The document outlines the topics to be covered in an instructional design workshop, including using analysis outcomes to design lessons, writing interactive activities and self-assessment questions, producing storyboards, and criteria for effective feedback including being promotive, motivated, and oriented.
Convert to study materialsBETA
Transform any presentation into ready-made study materialselect from outputs like summaries, definitions, and practice questions.
2. Workshop Topics
Using Analysis phase outcomes in Designing phase tasks
Collecting learning resources and distributing on the
Course designing criteria: texts, multimedia, screen
elements, and navigation.
Writing interactive activities.
Writing feedback for the interactive activities.
Writing self-assessment questions.
Producing a storyboard for a lesson.
3. Writing Interactive Activities
Do not write open learning
materials and distance learning
as textbook but write them as
4. Interactive Activities
The student learns by doing the activities
and not from the content.
Learning activities are very important
because they evoke active learning
The best test to see how effective is the
learning activity is by asking the designer
himself the following question:
What the student will gain by doing the activity?
5. Interactive Activities
The student learns by doing
the activities.
The importance of learning
help students to re-organize
information and to adapt them
help students to see the internal
relations between the
components of the scientific
6. Writing Interactive Activities
Integrating technology in the learning
activities adds to them:
Interaction between the student and the
content of the activity
Positive and energetic
Efficiency in responding to individual
differences among students
The ability to provide instant feedback
Variation in application methods and learning
Attract the attention and enhance memory
by repeating the information.
7. Criteria for Writing Interactive
Title for the activity or its number.
Explaining the importance of the activity in learning and how it
can achieve the learning objective.
Before the activity, there must be introduction to orient the
student to do the activity.
Giving instructions to do the activity.
Directing the speech to the students; define, explain
Revising what has been learned in the activity.
Short text containing short sentences .
8. Examples for Interactive Activities
Completing tables or figures Short answers
Multiple choice questions
Collecting information
Oriented analysis
Linking to the learners
Compare and search the Antipodes
Case study
9. Definition of Feedback:
Feedback is an away to inform the student the outcomes learned by
providing information on the progress of his/her performance
continuously. This is to help in the development of his/her
performance. This is to show him/her if s/he is in the right direction,
or modify it if it needs. Feedback does not mean providing the
student only the scores of the answer whether right or wrong, but it
goes beyond that by providing explanation to the student by the
10. The importance of feedback:
The feedback informs the student with his/her result. This helps to reduce the
student tension in case of not knowing his/her result.
The student becomes convinced that his/her result is an outcome of the effort
s/he did and s/he has to study more next time.
Correcting the student's mistakes helps him/her to change the wrong
information s/he has and replace it with correct one.
The student can know his/her status from achieving the learning objective.
Preparing a learning atmosphere has respect, security between the students
themselves and with the teacher.
Preparing students to democracy practices, respecting, developing positive
feelings about their learning abilities.
11. The Kinds of Feedback:
The feedback is generally divided to:
Informative feedback: in this kind of feedback, the student is informed
whether his/her answer is correct or not without any explanation.
Simple feedback: in this kind of feedback, the student is informed
whether his/her answer is correct or not with correction to the wrong
Explanatory feedback: in this kind of feedback, the student is informed
whether his/her answer is correct or not with explanation for correct
and wrong answers.
13. Conditions for Writing Feedback:
The following conditions should be in the feedback to enable the student to
use the feedback and achieve the learning process objectives :
The feedback must be continuous.
The feedback must be in the light of the objectives.
Analyzing the results of the feedback needs deep understating and
The feedback should be inclusive, to include all elements of the
learning process.
All the learning tools should be used in writing the feedback.
14. Activity: writing the activity and
Activity: write the activities
for some learning objectives
you have written
15. Self-assessment Questions
Self-assessment questions should
enable the students to check his/her
progress and if s/he achieve the
objectives correctly.
The self-assessment questions
should be objective to enable the
students to check his/her answers.
16. Criteria for Writing Self-assessment
The self-assessment questions are written by using
the learning objectives.
Should have instructions for answering.
The questions should be clear to the students to
Should have objective questions.
17. The Differences Between the
Activities and SELF-ASSESSMENT
Activity Self-assessment
Encourage learning Emphasize learning
Constructive Definitive
A specific for a task General for different tasks
Followed up by a feedback to Followed up by an answer to
encourage learning emphasize learning