The document provides updates from different teams working on a robotics project, noting that they are halfway through the build season and various teams have made progress on designing, building, and programming the robot as well as outreach activities. It also lists important upcoming dates and notes that an exchange student from Chile who has been assisting will be leaving the team.
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DERT Newsletter
We are half way through the build Inventor Team:
season! DERT is balancing their The inventor team has been modeling the
science and technology knowledge robot on CAD software so the build team has
designs to work from. This is a preliminary Animation Team:
with a newfound approach to basket-
model of our robot.
ball. The animation team challenge is to
write and animate a movie that
shows how the Ecos (little anima-
tion people) can help our educa-
tional system.
DERT will be attending the Wis- Important Dates
consin Regional in Milwaukee, 2/15 Open House
2/18 Scrimmage at Cat
March 22-24, 2012 2/21 Bag and Tag
PR Team: 3/22-24 Milwaukee Regional
Have 19 new teammates!! We are half done with our Chairmans award 4/24-27 First Championship,
essay! St. Louis, MO
5/18-19 Relay for Life
Web Team:
The web team has had a busy last
few weeks. They redesigned the One member of our team is leaving
old website and developed a new us soon. Vartan Pedinian is an ex-
mobile website! Check it out. change student from Chile. He has been a part of the team since Sep-
Mechanical Team: tember and helped out with Pump-
kin Chuckin and Vex. He has been
The build team has already built the
working on the Mechanical Team
chassis, and they are starting on a QR Code for our website
for the build season. We will miss
shooter for our robot!
you Vartan!!
Electrical Team:
They are busy developing drive code
and auto aiming for the shooter!
Our Fantabulous Sponsors