Quick introduction of DeployGate. This slide was presented by Yuki@DeployGate in the event at RocketSpace, San Francisco. (http://www.eventbrite.com/e/happy-hour-sushi-sake-ocha-and-japanese-tech-tickets-10649642367)
Accelerate your mobile app development today at https://deploygate.com
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DeployGate: Accelerate your mobile app development today (Feb. 25, 2014 @ RocketSpace)
4. +
DeployGate my solution
For mobile app developers
Get your apps tested more often, more casually.
Those who are seeking a replacement of TestFlight
Android support will stop by Mar. 21 - Burstly acquired by Apple!
You can import TFs contact list to our service
28. +Web Test Driving
Deploy code to a random server
Send a URL to your testers
See if it is working via access_log/error_log
Enables you to test your prototypes rapidly, lean startup.
29. +Mobile App Test Driving:
Complicated, even on Android
Install via USB, in person.
Cant handle 3+ people, many
Send your package: Email,
Dropbox or where?
Long how to install instruction
that never read.
Bunch of pitfalls: Settings,
Signature Conflict, etc.
Logs are recorded on their device
Connect USB every time or
implement a remote logger
How to notice updates
Email, chat or twitter
Low conversion
Which version are they using?
etc, etc.
Too troublesome!
30. +
So many interruptions!
Human Task Switches Considered Harmful by Joel Spolsky
Youll lose your focus on development
You get interrupted from others often,
because they have to ask you to know if there is an update.
31. +
Even if you write an installation guide
Horrible conversion: only 3 over 300+
And three were engineers:
the instruction was never read