cell destruction)
14. Clinical Features and ootthheerr DDiiaaggnnoossttiicc PPrroommppttss::
1. Polyuria
increased urine volume because of glucose
induced osmotic diuresis
2. Polydipsia
increased fluid intake is a response to
the resulting dehydration and thirst
3. Polyphagia
excessive ingestion of food
4. Weight loss
results from loss of glucose in the urine and the
catabolic effects of the decrease in insulin
action despite the increase in food intake
15. 5. General itching
6. Impairment of Visual Acuity
changes in refractile qualities of
lens secondary to
induced osmotic alterations
due to diabetic retinopathy or to
16. 7. Repeated skin sepsis
8. Unaccountable pains and paresthesia in
the limbs
9. Presentation with chronic foot ulceration
or incipient gangrene
10. Chance finding of glycosuria, discovery in
routine employment or insurance
17. 11. Positive diabetic close family member
12. Presence of overweight and obesity (centrally
situated fat)
13. Achieving maturity
14. History of previous pregnancy giving birth to
an unusually
large baby
15. History of pregnancy ending in miscarriages
and stillbirth
26. TTrreeaattmmeenntt SSuummmmaarryy::
Control blood sugar through:
1. Medication
22.. AApppprroopprriiaattee nnuuttrriittiioonnaall iinnttaakkee
33.. PPrreevveennttiinngg oorraall iinnffeeccttiioonn
::underestimated significance
1. Promote preventive strategies against oral infection
2. Early diagnosis of oral problems
3. Utilization of dental services among diabetic patients
27. Address patients misgivings and fears regarding
Dental treatment
fear of uncontrolled bleeding and delayed healing
Address the dentists misgivings and fears in treating
diabetic patients
- probable consequences of hyperglycemia
eg. Diabetic ketoacidosis
Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
-possibility of hypoglycemia