This document discusses a potential filming location for a gang scene near a dirt lay-by in woods near a quiet road. The isolated area by a bridge over water would provide good shots of the gang's arrival and convey the message that they want to avoid being seen. However, there is a risk of others being in the area during filming, which could endanger crew/actors and disrupt the intended atmosphere.
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Desborough location
1. Dirt lay-by down a quiet road. This area is by some
woods and appears quite gloomy and mysterious,
this makes it a good place for a dodgy deal to go
2. There is a bridge right
around the corner from the
lay-by. This could provide
some good shots of the gang
arriving at the scene.
The bridge shows how the
location is clearly very
isolated and away from
prying eyes as it’s on an
island. This would put across
the message to the audience
that the gangs don’t want to
be seen or found out.
3. Although this is a quiet road there may be people driving
past or parked in the area when we want to film. This can
pose a danger to the crew and actors on the road and also
ruin the mise-en-scene.