Looking for inspiration and support to host your own Classcraft PD sessions? Here's a webinar presentation that will prepare you to conduct your own Classcraft professional development sessions.
Learn how to:
- Introduce teachers to Classcraft through play
- Plan engaging and helpful presentations and workshops
- Personalize your PD through Quests and Boss Battles
- Provide inspiring ideas through reflective practice
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Design & Deliver Classcraft PD
1. Presented by the Classcraft Learning Team
Eric Davis & Kinshasa Marshall
Design & Deliver Classcraft PD
2. Agenda
Thank you!
GQ: Why gamify PD for your team of educators?
Level the playing 鍖eld
Learn the thing/concept
Q & A
3. Identify
1. What is your role in education?
2. What part(s) do you play in PD?
I design PD
I deliver PD
I design & deliver PD
I participate in PD
3. What level of knowledge do you have
about gami鍖cation?
Im learning about gami鍖cation in the
Im practicing gami鍖cation
Im a master at gami鍖cation
4. How much do you know about Classcraft?
Im learning about Classcraft
Im using Classcraft
Im a Gamemaster
4. Plan
Whos your audience?
Do you need to gather key info about participants through surveys, poll questions,
and/or games?
What do you want your educators to experience? Why?
Can you model the learning experience for teachers that you hope theyll create for
What's the purpose?
What is your objective for the PD session?
What outcomes do you expect to achieve?
5. Open
Stimulate intrigue
Guiding/essential question
Set up
Framing PD with wondering
Share icebreakers.
Share one or two of your most compelling, provocative, or e鍖ective prompts.
Example on next slide
6. What is behind the statement
attributed to Plato:
You can discover more about a
person in an hour of play than
in a year of discussion
How is Platos assertion evident in
your classrooms in AD 2018?
7. Level the Playing Field
Get everyone on the same page
Use the data from your pole questions
Overview of Classcraft
Overview of gami鍖cation
Shared vision
Closes the gap
10. Play as a Student
Play as a student
Create an avatar
Join team, pick map & crest
Model the experience
Give points
Use the Class Tools
Pros & cons
11. Become the Gamemaster: Play as a Teacher
Student experience
Game master cycle
Customizing the game
Teacher time
12. Wizard: Play as an Admin
Enter as an admin
Climate and engagement
Upload teachers and/or students
Demo account for playing with system (quests & presets ) vs sandbox
(manipulating data)
Customized reports