The document summarizes a session presented by Dr. Kimberly LaPrairie and Dr. Marilyn Rice on using technology to support teaching and learning. The session covered various tools like Poll Everywhere, Google Suite, Coggle, Trello, Padlet, Flipgrid and Screencast-O-Matic. It provided examples of how these tools can be used for pre-assessment, formative assessment, content curation, virtual communication, collaboration and screencasting. The presentation aimed to model the use of these technologies to enhance assessment, debriefing, gathering and sharing of information for instruction.
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11. Debriefing
• Aids in assessing performance after participation in an
immersive activity
• What did you notice?
• How does this apply to your world?
12. Poll Everywhere
• Basic demographics
• Available tools
• T&L concepts to cover
• Tools to cover
• Pre and formative assessment
• Useful for synchronous
• Free & Paid Plans
18. Coggle
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19. LiveBinders
• Organize a diverse
collection of resources into
a sharable package:
– File uploads
– Google docs
– Web links
– Videos
– Surveys
– Presentations
• Web Application
• Mobile Application
#2: Come discover how to leverage various technology tools to engage diverse learners, individualize curriculum, assess learning, and much more. Real world examples of successful technology implementation will be presented.
This session focuses on the functional integration of technology into learning. Attendees will discover how to leverage technology tools to engage diverse learners, individualize curriculum, assess learning, & more. Numerous tools & real world examples of successful implementation will be presented. Bring a web connected device for a more interactive session
In this session, attendees will learn to:
Integrate specific cloud based technology tools for true digital age learning that is contextual and engages students in real-world applications
#5: Before we can begin our pre-assessment, we need to make sure everyone has some type of web connected device or cellphone with text messaging capabilities
#6: What level and format do you teach? (graduate online, undergrad F2F, etc.)
#7: How confident do you feel integrating pre, formative, and summative assessment in your courses?
#8: How confident do you feel integrating virtual collaboration in your courses?
#9: Do you use screencasting in your course?
#10: Which tools are you NOT familiar with from this list:
#11: pre-assessment - readiness to start instruction
formative assessment - conducted during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student performance
Post or summative assessment - evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark
#12: How many familiar with Debriefing as a T&L tool?
Discuss debriefing as a T&L tool
Ask things like:
What did you notice?
What did you feel: difficult?, easy?, surprising? – Do you think you have all the skills you need?
What did you learn?
How does this apply to your world? How could you use this in instruction?
So lets try it for the pre-assessment activity we just completed…
What did you notice about the activity we just completed?
How does this apply to your world?
Point out that we modeled Poll Everywhere tool – as a pre-assessment tool (readiness to start instruction)
These polls told us…
1.) Who our audience is – so we can tailor our presentation examples, etc to be more meaningful to you
2.) If you have tools available so that we can engage in some hands on activities
3.) If covering discussing specific teaching and learning concepts would be relevant to you or if we need to skip over some of them
4.) If covering the specific applications (or tools) we have planned would be relevant to you or if we need to skip over some of them
Poll Everywhere could also be used as a formative assessment tool (conducted during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student performance).
This allows educators to review student responses and class-wide engagement data quickly, giving greater insight on how students are mastering key concepts and enabling teachers to address misconceptions quickly.
Poll Everywhere’s free version (which is what we are using) allows for up to 25 responses and unlimited polls.
Discuss what to do if you have more than 25 students…
Setting Choices
Types of questions
#14: Google Forms:
Show online form
Under Form - Show summary of responses
Discuss usefulness in assessment (pre, formative, and summative)
Can be embedded in blackboard as well
Can embed form and results
Show in ISDT 7354 course embedded
Show online
Show revision history
Discuss usefulness in assessment (pre, formative, and summative)
Also useful for collaboration
Can be embedded in blackboard as well
I also use for having students sign up for books, etc. LINKED IN LIGHTNING
#16: Ask:
How does this apply to your world? In other words, how could you use this in instruction?
Point out:
I use for information survey, reflections and participation
#17: Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest, usually with the intention of adding value.Â
Students get more out of content when it is visual and interactive
Most think of bookmarking…
Social Bookmarking (Diigo)
#18: ZOOM – Ctrl + two finger on track pad
Content curation – collaborative brainstorming
Also useful in assessment
#19: Coggle is a freeware mind-mapping web application. Coggle produces hierarchically structured documents, like a branching tree
Coggle can be used by students to brainstorm, consolidate information, plan tasks, or present a topic. As a teacher, you can use it to organize and present information on your interactive whiteboard during class
Some of Coggle's notable features:
Real-time collaboration
Sharing with Organisations, individuals, or by private link
View and copy previous versions
Multiple root items
Joining branches
Comments on items
Markdown text formatting
LaTeX math support using MathJax[3]
iOS support
Android support
#20: Show: Copy of Technology in Education BINDER as an example of curated content
Also show Podcasting in Education as an example
Demonstrate how to search and copy binders – also show how to see DATE of content
Demonstrate how to create a new binder
#21: Ask:
How does this apply to your world? In other words, how could you use this in instruction?
Point out:
#22: Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest, usually with the intention of adding value.Â
Students get more out of content when it is visual and interactive
#24: Screencasting is the capture all of the action on a computer screen while you are narrating. Screencasts can be made with many tools and are often used to create a tutorial or showcase student content mastery.
Ask Questions as we go through these – discuss uses in their classroom – can you see yourself using this? How?
#25: ZOOM – Ctrl + two finger on track pad
Show Johns
#26: ZOOM – Ctrl + two finger on track pad
Show different uses:
Vision Board – finding common visions, who can help who, etc
Personal Introductions
Virtual Book Study
Have also seen used as :
content curation in teams
Training delivery
#27: ZOOM – Ctrl + two finger on track pad
Project Management
#28: Ask:
What did you notice?
What did you feel: difficult?, easy?, surprising? – Do you think you have all the skills you need?
What did you learn?
How does this apply to your world? How could you use this in instruction?
Point out:
Usefulness of LiveBinders in your instruction
Online Collaboration (Padlet) – use in class for brainstorming
Screencasting (Screencast-O-Matic)
Social Bookmarking (Diigo)