A struggling young education student needs help crafting a successful job search strategy. The most practical idea is to use her parents' friends and other adult acquaintances to network and get a recommendation for a job. The most disruptive idea is a full digital campaign with videos and online content promoting her resume. The favorite idea is an unusual event where her former pro wrestler father challenges people to job interviews in exchange for admission to his wrestling match.
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1. Talk...
to HRdepartments
to people working in the
to friends
to professional trainers
to job coaches
to college advisor
to parents
to parent's friends
to randompeople on the
Use Facebook
Use Twitter
Use Google Plus
Use Linked-In
Use Social media marketing
tools to target school districts
Upload resume/portfolio to...
Unlockto share with a linked
Make a Youtube video
Use Fanminder
Use Google analitics
A struggling young education student about to
graduate needs to craft a successful job search
strategy because she does not understand how
the employment systemworks.
2. Make a billboard with herpicture
and email
Build a flowchart of things to do
Go on TV and askfora job
Chain herself to the HRoffice of
the school where she wants to work
Go with herdad on his radio interviews
and askthe audience to find hera job
Hire a skywriterto put hername and email in the sky
Rent the GoodyearBlimp and put hername behind it
3. Make a music video
Make a Rube Goldberg contraption with her info
on the various parts
Go on the Jumbotron at a professional sports game
Go to job fairs
Go to university networking events
Join young professionals groups
Make a DVD of her best teaching moments and
mail it
4. Just start asking people
Get a TV show and tell people you want a job
Get a clown on stilts to weara sign board
Make a cartoon about it
Get T-shirts with yourname and email that say Give me a job
Have a flash mob at the school board wearing above t-shirts
Have yourdad organize a charity wresting match and the cost of
admission is a job interview
Give her a
5. Use mental telepathy to get someone to hire you
Use Spidersense to figure out who will hire you
Use a time machine and go to the future to see where you work,
then go talkto that person in the present
Bribe someone to hire you
Take the head of HRto a deserted island and dont let himoff until
he hires you
Make a computervirus that causes only the subjects resume
to be visible on every school computerin the country
Invent a video game that you win by being the first to hire my girl/
6. The most practical idea is to use parent's friends and other adult
aquaintances to network for jobs because education jobs ( any first job for
that matter) often comes about because of who you know. My subject has
many adult connections that she should be working to get a word of mouth
recommendation to someone who can give her a job.
I think the most disruptive idea
is the full digital assault where
she has video set up to link with
Click-to-Share to her resume
and lots of content that she can
link and present on social media.
Education is not used to flashy
digital content, but it would get
noticed in a good way.
My favorite idea is to make her
dad do a wrestling event to
get people to interview her.
Her dad used to be a pro
wrestler and he would love to
put his tights back on and
intimidate some people.
7. The most practical idea is to use parent's friends and other adult
aquaintances to network for jobs because education jobs ( any first job for
that matter) often comes about because of who you know. My subject has
many adult connections that she should be working to get a word of mouth
recommendation to someone who can give her a job.
I think the most disruptive idea
is the full digital assault where
she has video set up to link with
Click-to-Share to her resume
and lots of content that she can
link and present on social media.
Education is not used to flashy
digital content, but it would get
noticed in a good way.
My favorite idea is to make her
dad do a wrestling event to
get people to interview her.
Her dad used to be a pro
wrestler and he would love to
put his tights back on and
intimidate some people.