The document provides an overview of web navigation and usability, discussing how users navigate websites to find information, including whether they prefer browsing sections or using search, and the importance of clear page names and indicators of location to help users understand where they are within the site. Effective navigation reduces the cognitive load on users and helps them easily find what they are looking for.
9. Vantagens
Separar sempre o Conte炭do do design
Utiliza巽達o de CMS sempre que poss鱈vel
Tornar a manuten巽達o f叩cil e descentralizada
O vosso site manter-se-叩 actual por mais
Usando as melhores pr叩cticas com css,
estamos a usar standards que j叩 foram
testados e resultam com a passagem do
tempo e da evolu巽達o dos novos browsers
11. Design envolve a busca de solu巽探es que se ajustam ao
utilizador, tarefa e contexto de utiliza巽達o
Os objectos que s達o desenhados de forma adequada -
incluindo software, ferramentas e sites web - ajustam o seu
contexto t達o bem que s達o f叩ceis de usar e uma mais valia
para o utilizador
Uma disciplina que explora o di叩logo entre os produtos,
pessoas e contextos
Um processo que de鍖ne uma solu巽達o para ajudar as pessoas
a atingir seus objectivos
16. Design Centrado no Utilizador
User Interface Design
Os Designers precisam de equilibrar equilibrar uma
variedade de considera巽探es, incluindo as necessidades e
objectivos dos utilizadores, as limita巽探es impostas pelo
contexto de uso e os desa鍖os que surgem naturalmente da
interac巽達o entre humanos e m叩quinas, para conceber
O processo de design 辿 interactivo , o que signi鍖ca que as
solu巽探es propostas s達o re鍖nadas e melhoradas atrav辿s de
repetidos ciclos de avalia巽達o do prot坦tipo
17. Usabilidade
"[Usabilidade refere-se] na medida em que um produto
pode ser usado por utilizadores espec鱈鍖cos para atingir
metas especi鍖cas com e鍖c叩cia, e鍖ci棚ncia e satisfa巽達o
num contexto de uso especi鍖cado". - ISO 9241-11 - ISO
Usabilidade 辿 uma abordagem para o desenvolvimento
do produto que incorpora o feedback do utilizador directo
em todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento, a 鍖m de reduzir
custos e criar produtos e ferramentas que atendam s
necessidades do utilizador
19. Atingir a usabilidade atrav辿s de Design
de Interac巽達o
Produtos bem desenhados s達o mais f叩ceis
de usar (e / ou aprender a usar) e s達o mais
ben辿鍖cos para o utilizador do que os mal
Um bom design pode aumentar a
produtividade, satisfa巽達o e aceita巽達o do
20. Think of it this way:
When Im looking at a page that doesnt make me think, all the thought balloons
N達o me fa巽am pensar!
over my head say things like OK, theres the _____. And thats a _____. And theres
the thing that I want.
OK. This looks
like the product
...and these
are todays
special deals.
There it is:
21. But when Im looking at a page that makes me think, all the thought balloons
over my head have question marks in them.
Hummm, deixa c叩 ver....
Hmm. Pretty Is that the
busy. Where navigation? Or
should I start? is that it over
Hmm. Why did Why did they
they call it put that there?
Those two links
Can I click on seem like theyre
that? the same thing.
Are they really?
When youre creating a site, your job is to get rid of the question marks.
22. names of things, for example. Typical culprits are cute or clever names, marketing-
induced names, company-specific names, and unfamiliar technical names.
Hummm, deixa c叩 ver....
For instance, suppose a friend tells me that XYZ Corp is looking to hire someone
with my exact qualifications, so I head off to their Web site. As I scan the page for
something to click, the name theyve chosen for their job listings section makes
a difference.
< bvio Pensar>>
[Milliseconds of thought] Hmm. Could be Jobs.
Jobs! Jobs. But it sounds like more than that.
Click Click Should I click or keep looking?
Empregos Oportunidades de Trabalho Oportunidades
Note that these things are always on a continuum somewhere between Obvious
to everybody and Truly obscure, and there are always tradeoffs involved.
For instance, Jobs may sound too undignified for XYZ Corp, or they may be
locked into Job-o-Rama because of some complicated internal politics, or
because thats what its always been called in their company newsletter. My main
23. c h a pt e r 1
Hummm, deixa c叩 ver....
Another example: On most bookstore sites, before I search for a book I first have
to think about how I want to search.2
MOST BOOKSTORE SITES Lets see. Quick Search.
That must be the same as
Search, right?
Do I have to click on that drop-down
menu thing?
All I know about the book is that its
by Tom Clancy. Is Clancy a keyword?
(What is a keyword, anyway?)
I guess I have to use the menu.
Clicks on the arrow
Title. Author. Keyword.
OK. I want Author.
Clicks Author
Types Tom Clancy
Clicks Search
24. Hummm, deixa c叩 ver....t m a k e m e t h i n k !
d o n, on the other hand, doesnt even mention the Author-Title-Keyword
distinction. They just look at what you type and do whatever makes the most sense.
OK. Search books
for _____.
Types Tom Clancy
Clicks Go
After all, why should I have to think about how I want to search? And even
worse, why should I have to think about how the sites search engine wants me to
phrase the question, as though it were some ornery troll guarding a bridge? (You
forgot to say May I?)
I could list dozens of other things that visitors to a site shouldnt spend their time
thinking about, like:
> Where am I?
25. N達o perder tempo a pensar:
Onde 辿 que eu estou?
Onde 辿 que come巽o?
Onde 辿 que eles puseram____?
A鍖nal o que 辿 o destaque?
Porque 辿 que lhe chamaram isto?
Isto 辿 um link?
26. Atingir a usabilidade atrav辿s de Design
de Interac巽達o
Reduzir o barulho
Uso e鍖ciente de Whitespace
Criar hierarquias visuais
Reduzir texto ao essencial
27. Enter
Basically, you use the stores
store navigation systems (the signs and
the organizing hierarchy that the
signs embody) and your ability to
> Look for the
right department scan shelves full of products to find
what youre looking for.
Of course, the actual process is a
NO YES > Look for the
right aisle little more complex. For one thing,
c h a pt e r 6 as you walk in the door you usually
devote a few microseconds to a
Look for the
product crucial decision: Are you going to
Still think youre
in the right When you think youve got the start by looking for chainsaws on
right aisle, you start looking at the own or are you going to ask
NO Find it? someone where they are?
individual products.
NOT YET Its a decision based on a number of
If it turns out youve guessed wrong, you try another aisle, or you may back up and
variableshow familiar you are
start over again in the Lawn and Garden department. By the time youre done, the
with the store, how much you trust
$ cash registers
process looks Look for the like this:
their ability to organize things
sensibly, how much of a hurry
youre in, and even how sociable use the stores
Basically, you
YES Pay up store
you are. navigation systems (the signs and
the organizing hierarchy that the
signs embody) and your ability to
> Look for
exit sign
> Look for the
right department scan shelves full of products to find
what youre looking for.
Of course, the actual process is a
28. Enter
Ask someone
> Look for the
right department > Find a clerk
NO YES > Look for the
right aisle
> Find a smarter
Credible answer? NO
looking clerk
Look for the
Still think youre
in the right YES
NO Find it? Look for the aisle
ALMOST Look for
the product
THOROUGHLY $ cash registers
Look for the
Find it? NO >
YES Pay up
> Look for
exit sign
Notice that even if you start looking on your own, if things dont pan out theres a
29. c h a pt e r 6
Uilizadores 101
Web Navigation
In many ways, you go through the same process when you enter a Web site.
> Youre usually trying to find something. In the real world it might be the
emergency room or a can of baked beans. On the Web, it might be the cheapest
4-head VCR with Commercial Advance or the name of the actor in Casablanca
who played the headwaiter at Ricks.1
> You decide whether to ask first or browse first. The difference is that on a
Web site theres no one standing around who can tell you where things are. The
Web equivalent of asking directions is searchingtyping a description of what
youre looking for in a search box and getting back a list of links to places where it
might be.
Some people (Jakob Nielsen calls them search-dominant users)2 will almost
Clicador always look for a search box as soon as they enter a site. (These may be the
same people who look for the nearest clerk as soon as they enter a store.)
30. Heres what the process looks like:
Enter site
Feel like
> Click on a
section > Find a
search box
Click on a Type
subsection your query
YES Look for Credible
whatever it is results? NO
Think youre in
the right section?
Devise a
YES better query
Find it?
Scan results for
likely matches
THOROUGHLY Check them out
> YES Find it? NO YES
31. Site ID Sections Utilities
You are here
Page name >
Local navigation
(Things at the
current level)
Small text
32. Onde 辿 que eu estou mesmo?
c h a pt e r 6
Now, Ill admit Im a sucker for this kind of treatment because I come from
Boston, where you consider yourself lucky if you can manage to read the street
sign while theres still time to make the turn.
Covington Road Russett Rd
Los Angeles Boston
The result? When Im driving in L.A., I devote less energy and attention to
dealing with where I am and more to traffic, conversation, and listening to All
Todas as p叩ginas devem ter nome
Things Considered. I love driving in L.A.
Page names are the street signs of the Web. Just as with street signs, when things
O Nome tem de estar no Sitio Certo!
are going well I may not notice page names at all. But as soon as I start to sense
that I may not be headed in the right direction, I need to be able to spot the page
name effortlessly so I can get my bearings.
There are four things you need to know about page names:
> Every page needs a name. Just as every corner should have a street sign,
every page should have a name.
Im at the corner of
Auctions and Sell an Item.
Designers sometimes think, Well, weve highlighted the page name in the
navigation.9 Thats good enough. Its a tempting idea because it can save space,
and its one less element to work into the page layout, but its not enough. You
need a page name, too.
33. start out with a reservoir of goodwill. Each problem we encounter on the site
lowers the level of that reservoir. Here, for example, is what my visit to the airline
site might have looked like:
I enter the site. I glance around the There's no mention of There's a list of five
My goodwill is a little low, Home page. the strike on the links to News stories
because I'm not happy It feels well organized, Home page. on the Home page but
that their negotiations so I relax a little. I'm I dont like the fact none are relevant.
may seriously confident that if the that it feels like I click on the Press
inconvenience me. information is here, I'll business as usual. Releases link at the
be able to find it. bottom of the list.
Latest press release is five No promising links, but I search for strike and find I look through their FAQ
days old. plenty of promotions, two press releases about a lists, then leave.
I go to the About Us page. which is very annoying. strike a year ago, and pages
Why are they trying to from the corporate history
sell me more tickets about a strike in the 1950s.
when I'm not sure At this point, I would like to
they're going to fly me leave, but they're the sole
tomorrow? source for this information.
[ 162 ]
35. O custo da Usabilidade
A usabilidade n達o 辿 apenas sobre pesquisa
e melhoramentos, ela tem um impacto real
e 鍖nanceiro
Altera巽探es de 炭ltima hora no design
Aumento nas vendas
Diminui巽達o dos custos de forma巽達o e apoio
Redu巽達o dos custos de manuten巽達o
Maior vida 炭til do mercado
36. A importancia do Design
n a
Branding , Identi鍖ca巽達o e reconhecimento
Para destacar e diferenciar
40. 京姻庄艶鍖n乙 o que o Cliente nos d叩.
o documento que de鍖ne
Pesquisa as suas expectativas.
41. 京姻庄艶鍖n乙
Pesquisa Vis達o/Percep巽達o que nos
ajuda a gerar ideias para o
Design design e para a Arquitectura
Ajuste de Informa巽達o.
Envolve benchmarking e
45. 京姻庄艶鍖n乙
Oi, cad棚 os testes de
46. Melhores Pr叩cticas para um projecto de
De鍖nir Objectivos
Anotar Requisitos / Objectivos
Preparar e planear as tarefas de desenvolvimento
Gest達o do projecto
Testes de Usabilidade durante todo o projecto
Veri鍖car checklist antes de lan巽ar
54. CSS Frameworks ??
Conjunto de 鍖cheiros que constituem um modelo de鍖nido para o
desenvolvimento r叩pido de layouts html.
Limitam a necessidade de utilizar tabelas e d達o coes達o visual entre os
elementos da p叩gina.
mais f叩cil de aplicar a "regra dos ter巽os", o que resulta num layout
visualmente atraente para os olhos humanos.
Produzir layouts assim辿tricos para textura visual.
Redu巽達o do esfor巽o de futuro, se for necess叩rio reposicionar elementos ou
caracter鱈sticas que as tornam mudan巽as (tipogra鍖a, margens, etc) para os
elementos relacionados.
Suporte transversal a browsers (Sim, inclusive ao IE6)
Reduzido esfor巽o para a produ巽達o de layouts de p叩gina web, em compara巽達o
com a codi鍖ca巽達o da CSS necess叩rio partir do zero.
Mais 鍖exibilidade e rapidez na cria巽達o dos Layouts.
55. Gest達o de Projecto e
GoPlan (
Basecamp (
Wordpress (
Drupal (
Magento (