The document outlines the criteria and scoring system used to evaluate candidates for promotion or selection to teaching positions. It includes sections on performance ratings, experience, outstanding accomplishments, education and training, potential, and psychosocial attributes. Candidates are assessed on various factors and can earn points in different areas such as leadership, research, teaching experience, and specialized training. Supporting documents must be submitted with applications. The selection process involves evaluation, approval of documents, and appointment upon clearing various requirements.
Performance Rating – 35 pts
At least VS for the last 3
rating periods. Average of
the numerical ratings
multiplied by 35 %
Experience– 5 pts
Experience must be relevant
to the duties and functions
of the position to be filled.
Every year given a point but
not exceed five points
Outstanding Accomplishment/
Meritorious Achievement – 20 pts
a. Outstanding Employee Award 4 pts)
Awardee in the school
Nomination in the div/awardee in the
Nomination in the region/ awardee in
the division
Nomination in the department/
awardee in the region
National awardee
Outstanding Accomplishment/
Meritorious Achievement – 20 pts
b. Innovations (4 pts)
Innovative work plan documented,
approved by immediate chief and
attested by authorized region/
division official
- started the implementation
- fully implemented in the school
- adopted in the cluster/ division
Outstanding Accomplishment/
Meritorious Achievement – 20 pts
c. Research and Development Projects (4 pts)
-Action research conducted in the school
- Action research conducted in the cluster
- action research conducted in the
division level
Outstanding Accomplishment/
Meritorious Achievement – 20 pts
. Publication/ Authorship (4 pts)
-Articles published in a journal/
newspaper/ magazines
- Co-authorship of a book ( shall be
divided by the number of authors)
- Sole authorship of a book
Outstanding Accomplishment/
Meritorious Achievement – 20 pts
e. Consultant/ Resource Speaker in Trainings/
Seminars/ Workshops/ Symposia (4 pts)
-Cluster Level
- Division Level
- Regional Level
- National Level
- International Level
12. Criteria
Education and Training– 30 pts
a. Education – (25 pts)
- CAR for Master’s Degree (
- Master’s degree ( 20 pts)
- CAR for Doctoral Degree ( 20
- Doctoral Degree ( 25 pts)
13. Criteria
Computation for not yet CAR
31-35 units earned 9 pts
26-30 units earned 8 pts
21-25 units earned 7 pts
16-20 units earned 6 pts
11-15 units earned 5 pts
6-10 units earned 4 pts
1-5 units earned 3 pts
14. Criteria
Education and Training– 30 pts
b. Training – (5 pts)
- Participant in a specialized
- Participant in three or more
training activities in each level
Cluster Level ( 1 pt)
Division Level ( 2 pts)
Regional Level ( 3 pts)
15. Criteria
Education and Training– 30 pts
b. Training – (5 pts)
- Participant in a specialized
- Participant in one training
conducted for at least 3 days
International Level ( 4 pts)
Regional Level ( 5 pts)
16. Criteria
Education and Training– 30 pts
b. Training – (5 pts)
- Chair/Co-chair in a technical/
planning committee
Cluster Level ( 1 point)
Division Level ( 2 points)
Regional Level ( 3 points)
National Level ( 4 pts)
International Level ( 5 pts)
19. Remember
All documents to be submitted must be after your
last day of promotion
First Page is the Title ( e.g. Promotion from
Teacher I to Teacher II)
Second Page is the Table of Contents
Kindly put indexes as per listed in the table of
All photocopies submitted should be certified by
the principal
Wear office attire on the interview/ open ranking
day. Slippers/ sandals are not allowed
20. I. Demonstration Teaching ( 10 pts)
School / Cluster Level
Division Level
3 times = 10pts
2 times = 8 pts
1 time = 6 pts
21. I. Demonstration Teaching ( 10 pts)
Supporting documents
1. Certification corroborated by 5
2. Lesson plan signed by ES/DS/ or
3. Memo with program of activities
22. II. A. Curriculum or Instructional
Materials ( 10 pts)
1. Certification corroborated by 5
2. A copy of the curriculum and
instructional materials
3. Certification as to its usefulness/
extent of utilization signed by the ES/
or DS
23. II. B. Subject Coordinator, grade
chairman, adviser of school organ
( 12 pts)
1. Certification corroborated by 5
2. Brief description of duties and
responsibilities with list of
3. Supporting documents
24. II. C. Chairman of Special
Committee as curriculum study,
preparation of instructional
materials, implementation of
special program/ projects ( 12
1. Certification corroborated by 5
2. Brief description of duties and
responsibilities as chairman of the
special committee and
3. Supporting documents
25. II. D. Educational Research Activity
( 12 pts)
1. Certification corroborated by 5
teachers signed by authorities
2. A copy of approved research
3. A copy of the program and
terminal report signed by the
Division Research Committee
26. II. E. Community Project Coordinator
( 12 pts)
1. Certification corroborated by 5
teachers signed by authorities
2. Brief description of duties and
responsibilities as coordinator of
the project
3. Supporting documents
27. II. F. Organization Management of In-
Service Training ( 12 pts)
1. Certification corroborated by 5
teachers signed by authorities
2. Brief description of the in-
service training with design and
memorandum with program of
3. Supporting documents
28. II. G. Meritorious Achievement ( 10
As academic coach, athletic
coach, Bsp/Gsp coordinator
National Level - 10 points
Regional Level - 5 pts
Division Level - 3 pts
District/ Cluster Level - 1 pt
29. II. G. Authorship ( 10 pts)
10 points - book
10 points - solo
5 points - co-author
30. 1. Incumbent of Teacher III
2. BEED/ BSED with at least 24
units of Masters Degree in
3. At least VS for 3 years
31. 4. Teaching experience of at least
3 years
5. At least 40 hours of relevant
cumulative training in the
area of specialization
6. Accomplishments
7. Demonstration Teacher
33. Dep Ed Order No. 97 s. 2011
Reclassification from TI to TII
and, TIII may only be allowed
after 3 consecutive years of at
least VS or 2 consecutive years of
Outstanding performance from
the effectivity of the latest
34. -Equivalent Record Form or ERF
(4 copies)
-- PRC License (2 copies)
-- PRC Rating ( 2 copies)
-- Latest Appointment
-- LSB Appt and LSB to Natl
--Original permanent appt
35. -Latest Service Record (2 copies)
- Latest Payslip ( 2 copies)
- Latest Performance Rating( 2
- Transcript of Records College
( 2 copies)
36. -Transcript of Records MA
( 2 copies)
-Certificate of CAR ( 2 copies)
-- Approved Curriculum
- Certificate of Seminars/
Trainings Attended ( 2 copies)
37. 1. Evaluation ERF
2. Evaluation and Approval ( ERF)
3. To indorse back to D.O
4. To indorse back to schools for
completion of requirements for
5. PAL to submit to Region
38. 6. PAL to submit to DBM for
8. Appointment
41. -Certificates of teaching employment
- Certificates of specialized trainings
- Barangay clearance
- NBI clearance
- Certified copy of voter’s ID
- Omnibus Certification of authenticity
and veracity of documents
42. C Criteria Points
a. Education 20
b. Teaching Experience 15
c. LET/PBET Rating 10
d. Experiential Learning 5
e. Specialized Training
and Skills 5
43. C Criteria Points
f. Interview 10
g. Demonstration Teaching 20
h. Communication Skills 15
Total 100
44. Presidential Decree No. 807 – Civil
Service Decree of the Philippines
2010 Manual of Regulation for Private
Republic Act 7041 – Requiring the
Regular Publication of Existing
Vacant Positions in Government