The document discusses REST (REpresentational State Transfer), an architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems. It provides an overview of REST principles like using URLs to identify resources, supporting CRUD operations through HTTP methods, and making resources accessible through hypertext. Examples are given of implementing RESTful services using Spring MVC, including using annotations and the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver component. Additional resources on REST and RESTful design with Spring MVC are also referenced.
8. 萬物皆資源Any information that can be named can be a resource{ 'obj1': {? 'child1':'value1', ? 'child2':'value2'? },? 'array1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}<People> <name>Fu</name> <Age>10</Age></People>
68. 給你魚竿 - RESTRoy Thomas Fielding 博士論文 URI design 簡介狠狠撸/2011/2/REST.pdfRESTful Rails Development (Representational State Transfer) and RESTful web services: Methods, Concepts and?Examples
69. 給你魚竿 - Spring MVC RESTSpring API MVC Rest in Spring 3: @MVC