Modern times require smarter approaches for creating software products. Extremely high competitive environment and global economy need us to be fast and responsive to prevent failures. There are a lot of practices in management, engineering and design were invented for the last decades. We shall discuss how to combine such things like Design Thinking, Agile, lean approach, proper technologies, and smart team for organizing the most effective development process for a startup.
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Design thinking, Agile. How to cook it as lean startup.
1. Design Thinking
How to cook it as a lean startup
Oleh Korkh
CTO, The7bits and CL
4. Wikipedia about Lean Startup
Lean startup is a methodology for developing
businesses and products, which aims to shorten
product development cycles and rapidly discover if
a proposed business model is viable.
7. Design thinking
Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process which seeks to
understand users, challenge assumptions, rede鍖ne problems
and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. The
method consists of 5 phases Empathize, 禽艶鍖n艶, Ideate,
Prototype and Test and is most useful when you want to tackle
problems that are ill-de鍖ned or unknown.
8. Empathise
Author/Copyright holder: Teo Yu Siang and Interaction Design Foundation. Copyright licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
14. Agile
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
20. Conclusion
Do not concentrate much on the original idea
Iterate, do not think much with roadmaps
Be ready for changes
Be responsive
No over detailed plans, update priorities and forecast
Use technologies which are suitable for rapid development
Vision-, trust- and empathy-driven process